What is the Internet

The Internet is a worldwide computer network that combines many local networks and individual computers. The information stored in many local networks and in individual computers connected to each other by the Internet forms a kind of gigantic electronic library, access to the resources of which for individuals and enterprises can be either paid or completely free. Now it’s clear what the Internet is.

The amount of data stored on the Network and distributed between the host computers connected by the Network is so large that access to them is sometimes difficult - this is due to the fact that the necessary information can simply be lost in the whole ocean of other information - necessary, useful and absolutely worthless.

To facilitate the search for the necessary information, there are so-called search engines (Search Engines), which use the search algorithm among a significant number of documents for keywords. In the Russian part of the Internet, Yandex and Rambler are the most well-known among search services, and Yandex provides a huge number of additional services for webmasters, including the keyword statistics service, and for “ordinary” users who can use the postal service or Yandex payment system -Money is along with other modern electronic services.

To the question “What is the Internet”, the following answer can be given: the Internet is the most dynamic and rapidly developing information exchange system in history. The Internet never stands still, the number of users is constantly growing. This is largely due to the emergence of the possibility of access to the Internet through mobile phones and modern televisions.

And when did the Internet appear? How did this happen? The Internet has emerged as the result of top-secret research conducted by the United States Department of Defense to develop and test methods that would help computer networks survive if hostilities begin. The very first such network was ARPAnet, which combined three networks in California and a network in Utah. The association did not happen just like that, but following a certain set of rules, which was called IP - Interne Protocol or, in Russian, Internet protocol.

In the year 1972, universities and research organizations gained access to the Network, ARPAnet grew somewhat and began to unite 50 universities and research organizations that were contracted with the United States Department of Defense. Already in 1973, the network became international. At the same time, networks were combined in England and Norway. That's when the Internet came about.

The WWW, otherwise called the World Wide Web or the World Wide Web, gave a powerful impetus to the further development and popularization of the Internet. The system of hypertext documents that appeared at the same time made the journey through the Internet fast, clear and safe.

In general, the idea of ​​transferring documents through hypertext appeared back in the sixties and was proposed by Ted Nelson, but at that time it was not realized, since the level of development of computer technology then could not contribute to its implementation. That's about when the Internet appeared.

What is now understood by the term WWW, or rather, its foundations, was laid down by Tim Berners-Lee at the time when he was working on the creation of a hypertext system, which resulted in the very first text browser that allowed you to view text files related to each other with other hyperlinks. In 1991, access to the browser was provided to the general public, but only outside the scientific community, the browser spread very slowly.

Now that the Internet is known, it’s not that many, but perhaps all. When it comes to what the Internet is, we immediately mean the most popular and most common services, among which, according to the definition of the Internet, the most important are email (e-mail), searching, browsing and possible downloading to your computer various multimedia information using one of the browsers available on the market, electronic commerce and on-line communication in real time.

You can define the Internet or WWW, which is almost identical, and therefore used in speech almost the same way, approximately as a combination of multimedia and text files distributed in the world through the Network and various services in such a way that they become available for public access. This is what the Internet is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34767/

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