The Great “Unknown Persons”: Monastery Herbalist

Often, really great people go unnoticed by the general public, and their merits to humanity remain known only to a narrow circle of people. They work modestly, but do not require anything for their merits. These people are blessed by God, and for them there is no value higher than the reward of the Most High. Sometimes you can find a novel that describes the life of such personalities from ancient times. But people who give everyone in need help and health can be found in our time. For example, the monastery herbalist, as many call her, a simple woman, with her ability to treat and knowledge of nature, helped save thousands of lives.

Personal biography

monastery herbalist

The monastery herbalist - Elena Zaitseva - was born into the family of the St. George cavalryman Fedor Bosykh and Evdokia Grigoryevna. My father was convicted during the establishment of Soviet power and served 11 years, after which, having returned, he died at home from a serious illness. On the shoulders of Evdokia Grigoryevna there were 8 children: 4 boys and 4 girls. Their childhood was difficult, as the monastery herbalist recalls, they had to work hard. To stay in the native village of Novo-Perelesevo in the Tula region, they worked on a collective farm. Evdokia Grigoryevna’s family was not paid a salary, since they were considered the “enemies” of the people, they only made notes and at the end of the month they released 200 g of grain or flour.

However, the children did not suffer from hunger, as their mother knew many ways to feed her family. She knew the "secrets" of nature, she had information about useful plants and nutritious roots. From her mother, the monastery herbalist inherited knowledge and healing skills. Evdokia Grigoryevna could bake fragrant bread or brew aromatic coffee using only those plants that grew around the house and in the garden.

It can be noted that, despite the difficult time (and they had to survive the years of war), their mother did not spare anything for others. She healed the heavy wounds of fighters, fed them from her own supplies, saved many from the epidemics of typhus and dysentery that were raging at that time.

monastic herbalist elena zaytseva

Road to knowledge

The fate of Elena Fedorovna was amazing. Although she was educated at the Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering and worked in her specialty for up to 50 years, nothing prevented her from developing her natural healing ability. Working at an aviation institute, the monastery herbalist met her future husband, with whom she created a happy marriage. They had a daughter, Lyudmila.

Elena Fedorovna collected her knowledge bit by bit, sitting in the libraries, where she wrote out herbal treatment recipes. Also, the monastic herbalist traveled a lot throughout the territory of the now post-Soviet space. She conveys her knowledge in lectures and seminars, which take place in Orthodox churches. Elena Fedorovna received a herbalist’s diploma in 1987 and since then she began to work officially as a healer.

Useful Tips

The monastery herbalist, Zaytseva Elena Fedorovna, advises not to take chemicals, but to trust in wise nature. According to her, God gives each patient a healing tool right at their feet, you just need to take a closer look. So, at the house where a person suffering from cancer or skin diseases lives, you can see how celandine grows. And the burdock, which "lives" almost everywhere, is a remedy for all ailments.

monastery travnitsa zaytseva elena fedorovna

You can not throw away weed (as we think) grass, it must be collected and used in cooking, make decoctions and more. For example, the plant "wood lice" can be used instead of cabbage. In addition, it is necessary to have such a set of herbs in the house: nettle, St. John's wort, chamomile and fireweed. These medicines will help with a variety of diseases.

It is good to prepare burdock and wheatgrass roots in early spring and make decoctions of them. These healing medicines can cure flu, colds, paralysis, intervertebral hernia, burns, skin diseases. To do this, dig out the roots of burdock, wash thoroughly, cut into pieces and dry. Pour boiling water (2 cups) with one large spoon of dried billet and put on the stove (to boil for about 10 minutes). After 2 hours, strain and consume the broth before meals (for 15 minutes), 100-150 ml.

The knowledge of the monastery herbalist, Elena Fedorovna, is very valuable and necessary especially in our time. The forces of nature have no limits, they are able to heal any illnesses and disorders. To do this, you only need to be careful about the environment, and not dismiss the wealth that exists under our feet.


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