What is hockey and what are the rules of the game. What is ice hockey and how does it differ from field hockey

What is hockey? Hockey is a popular sport that can become a fairly good kind of fitness in the winter. In order to avoid a variety of injuries, players will need to purchase all the necessary equipment. Do not forget about the warm-up, which should take place before the start of the game. So, it's worth talking in more detail about what hockey is.

What is a sports game?

What is hockey
Hockey is considered to be the most popular winter sport. This game will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. On any ice section located in the courtyard, you can see a company that is driving the puck briskly. Well, they surely know what ice hockey is.

Ice hockey is a sports game (a subspecies of hockey), which consists in the competition of two teams. Athletes must throw the puck into the opponent’s goal, passing it with the help of clubs. But at the same time we must try to protect our gates. Whoever scores more will win.

What do you need to purchase for the game?

In order to understand what hockey is, you need to talk about equipment. What do you need to purchase for playing hockey?

  1. The equipment of a player who is a field player includes: a club, a bib, skates, a helmet, elbow pads, a sink that protects the groin area from being hit by a puck and other various injuries. You will also need to purchase hockey shorts with a special pad. They can prevent injuries in the event of falls and collisions, as well as when hitting the puck. You can’t do without gloves, shields and a sweater that should be worn over the bib.
    What is ice hockey
  2. The goalkeeper’s equipment contains the following elements: mask, trap (gloves that are designed so that the puck can be caught), shields.
  3. In the production of clubs, wood or other material is used. For example, aluminum. Plastic may also be used.
  4. The diameter of the washer reaches 7.62 centimeters. In its manufacture, vulcanized rubber or other material approved by the Hockey Federation is used. Mostly its color is black.

What rules will need to be considered?

So, we move on to the next point of the question of what is ice hockey. The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Before starting the game, the manager or the coach himself must provide the judge with a list that will indicate the names and numbers of the athletes participating in the competition. The list should include the player who is the captain and the athlete who is his deputy. Each team can provide a list of at least 20 field players and two goalkeepers. After the gameplay begins, you cannot make any changes. If a team cannot release the required number of players in uniform on the ice, then the game stops. This must be reported to certain authorities.
    what is ice hockey
  2. Each team should have a captain and about two alternates. The captain mark must be applied to the form in the form of the letter "C". Alternates can be recognized by the letter “A”. Letters must be distinct from each other. Their height should reach 8 cm. Only these players will be able to discuss with the judge certain issues that may appear during the gameplay. A goalkeeper, playing coach or manager may not be a captain or substitute. In the event that the captain or alternates are not on the ice, they can go on it only at the invitation of the judge. In the event that all of the listed players are on the ice, then only the captain can discuss any issues with the judge.

These are the basic rules that you need to know in order to play ice hockey. Naturally, there are still a large number of rules and nuances that you should be aware of when playing a similar game. For example, you can’t move the gate.

Should I give my child to the hockey section?

what is hockey for kids
Parents often try to find out what hockey is for children. They need this in order to understand whether it is worth giving their child to the section to practice this sport. There are pros and cons in this business. For example, hockey will help the baby’s sports development, make him stronger, etc. But among the minuses, high injury risk can be distinguished. However, everyone must make their own choices.

The popularity of the game on ice

Hockey has gained wide popularity in the modern world. Many bookmakers offer to bet. Everyone can also bet on the total. And it cannot be said that there are few such people. What is total in hockey? This is the total number of points or goals that will be achieved by a particular team.

What is a game that is played on the grass?

What is ice hockey? Playing on the grass is a summer sport that has been included in the list of Olympic sports events. Only the Field Hockey Federation, which is an international organization, can organize competitions in this game.

This game gained the most popularity in the UK and those countries that are former British colonies - Pakistan, India, Australia. In America and Canada, only girls studying in college or university are fond of this type of hockey.

From the history of a sporting event

What is total in hockey
What is field hockey? They began to think about this in ancient Egypt and Greece. The Aztecs and Japanese were also fond of it. The rules of this game were invented in England at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, there have been no major changes.

The first championship in this sport took place in 1971. Since then, such competitions have been held constantly. In 1908, field hockey became an Olympic sporting event. Among men, competitions began to be held again from 1908.

In Russia, a similar game began to be popular around 1960. The first field hockey organization appeared around 1967. She joined the International Federation. However, in the USSR, this game did not acquire as much popularity as ice hockey has.

What rules should you know?

Field hockey is played by athletes divided into two teams. In each - 11 people. The duration of one half is 35 minutes. The break between them is 10 minutes. As in other types of hockey, athletes use clubs. The gameplay involves trying to put the ball into the goal of an opposing team using a club. Only the goalkeeper can touch the hands or feet of the ball. Other players are not allowed to take this step.

The game takes place on an artificial surface. Victory is awarded to the group of athletes who score more goals. If the score is equal, then a draw will be announced or extra time will be appointed. A dispute can also be resolved with a penalty.

The differences between the two sports

what is field hockey
These are the basic rules that field hockey carries. As you can see, there are enormous differences between the above sports not only in coverage, but also in equipment. And the injury hazard of these sports differs in autumn seriously. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that ice hockey is many times more dangerous than field hockey.


But regardless of the differences, in essence the games are very similar. In addition, sport, he is a sport - they need to deal with in any of its manifestations. Therefore, one should only wish good luck to those people who want to devote their lives to hockey. And it doesn’t matter - on the grass they will play it, or on ice. I hope you now know what ice hockey is, and how it differs from the same sport, only on the grass.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34762/

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