Self-organization is the way to success

Many people seriously thinking about the art of time management are concerned about issues related to the organization of time. Businessmen and novice freelancers were able to feel for themselves how important it is to significantly manage their time resources correctly .

“What a pity that there are only twenty-four hours in a day! How many cases could be redone! ” they sigh.

self-organization is

It should be noted that it is very important to correctly approach the planning process, then twenty minutes a day can be used with benefit and great benefit for yourself. Self-organization is a responsible and laborious process that can and should be learned. This article is dedicated to people who want to use the magic treasure - time - with benefit and achieve their goals in life.

Why is it important to plan time?

Time is the only irreplaceable resource. For example, if a person has lost money, then this, of course, is unpleasant, but they can always be earned, thereby the loss will be made up for. There is little pleasant in this situation, but there is always a way out of it. Time cannot be returned. No one has yet managed to return to the past to correct the mistakes of youth. We have only the present. “Here and Now” is the slogan of confident, successful people. Losers live either in the past or in the future, they constantly miss the real opportunities that life offers at this moment.

theory of self-organization

The theory of self-organization implies that a person who realizes the need for a clear planning of his activities will relentlessly control his own desires and monitor the time intervals that go to the implementation of a particular activity. As a rule, such people pursue high goals and want to become successful.

How to organize the day

To clearly answer this question, a person must imagine the goal and objectives of the whole day. After all, if the morning began aimlessly, you chatted lazily with your family, then you watched a little TV, all dreaming of later planning, most likely this day has already been lost. You have launched the laziness program, and you absolutely do not want to take active steps. Then it’s better to make it a day off and you won’t have to regret anything.

self-organization conditions

Planning for the next day is better the night before. So it is more likely that you will not miss significant details, and you will increase the chances of making friends with time, so that in the future it works for you, and not you for him. The development of self-organization begins with a strong desire and the ability to limit yourself in what impedes your forward movement.

Effective activity

To make the work a joy, and on Monday morning you would like to run to the office, it certainly should be loved. If you are tired of carrying out the same regulated set of certain actions every day, think about it, maybe you are not doing your job. It's never too late to fix everything, however, you must have the necessary resources and strength.

social self-organization

Self-organization is the ability to build a business in such a way that it works efficiently and benefits. Note that the average person works 40-45 hours a week. A businessman who wants to become successful spends more than 80-100 hours in work in seven days. The difference is huge. In addition, the employee sometimes lacks the motivation to work productively: from Monday, he begins to dream of Friday, when, finally, the weekend approaches. One who develops his own business gets tired much less, because activity brings joy and a state of inspiration. I want to work, to improve myself.

Time to rest

Never forget to restore your strength on time. Otherwise, you can even go to overwork on your favorite job, which can negatively affect not only labor productivity, but also health. A copywriter, for example, should take care of the safety of his vision, correct posture. Often, from sedentary work, the weight starts to increase imperceptibly, so it becomes completely out of place to do physical exercises and move more. Take reasonable breaks in work, do not forget about health. If you feel pain in your eyes, stop immediately.

Family tasks

Despite the importance of professional activity, you can not ignore loved ones. Yes, it is very important to become successful, but if this is achieved by reducing the interaction with your family and friends, then in the end the fruits of these titanic efforts will not bring you the expected satisfaction. The conditions of self-organization should not drive you into such a tight framework that you could not change if you wanted. Take care of children more, have a weekend. Let it become clearly fixed days of the week, so it will be easier for everyone. And when you are not working, give loved ones joy!


Self-organization is, first of all, an effective movement towards the intended goal. To be successful, you must be sure that you are moving in the right direction. Therefore, it is so important to find your destination, and not just engage in promising business following your best friend. Look for yourself, try, and when you find, devote more time to self-development. Social self-organization is expressed in the need to bring light and goodness to other people, to serve them through effectively performed activities. An accomplished person is happy from what benefits others.

self-organization development

Thus, self-organization is a necessary step for the formation of personality. The future depends entirely on how efficiently a person uses his time.


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