Nasal rinse with chamomile

Is it useful to wash the nose with chamomile? In the process of developing a cold, doctors prescribe both a drug and alternative methods of therapy. Thanks to chamomile, you can get rid of a cold and eliminate the inflammatory process of the mucosa. Medicinal herbs are allowed to use to rinse the nose for people of any age category, including even newborns. Doctors say that it is not possible to cure an infectious disease with chamomile decoction, since therapy should be comprehensive. Under such conditions, an antimicrobial drug is indispensable. To normalize the work of the respiratory system and relieve symptoms of nasal congestion, you can use chamomile. Before treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since self-medication often provokes the development of serious health problems.

Treatment features

Doctor and patient

Why is it useful to flush the nose with chamomile? If a runny nose arose due to the development of an allergic reaction, then the studied medicinal herb should be used. Thanks to rinsing with the decoction of the plant, the accumulated dirt, dust and other particles that provoke the active formation of mucus are removed. In addition, the healing agent also has an anti-allergic effect on the nasal mucous membranes.

Chamomile infusion is hypoallergenic - this is the main advantage of this treatment. Is it possible to use this folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold should be clarified by the otolaryngologist. The doctor will detect the presence or absence of contraindications to this manipulation.

Useful properties of chamomile

Daisy plant

Flavonoids are present in the composition of medicinal herbs - these are chemical elements that are similar in structure to phenols and some vitamins. Chamomile also contains essential oils. Thanks to flavonoids, the damaged mucous membrane of the nasal passage is restored. After rinsing the nose with a plant, the inflammatory process is eliminated and tissue irritation is removed. Essential oils accelerate the absorption of nutrients. With the help of the infusion, you can thin the mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passage during a cold. Pathogenic microflora multiplies in mucus, so it is especially important to get rid of it. Thanks to washing the nose, you can accelerate the recovery of the patient and prevent the development of complications.

Cooking healing infusion. Recipes

Chamomile infusion

How to prepare infusion for washing the nose with chamomile? There are several effective recipes that can help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Consider the most popular:

  1. You should prepare a pharmacy medicinal chamomile, which is packaged in packages. It is enough to pour one bag of boiling water (1 tbsp.) And let it brew for 20 minutes. When the solution has cooled, it can be used to rinse the nose. It should be remembered that hot liquid can only aggravate the problem and provoke the development of a strong inflammatory process after the implementation of the manipulation.
  2. How to prepare a solution of chamomile for washing the nose? To prepare the next recipe, prepare dry grass. Dried plants can be bought at any pharmacy. Boiling water (1 tbsp.) Should pour grass (1 tbsp. L.) And send to infuse for an hour. Under any circumstances, the healing product should be infused until it cools down. Before washing the nose with chamomile, the infusion must be filtered. Since the solid component of the plant can damage the mucous membranes during the washing process.

Before each procedure, you need to prepare a new infusion. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 1 day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the following recommendations should be made:

  • sage must be brewed simultaneously with chamomile - in equal proportions;
  • add a few drops of iodine;
  • pour salt or baking soda into the medicinal product - it is important not to overdo it, otherwise severe irritation of the mucous membranes can be provoked.

Using your own palms to rinse

Therapist and patient

How to perform nose washing with chamomile with a cold with the palm of your hand? There are several rinse methods. Using your own hands is one of the easiest ways in which an effective flushing of the respiratory organ is performed. It is enough to pour infusion into the palm of your hand and dip your nose into it. Next, inhale the liquid. Tilt your head so that the nostrils are on top. In the process of carrying out the manipulation, drug substances settle on the mucous membrane. This technique can be used to treat a patient of any age, except for newborns.

We use a syringe

At the reception at the ENT

With the help of a syringe, people of any age, including newborns, are washed their nose with chamomile infusion. Before treating a runny nose in a nursing baby, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, since self-medication often provokes the development of serious health problems. Toddlers are too vulnerable to any negative environmental effects, and therefore their health can be worse. To perform manipulation, chamomile decoction must be typed into disposable syringes without a needle. You should take one and bring it to the nostril. Be sure to hold the second nostril. Then by pressing on the piston and start up the liquid. It is important that the pressure is not too intense, since it can get into the middle ear and cause an inflammatory process. During the treatment of children under 6 years of age, it is necessary to use a syringe with extreme caution, since a strong jet of medicine can damage the mucous membranes. Due to the fact that the second nostril is clamped, the solution remains for some time in the nasal cavity. Under such conditions, the drug settles on the inner surface. It is enough to tilt your head so that the infusion flows out of the nostrils.

Pipette application

How to perform nose washing with chamomile for a child? Doctors do not recommend using a pipette to rinse the nose, since this technique is the least effective. In the process of carrying out the manipulation, a small amount of the drug enters the nose, but nevertheless, such a technique is optimal for the treatment of newborns. A baby needs to drip a few drops of a healing agent into each of the nostrils and pinch her nose for a few seconds. In the process, it is important not to disturb the baby's breathing and not provoke oxygen starvation. After this, turn the child so that his head is at the bottom. Under such conditions, the medicine will flow out on its own. For an adult, the dosage is 6 drops in each nostril. The procedure for washing the nose with a decoction of chamomile should be completed by blowing your nose.

Indian method

How to wash the nose with chamomile for sinusitis using the Indian method? Using a clay teapot or Aqua Maris appliance, you can rinse your nose with chamomile infusion. To do this, you need to pour a healing agent into the dishes and insert its nose into the nostril. Lower the head and turn to the side. Under such conditions, the liquid substance will pass through the nasal cavity. Using this method of therapy, it is impossible to cure a runny nose in young children, but already from the age of 8 they can master the Indian method.

Deep rinse

Deep washing is the most effective method of therapy. It is necessary to pour chamomile medicine into a container with a wide open top. You can use a bowl for this. After that, we pinch one nostril with your finger, and the second intensively retract the chamomile infusion. The mouth must be closed, as the chamomile solution will flow through it. Using this technique, the common cold in adults is treated. Thanks to this manipulation, the nasopharynx and nasal passages are thoroughly cleaned. Doctors do not recommend abusing such manipulations, since intensive cleaning of normal microflora can provoke the development of diseases. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you should rinse your nose no more than 2 times a day for 6 days. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly blow your nose in order for the liquid and mucus to come out of the nose. After washing, you should be in a warm room - this will help prevent hypothermia of the sinuses.

Is it possible to cure a runny nose with chamomile?

Doctor's recommendations

Doctors say that rinsing with chamomile infusion is effective only at the initial stage of the development of the common cold - when the mucous membrane has dried up in the nose and a crust has formed. A decoction of chamomile moisturizes the mucous membranes and accelerates the healing process of the patient. This plant is known in folk medicine because it effectively eliminates inflammatory processes and adversely affects harmful microorganisms. Rinse your nose with chamomile decoction is effective only with the bacterial form of the disease. But inhalations during the treatment of the common cold of this kind cannot be done, since the disease will only worsen and complications will appear. It is not recommended to wash the nose with chamomile without first consulting a medical professional. Doctors' reviews indicate that the use of chamomile is permissible only as part of complex therapy.

Note to patient

Note to patient

Experts are of the opinion that during steam inhalation with chamomile decoction with a cold, the amount of necessary elements that enter the nose is lower than the threshold at which there is at least some drug effect. Before rinsing the nose with chamomile infusion, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination and pass all the necessary laboratory tests in order to identify the cause that triggered the onset of a runny nose and begin treatment of the underlying ailment. Quite often, an allergy provokes the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. Under such conditions, therapy is aimed at eliminating an allergic reaction. An effective drug can only be prescribed by a doctor - self-medication exacerbates the course of the disease.


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