Blagovarskaya duck: breed description

Along with breeding chickens, in private courtyards you can see another bird: geese, ducks, quails, guinea fowls. All of them are called upon to provide the population with meat, eggs, feathers, and down. Blagovarskaya duck copes with these tasks as well as possible. High egg production and excellent quality meat make it profitable for breeding in a private compound.

Breeding history

The Blagovarsky duck breed is a highly productive cross-country obtained by breeders in 1998 at the Blagovarsky breeding ground (Bashkiria). The task was to bring out not only a highly productive bird, but also possessing high immunity. The hybrid young of the blessed ducks is characterized by a markedly increased growth energy.

Description of the bird:

  • the body is wide, raised;
  • sternum is rounded;
  • the head is small;
  • beak - red-orange;
  • neck - medium size, flexible;
  • paws - pink, short, widely set;
  • plumage is white.

A distinctive feature of the bird is its weight, which is significantly more than other breeds of ducks.

breeding duck breed

Parent lines

Blagovarskaya duck was derived on the basis of the gene pool of Medeo cross-country lines. This is one of the best heavy crosses in the world. Parent lines B-1 and B-2 by themselves are characterized by high productivity:

  • B-1 - paternal line. It was created on the basis of ducks of the M-1 line, the Medeo cross. The bird is clearly expressed meat type, with a wide long body. The character is calm, balanced. Egg production - up to 200 eggs (for 40 weeks) weighing 95 grams. Fertilization of eggs is 89%, ducklings yield is 70%. By seven months, ducks gain weight in 3.3 kg, drakes - 3.4 kg. Payment of feed: per 1 kg of growth - 2.8 feed. units
  • B-2 - the maternal line. The bird is distinguished by well-defined meat forms, but they are somewhat inferior to the paternal line. The bird is mobile, active, from B-1 it is distinguished by higher reproductive qualities. Egg production can reach 240 pieces (over 40 weeks) with an egg weight of 90 grams. Egg fertilization - 93%, ducklings yield - up to 80%. Youngsters gain weight by seven months: females - up to 3 kg, males - up to 3.2 kg. Payment of feed - 3 feed units per kilogram of gain in live weight.

Owing to such properties of the source lines, the benevolent breed of ducks perfectly combines economically useful traits.

Breed characteristics

Blagovarsky ducks (see photo in the text) have the following characteristics:

blessed duck

  • egg production in 9 months - up to 240 pieces;
  • meat yield: 86.7% in semi-gutted form, 67.8% in gutted meat;
  • carcass obesity - 38%;
  • egg weight - 90 grams;
  • the safety of young animals - 98% (in the first seven months);
  • hatchability of ducklings - 81%;
  • the color of the egg is white;
  • duck weight - 3.2 kg;
  • drake mass - 3.5 kg;
  • temperament - calm;
  • productivity - meat and egg;
  • payment of feed: 10 eggs - 3.3 feed. units, per 1 kg of growth - 2.72 feed. units


At the age of 42 days (6 weeks), ducklings gain weight up to 3 kg. This allows you to get twice or even three times full ducks for slaughter for meat during the summer period. Poultry is characterized by excellent meat qualities, high productivity at low feed costs. Very resistant to various diseases. A high yield of ducklings justifies the investment. It is preferable to purchase hybrid bred or subsistence ducklings in specialized farms - incubator-poultry farms.

good ducks photo

Blagovar duck is perfectly adapted to the conditions of the household plot. Almost any room can be adapted for a duck-car. For proper maintenance, a fenced walking range and uninterrupted supply of drinking water (in the absence of a reservoir) will be required.

It is considered the most beneficial for keeping at home. From the duck alone, during the summer period you can easily get more than 100 eggs and grow at least 50 ducklings, which gain a weight of up to 3 kg in a couple of months. Blagovarskaya duck, despite the relative "youth", enjoys well-deserved popularity among amateur poultry farmers.


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