The smart card is the best assistant in any business

In the new millennium, when the volumes and nature of information acquired a tremendous amount, new methods and programs for their rapid assimilation became extremely necessary. Such methods soon appeared and were called "smart cards." Their creator is Tony Buchan, a famous psychologist and author of many books on self-improvement, the development of memory and thinking. His most famous work - the book "Superthinking", created in conjunction with his brother, is a hit and fulcrum for many of his followers.

smart card

What is an intelligence card for?

A smart card (from the English mindmap, or mental card) is a creative way of revealing a topic, concept, idea, any object of thought, or even history. They will help you in:

  • time and activity planning;
  • systematization and distribution of necessary information;
  • development of memory, increasing mental activity;
  • preparation for a performance;
  • study, absolutely any professional field: be it marketing, economics, teaching, industry, etc. etc.;
  • finding the necessary solution in a rather difficult situation;
  • the study of various options for events and decisions, in order to identify the best for you.
    tony busan

Intelligent cards from Tony Busan have gained wide scope due to the simplicity of their execution. Their effectiveness is to increase productivity, often on a fairly large scale.

How to create?

An intelligent card is very easy to create - you only need a pen and a sheet, you can also use a computer screen, tablet, laptop. The brain assimilates a multi-colored and multi-dimensional intelligence card more easily than a regular gray abstract with diagrams and tables, so it is better to use multi-colored pens or pencils.

  1. The first step is to stock up on material, that is, information that you will distribute along the branches.
  2. Then you need to create a central image from which the map will be built, on the sheet and in your thoughts when you need it.
  3. From this image, draw a few thick lines, they will symbolize the main thoughts, key points or phrases.
  4. From these branches draw small branches that are secondary key points.
    smart cards programs

As you can see, the smart card is easily supplemented with additional branches, elements and associations, easy to read, easily accessible to understand.

How does the brain work?

In order to understand how a smart card works, we need to first understand the principles of the brain. We all know: the brain consists of two hemispheres, each is responsible for its functional set peculiar only to it. For example, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical meanings and sequences, words, numbers, formulas, diagrams, and analysis. While the right is the perception of rhythm and color, depth and space, imagination and representation of images. Most people rely mainly on the left hemisphere when solving their tasks, and a constant load on only one part of the brain atrophies the second, as a result of which the entire brain loses, since the main potential is not involved.

Maps load the whole brain

The brain functions perfectly when connecting both hemispheres, which Tony Busan tried to achieve, creating his new method. The figures connect the right hemisphere to the work, and the connections between them - the left, competent correlation of both allows you to use those reserves that were not previously in demand. So the smart card will help your whole brain work, and its constant use will make working with images habitual, which is a key point in all areas of life. T

smart cards examples
So, many people say that after working with the cards for a long time, they notice that they finish building them in the head when reading or communicating, and this does not introduce chaos, but, on the contrary, increases understanding. Using your brain with such intensity, you can ensure its normal functioning and performance.

Intelligent cards: programs

Now special programs are very popular in the world, with the help of which you can quickly and competently create mental maps. About two hundred different programs in different categories have now been created in the world:

  • paid;
  • Free
  • online services.

Working on them is quite simple: first you need to go to the editor’s menu and start with “Creating a new intelligence card”. A convenient dialog box will immediately appear in which you will need to start creating a mental map by entering a keyword - the program will immediately create a colored central symbol with your word. After that, you will need to enter additional keywords that will be responsible for the branches coming from the central symbol. The program will draw and color each branch itself, and it will be possible to edit all the moments, starting from the color and ending with a diagram of the structure of all branches. You can also copy and propagate branches, move them, delete as desired. Very convenient, isn't it?

smart cards by tony buzan

What are the benefits of programs?

An intelligent card will help you to correctly distribute all the information and outline its key points. But what if the amount of information is simply huge and cannot enter the standard schemes painted on a piece of paper? That is why programs have gained such popularity - they will help you create three-dimensional and multi-dimensional maps, with large volumes of information and sections.

Mega-intellect cards are large-scale smart cards, examples of which you can find in the program editor or online service. This method is popular in industry and large companies, but it can be useful to anyone who uses this technique. They will help you increase your efficiency, and grow your map with hyperlinks with multilevel information, the development of idea centers for new maps - after all, each such intellectual map will be part of a large whole created to help you in any undertaking.


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