Cucumber "heroic strength": photo with description, productivity

Cucumber "heroic power" is a self-pollinating early-ripening variety developed by Russian breeders of the RSAU-MSHA. The variety is produced under the sign of the company "Manul" and is one of the most popular among summer residents. If you believe the reviews, with proper care and good agricultural technology from one bush you can collect over 20 kilograms of crispy, delicious greenery.

Growing cucumbers

Hybrid Description

Cucumber "heroic power" appeared on the market so long ago, but in a short period of its existence managed to become popular among summer residents. The variety has a bunch type fruiting. The plant is characterized by abundant bundle ovaries, on each of which from six to ten fruits. The duration of the growing season is before the onset of cold weather, and in regions where the climate is already cool, fruiting ends in late August. In the southern regions, the variety bears fruit until September.

The unique ability of the plant to produce by the beam method allows to increase productivity and makes the cucumber “heroic power” very popular not only among gardeners, but also among farmers.

Cucumber Powerful


The variety is suitable for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses, tunnels. As follows from the description, cucumbers "heroic strength" can be grown in any region. The variety is fruitful. The length of each cucumber is 12 cm, the diameter is 3-3.5 cm. The bushes are able to self-regulate growth, give a good increase in lateral shoots. Thick lashes twist around the main stem.

The leaves of the plant are dark green, the root system is powerful, the trunk is strong. Because of these characteristics, the variety got its name - “heroic strength”. Cucumber has a unique resistance to various diseases. It is not exposed to powdery mildew, downy mildew, mosaic virus, olive spotting. But pests attack it quite often. The main pests of plants are mites, aphids. To prevent their appearance, plants are treated with chemicals, such as Inta-Vir, Metaldehyde and others. You can use ash and slaked lime, as well as other ways to control pests.


According to reviews, cucumbers "heroic strength" have a regular, even shape. They have limited growth. All greenbacks stop growth by about 15 cm. As a result of such self-regulation, the harvested crop has a beautiful appearance, since all the cucumbers are even in length and thickness.

Judging by the description of the variety, the “heroic strength” cucumbers are juicy, dense, with a pronounced cucumber taste and aroma. The skin is dark green, dense. This allows you to save the taste of the fruit during canning.

Cucumber seeds

Growing Features

In order to grow the “heroic strength” cucumbers (see photo in the article) beautiful and tasty, you need to properly plant the plants and provide them with proper care. Not only the quantity of the crop depends on this, but also the duration of the growing season.

The peculiarity of beam cucumbers is that they need regular top dressing. This is due to the fact that the beam type of fruiting requires a large amount of nutrients from the plant. They need to be regularly replenished.

Growing plants

Cucumbers can be grown in seedlings, and crops can be sown directly into the ground.

For growing seedlings, it is necessary to determine the timing of planting plants in permanent places. Cucumber seedlings are planted at the age of 23-25 ​​days. To this period add 5 days to shoot. Having decided on the timing, you can start sowing.

For growing seedlings, containers of at least 8 x 8 cm are required. They are filled with soil for growing vegetable seedlings. In the center, a dimple is made with a depth of 1.5-2 cm. A seed is laid on its bottom. Crops are watered and placed in a warm, bright place. After about 5-7 days, sprouts will appear.

As soon as the seedlings are two weeks old, it must be hardened. To do this, during the week it is taken out to the greenhouse, leaving there first for 30 minutes, and then increase the residence time. At the time of planting, the plants must be hardened.

You can grow cucumbers by direct sowing in the ground. To do this, the seeds are sown in pre-prepared and heated beds. To increase germination, it is recommended to cover the top of the ridge with a film.

Cucumbers Powerful reviews


With the seedling method of growing plants are planted in beds, maintaining a distance between bushes of at least 30 cm. In a greenhouse, cucumbers are grown in one row. In open ground, you can grow in two or more nearby. In this case, the row spacing can withstand a distance of at least 40 cm. When planting seedlings, it is recommended to immediately tie it up, which will simplify further care for the bushes.

Cucumber seedlings are planted in pre-prepared beds. They should be well dug. Humus must be added.

A hole is made for each plant, at the bottom of which it is recommended to lay a drain and add several granules of mineral fertilizers. After planting, seedlings are watered and tied immediately.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Yield increase

As follows from the description of the variety, cucumbers “heroic strength” (photos are presented in the article) are not quite ordinary. This is a culture with a bundle type of ovary.

Cucumbers are moisture-loving vegetables that do not tolerate drying out of the soil. Because of this feature, the soil is kept moist.

Based on the characteristics of the culture, vegetable growers have long learned how to increase productivity. For this, nipping of lashes is practiced, and special care is provided. Sometimes stopping watering helps stimulate the plant to increase yield. At such moments, the plant begins to “think” that it may die. In this situation, it begins to bear fruit actively in order to preserve posterity.

There are other methods to increase yields. These include mixed planting of different varieties and hybrids. Typically, this method is used when growing crops in open field. Gardeners alternate hybrid bushes with bee pollinators.

Good results are shown by the timely application of fertilizers. Cucumbers are gluttonous plants. They need top dressing, which is carried out once every two weeks. This method allows the bush to strengthen the root system, gain strength, begin to actively form greenhouses.

Cultivation of cucumbers

When cultivating the “heroic strength” variety, attention should be paid to the support. In general, these cucumbers are climbing plants and grow best when grown vertically. Because of this feature, lashes are allowed to trail along a trellis, net or other support. This method of cultivation helps not only increase productivity, but also save space on the site and simplify harvesting, caring for bushes. To prevent the development of diseases, it is recommended at each harvest to remove yellowed leaves from plants, inspect healthy parts of the bush for pests. If necessary, the plants are treated.


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