What is an emotional background: how to improve and change to a positive

Each of the inhabitants of our planet has a certain emotional background. Simply put - the mood. And, basically, people are used to dividing it into good and bad. During the gloomy autumn, the emotional background of many is replaced by a negative one. This is the time of the greatest number of depression and gloom. You will learn how to defeat a bad mood and change it to a good one from the article.

Optimists are always held in high esteem

Surely you yourself noticed such a tendency in life that much more people are attracted to people with an optimistic outlook on life than to a gloomy beech.

Good mood

In fact, everything is not without reason and quite logical. Each of us is attracted by carefree and happy personalities who are able to share a good mood with others. After all, each of us consciously or subconsciously wants to live a life without problems, anxieties and anguish.

Are there absolute optimists?

However, everything in the world is balanced. And there are no one hundred percent optimists or pessimists. Most often, the percentage of the first and second definition balances in a person on the verge of 50 by 50. And depending on life circumstances, the pendulum outweighs on one or the other side.

But it happens when the percentage of optimism in a person goes off scale and practically displaces a negative view of the situation. It is these people who are called optimists in life. They are drawn to them, as to the light, they want to follow them and be near. And if it is difficult to fundamentally change your principles and character, then starting to monitor your emotional background and becoming a little more joyful is quite possible.

Negatives and grunts

These are the words most often called those people who have not yet learned to improve their mood. Typically, others shun pessimistic personalities and try to contact with them to a minimum.

Who wants to listen to an hour-long story about how cruel and unjust this world is? Or that there is no way out of this situation, so you have to drag your miserable existence further? Of course, no one. But in most cases, unfortunately, such people do not understand why literally all colleagues and acquaintances turn away from them. And only a few take on the restoration of their emotional background, i.e. mood.

Causes of a bad mood in a person

We suggest you consider the most common causes of low emotional background in people. What most often makes them feel depressed?

  • People around. It is amazing how in a society of people everything is connected and intertwined. So it turns out that a person’s mood is affected by his environment. In the company of like-minded people who are pleasant to us, we feel completely different than in the circle of people who do not share our views.
  • Tense atmosphere and stress. It is no secret that any stressful situation can knock out the soil from under a person’s feet. Conflicts at home, clarification of relations with superiors, and rudeness in the store often negatively affect the overall emotional background.
Resentment of man
  • Bad mood often appears due to money plan problems. Lack of livelihoods leads to stress and, as a result, to neurosis.
  • Lack of sleep. Yes, the banal lack of hours of sleep leads not only to health problems, but also to a low emotional background.

Here, perhaps, are the main situations of why the mood can go bad.

Practical ways to be a little happier

Psychology experts believe that a person’s mood directly depends on the course of his thoughts. Therefore, they give one valuable advice to all their customers - to look at the world around us in a positive way, without attaching much importance to troubles. Indeed, in this life everything is decided and very temporary. Do you recall a year later that spoils your mood today? And after 10? Unlikely. If self-tuning does not help you, use other ways of raising your mood:

1. Walk. There is nothing more beautiful and useful than a walk in the fresh air.

Walk in the park

Choose a calm and peaceful place, park or alley. And even if today there is no one to keep you company, go for a walk. Walking and contemplation of nature have not harmed anyone yet!

2. Music. Make a list of works that fill you with positive energy. And listen to them always when the mood is at zero.

The favorite music

3. Throw trash out of the house. Remember the important rule: everything that you do not use for a long time, is subject to immediate decontamination. Finally get rid of ugly things and unnecessary interior items, stretched sweaters and uninteresting books. Having collected even a small bag of trash, you will feel a surge of strength and an improvement in mood. And if you do this together with paragraph 2, the process will go even faster!

4. Change. Many experts in positive psychology advise, in case of a decline in mood, to change themselves externally. Of course, not every one of you is capable of changing colors from blonde to red or vice versa at a time. Therefore, take at least a small step. For example, cut a bang, grow nails in the salon, buy a dress of an unusual color and style for you. The main thing is to carefully consider a new image. Otherwise, you can regret the matter done on emotions.

Raise the emotional mood background by any means acceptable to you. And always have on hand a couple of effective express methods to combat the spleen. A bar of your favorite chocolate in a bag or, for example, a subscription to the pool.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34747/

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