The initial form of the noun: examples

In Russian, the initial form of the word is of great importance. Many of its grammatical forms depend on this. The noun is no exception.

What is the initial form of a noun?

To find out the initial form of a noun, you need to put it in the nominative case of the singular. Consider the rule using the words in a sentence as an example:

the initial form of the noun

In a series of symbols, Blok does not avoid purely allegorical images, symbols of long-frozen, metaphors already linguistic.

Words from the sentence

The initial form of the noun, examples

(Who? What?) number (one, one, one)

  • In a row.
  • Characters.
  • Of images.
  • Characters.
  • Metaphor.
  • What? One row.
  • What? Single character.
  • What? One image.
  • What? Single character.
  • What? One metaphor.

Thus, the initial form of the noun is determined. She will help us in the spelling of case endings.

Endings -i and -i in nouns 1 declensions

The spelling, named in the subtitle, is associated with the need to determine the initial form. The fact is that it depends on what, in which cases the ending -e is written in nouns, and when - the ending -i is written.

The initial form of the nouns of the first declension ends in -a, -i. Recall that you need to ask the question: "What?" Here are some examples:

  • wife;
  • land;
  • foliage;
  • Apple tree;
  • purity;
  • white;
  • running around.

The words –e and –i are written in these words. The choice is determined by the following scheme:

R. p. (Whom? What?) - I.

D. p. (Why? To whom?) - E.

Etc. n. (about whom? about what?) - E.

Here are some examples:

The initial form of the noun

In the genitive case

In the dative case

In the prepositional case


Did not fly to the ground.

The paratrooper was slowly approaching the ground.

Before the battle, each soldier recalls his native land.


It seemed that in these little eyes there was no soul at all.

All is sweet to his soul.

Time to remember the soul.

Practical task number 1

What letters would you insert instead of dots?

  1. Longing for Rodin ... tormented him every second.
  2. In the books ... you can find any information that interests you at the moment.
  3. Near the tracks ... there is a hat on the leg ....
  4. The company was alerted ....
  5. Around the clearing ... unknown blue flowers grew.
  6. In the fable ... Krylova "Casket" refers to people who are not looking for easy ways.
  7. This gossip ... do not believe, it is the envious who weave their machinations.
    the initial form of the word noun

Answers: 1) th, 2) th, 3) th, 4) th, 5) th, 6) th, 7) th.

Endings in nouns 2 declensions

The initial form of the noun word of the second declension in the middle gender ends in -o / -e, and in the masculine gender - in the consonant. For instance:

  • window;
  • village;
  • field;
  • the sun;
  • a business;
  • table;
  • pillar;
  • companion;
  • pencil.

If this is the initial form of a noun, then the word never has an ending -and:

  • R. p. (Whom? Why?) - A.
  • D. p. (What? To whom?) - W.
  • Etc. n. (about whom? about what?) - E.

As you can see, this spelling concerns only the form of the prepositional case:

  • I told everyone about my friend, who had not left home for a whole year.
  • And there are spots in the sun.

Practical task number 2

What endings are spelled out?

initial form of a noun 3 class

  • In the agreement ... the procedure for using common areas was set out in detail.
  • In an unfamiliar officer ... an old woman recognized her son.
  • Suddenly they remembered the paramedic, who lived nearby, and sent for him.
  • Selivanov told the boss about this engineer ... and his project ... and he agreed to meet with him.
  • Everyone worked and did not even think about the director ... but he still did not come.
  • On vacation ... everyone was well rested, now it's time to get to work with renewed vigor.
  • To the pass ... there was someone else's photograph.

Answer: the ending -e is written in all words.

Case endings of nouns 3 declensions

If the feminine noun is in the initial form, that is, in I. p. h. ends with a soft sign, it means that it is the third declension. Examples of such words:

  • notebook;
  • bed;
  • mother;
  • daughter;
  • bake;
  • False;
  • whim;
  • area.

If the initial form of the noun is just that, then these words never have the ending -e:

  • R. p. (Whom? What?) - I.
  • D. p. (Why? To whom?) - I.
  • Etc. n. (about whom? about what?) - I.

Here are a few examples:

the initial form of the noun examples

  • On the windows brightly aleran flowers of geraniums.
  • In the distance towers of the impregnable citadel towered.
  • Everyone on the ship was already dreaming of a solid earth.
  • She mixed ordinary wool with wool for strength.

Practical task number 3

Let’s take such a task, which every third grader should be able to cope with, since the 3rd grade gets acquainted with the theme “The initial form of the noun” as part of the school curriculum.

Indicate sentences with words ending with -i:

  1. In class, we read Chukovsky’s poem about cockroaches ....
  2. Yesterday, we went with my whole family to grandfather ... and grandmother ....
  3. I read in books ... about space ...
  4. Uncles ... have a ship model.
  5. Under the tree grew a large mushroom under a layer of pine needles ...
  6. The bright image of the teacher for a long time remained in the memory ... of his students.
  7. In June, on poplar ... seed bolls are formed, which then burst, and the seeds, together with fluff, scatter throughout the district ....
  8. In 1914, when the war began, Nastasya Vasilievna bequeathed a daughter ... all her infinite wealth and went to the front with a sister of mercy.
  9. A girl in a light dress ... from chintz surprisingly harmoniously blended into this picture of light, warmth and greenery.
  10. In a huge puddle .. reflected the starry sky and curly crowns of trees, overturned down by the tops.

Words on -i, -i, -i

There are also words whose initial form ends in -th, -th, -th:

  • sanatorium;
  • a maratorium;
  • dispensary;
  • lecture;
  • army;
  • section;
  • composition;
  • mixing;
  • disgrace.

Such words in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have the ending -and. For instance:

noun initial form of the verb

  • The North Star is the brightest in its constellation.
  • The father of the family once studied at a seminary for a long time.
  • Maria Ivanovna had two sons and four daughters.
  • Vitaly was wearing an old coarse knit sweater.
  • Mother often remembered Artemia and waited for him.
  • Mother’s heart was only in harmony with the world when all her children gathered in the house.
  • My brother is serving in the army.

As can be seen from the examples, in such cases at the end of the words we see a combination of the letters -i. Only the last of them is the ending.


Write down the text under dictation, put the nouns in the initial form.

what is the initial form of a noun

How good the autumn forest is! The trees dressed up as if in a fairy tale ... Only the spruce in its hvo ... frowns and throws cones from its top .... On the birch ... the leaves are yellow, transparent, toothed. Osinki ... orange mugs, very beautiful. The most beautiful outfit for maple ...: red, patterned, unusual. Because of him, you will not immediately see clusters of mountain ash ....

At the clearing ... on the path ... hare gatherings. The hares also have new clothes: on a gray coat ... there are white sags. A protein ... not up to date, it is all in the works .... How many more on the branch ... cones! And mushrooms to the ground ...! And the berries on the bush ...! No, she will rest in the winter in the warm ... yes satiety ....

The whole forest in the autumn stands in a special fascination ....

So, you have learned what form the initial nouns have, learned how to use this knowledge when choosing the spelling "E and I in the endings of nouns." You see how easy and simple it is. But the ability to determine the initial grammatical form is important not only when studying the topic "Noun": the initial form of the verb, for example, is also important for studying grammar, but this is a topic for another conversation.


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