What is pathopsychology? Experimental Pathopsychology Techniques

Pathopsychology is one of the specific branches of science. The data obtained during research in the framework of this discipline are of great theoretical and practical importance. Let us consider in more detail the basics of pathopsychology.

pathopsychology is

general characteristics

In the modern scientific environment, there is some confusion of different concepts, the incorrect use of certain terms. In this regard, the need for a separation of pathopsychology and psychopathology is logical. The latter is considered the branch of medical science. It is focused on the study of syndromes, symptoms of diseases of the mental system. Within this discipline, various kinds of violations and their mechanisms are studied. Pathopsychology is based on the laws of the structure and development of the psyche in the norm. She explores and compares the decay of personality traits with the normal course of processes. Thus, both of these sciences have similar objects of research, but different subjects.


Pathopsychology is a science aimed at obtaining additional information about the patient's condition. In particular, the study is subject to his cognitive activity, emotional-volitional sphere, personality as a whole. This information is required when making a diagnosis. Experimental methods of pathopsychology allow us to identify many signs of violations, to establish their structure and relationship with each other.

pediatric pathology
Another important task that is solved within the discipline is to conduct research for examination (judicial, military, labor). In the process of such a procedure, a specialist can establish the structure of disorders and their relationship with the safe aspects of the psyche's activity or conduct differential diagnosis. Such a study is fraught with certain difficulties. They are primarily determined by the interest of the patient. In this regard, the patient can minimize the manifestations of violations, strengthen them or even pretend to avoid responsibility or to obtain disability. Another task that pathopsychology solves is the study of changes under the influence of therapy. In such cases, the same sets of techniques are used. With repeated research with their help, the dynamics of the state are established, the effectiveness of treatment is determined.
ruinstein pathopsychology

Additional functions

In recent years, experimental pathopsychology has been used to solve two additional problems. The first is related to rehabilitation measures. During their conduct, experts pay great attention to the discovery of the safe sides of the patient’s personality and psyche. In addition, the patient’s social environment, the nature of relations with other people, educational and labor attitudes are studied. The objective of this study is to develop recommendations that would facilitate faster rehabilitation. The second independent function of specialists is their participation in psychotherapeutic activities. Here, however, it is worth noting that the issue of doctor’s participation in them is not sufficiently regulated at the legislative level.

Development of science

As an independent industry, pathopsychology began to take shape at the beginning of the 20th century. The most clear ideas about the subject of science are reflected in the works of Ankylosing spondylitis. In his opinion, pathopsychology is the process of studying abnormal manifestations in the initial stages of the formation of the system. At the institute, organized by Bekhterev, various courses were taught. At the same time, a clear line was immediately drawn between the pathopsychology and psychopathology.

experimental pathopsychology

Domestic figures

From its very beginnings, the development of the industry was based on strong natural-science traditions. The formation of principles and techniques was carried out under the influence of Sechenov's works. He attached particular importance to the connection between psychology and psychiatry. Bekhterev became Sechenov's successor on this path. He is considered the founder of the pathopsychological industry in psychological science. Representatives of his school have developed many research methods for the mentally ill. Even today they are widely used in the discipline. The main principles of the study were formulated:

  1. The use of complex techniques.
  2. Conducting a qualitative analysis of mental disorders.
  3. Individual approach.
  4. Comparison of the results of the study of patients with information about healthy individuals according to gender, age, and cultural level.
    basics of pathopsychology

Pediatric Pathopsychology

Before the works of Zeigarnik appeared in science, it was believed that with a number of neurotic diseases, the patient's behavior begins to move to a lower level, which reflects a certain stage of the child's development. Based on this concept, many scientists have tried to identify a correspondence between the process of disintegration of personality and a specific stage in childhood. For example, Kretschmer brought schizophrenic thinking closer to adolescent development. In 1966, at the 8th International Congress, Azhuriagerra (a Swiss scientist) defended the opinion of layered mental decay from higher to lower forms. Such conclusions were based on a number of observations:

  1. In some diseases, patients lose the ability to carry out complex varieties of activity. Along with this, they retain simple skills.
  2. Some forms of behavioral and cognitive disorders resemble the actions and thinking of a child.
    experimental methods of pathopsychology

Luria, Zeigarnik, Rubinstein: pathopsychology and biological patterns

The data of these researchers concerned impaired thinking, reading and writing in patients with vascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, who had brain injuries. Based on the information received, a new point of view was substantiated. It consisted in the fact that the course of mental illness is influenced by biological patterns. They cannot repeat the principles and stages of development. Even when young, specific brain departments are affected, the patient's psyche does not acquire the structure of a child at an early stage of development. The fact that the patient is not able to reason and think at a high level indicates a loss of complex forms of cognition and behavior. But this does not mean that he is returning to the children's stage.

Theory of Myasishchev

She also played an important role in the development of pathopsychology. In accordance with the theory, the human person is presented as a system of relations between a person and the world around him. Such interactions have a complex structure and are expressed in mental activity. The disease makes changes and destroys the formed system of relationships. These disorders, in turn, can trigger a disease. Through this kind of contradiction, Myasischev investigated psychoses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34728/

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