Cost of eyelash extensions. Cost structure by cost element

Becoming a lashmaker (eyelash extension specialist) is an idea that stands out at the lowest cost and is considered interesting. Girls constantly enjoy investing in their appearance, and the market for services aimed at improvement is quite wide. One of the main advantages of this service is the insignificant price, and for this reason many people are happy to offer it. To create a small business on this basis is not difficult, for the implementation of the idea, a number of factors should be taken into account, such as the cost of eyelash extensions, organization and other criteria.

What will face the newly made businessman

Eyelash extensions where to start a business

The choice of courses that teach eyelash extensions is very large. Such training is carried out in many famous and prestigious salons, which often try to cast a shadow over competitors. Before making your choice, you need to study the reputation of teachers. To do this, pay attention:

  • for certificates;
  • competent teacher speech;
  • methods used;
  • as well as the presence of high-quality pages in social networks, portfolio.

Often, such studios ask for an unbelievably high tuition fee. At the same time, they give an incomplete description of the techniques, and often even the author's or experimental ones. It is worth paying attention to ordinary training centers, where a fixed payment for various courses is established, groups work and high-quality training is carried out to help start your business. Courses containing complex techniques can be studied already in the course of work after the basic direction. A good eyelash extension master is constantly upgrading skills. In addition to basic education, a worthy specialist must have such qualities as sociability, enthusiasm, neatness, diligence, a desire to develop and a desire to earn.


Eyelash Extension Techniques

Existing methods of eyelash extension differ in technology and materials used.

  • Japanese - has shown itself to be excellent and remains the most demanded in order to form luxurious and dense eyelashes. It consists in the ciliary adhesion of one synthetic eyelash with a natural base. The method will require maximum accuracy and accuracy from a specialist. The result lasts from 1 to 3 months. Correction - after 4 weeks. The material for this technology can be different - columns, silk, sable, mink. After performing the operation in this technique, the cilia have a natural look.
  • American - as in Japanese technology, ciliary augmentation is used here, however, materials made of rubber and silicone are used, which makes it possible to visit the sauna and jacuzzi without fear, since the cilia are absolutely waterproof and resistant to high temperatures. In addition, it is considered the most sparing.
  • Volumetric - joining several eyelashes to one. Incredibly small hairs are used in this technique, which makes it possible to obtain almost any saturation from 2D to 5D.
  • Puchkovaya is the fastest, the result of which remains for a short time - from 1 day to 2 weeks. The technique is that the beams are fixed at a certain distance from each other. It is often used for celebrations, weddings or significant events.

First steps

Eyelash extensions, pros and cons

After the courses on eyelash extension, the professional master needs to prepare for the fact that there will be some costs. They will go to purchase the necessary materials, devices, cosmetics, as well as advertising, etc. In more detail about the costs will be discussed below.

How all the necessary materials will be collected, you need to practice. To do this, you can put up an ad with a proposal for a free service or call friends and girlfriends as models. The growth of this business depends on the quality of work and the desire to work. You can also create a business card website (one-page), which will adequately represent and advertise the business. The cost of the procedure at the initial stage should be set to average and try not to increase the price.

List of materials: how much are eyelashes

Cost of eyelash extension materials

It is recommended to buy all technical equipment and devices that are necessary for work in special shopping centers. List with approximate prices:

  • Adhesive tape or pillows to protect the lower eyelashes (400 rubles).
  • Degreasing agent for removing fragments of make-up and dust from the inter-ciliary space (700 rubles).
  • Primer for removing greasy stratum and dirt from natural eyelashes, guaranteeing strong fixation (400 rubles).
  • Glue for fastening (white and black). It is important to pay attention that the pour time is no more than 1-2 seconds. (1300 rub).
  • Ciliary sets are even and with a bend, and in addition, of various lengths and thicknesses. For beginners, it is allowed to buy not very large sets of single and artificial eyelashes with an acceptable hair width of 0.12-0.15 mm (1 pc. - 2000 rubles).
  • A remover for adjustments and removal. It does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and has a delicate cream or gel consistency. (1500 rub.).
  • Tweezers or a stack needle - needed for distribution. For surround equipment with beveled ends, for others - with straight lines. It should spring well, and the plane should be without damage and even (1 pc. - 800 rubles).
  • Sterilizer - for cleaning and sterilizing devices. These are small bottles with balls that make it possible to remove fungi, microorganisms and bacteria (800 rubles).
  • A plate for glue or a jade stone, the qualities of which make it possible to hold one drop of glue and reduce consumption (200 rubles).
  • Plastic ring for glue (100 rubles).
  • Silicone tray on which it is comfortable to lay out sets of various lengths, and they do not crumble (200 rubles).
  • Mirror with the effect of a magnifying glass for customers, so that they have the opportunity to assess the final result (1000 rubles).

As a result, from 20 to 30 thousand rubles will be spent.

Which manufacturer and where to buy eyelash extension materials? It is important to keep in mind that when buying sets of the same brand, you can achieve the best effect. The use of eyelashes of various lengths makes it possible to obtain an open and alluring look, and in addition, visually correct the section of the eye. The harmlessness of the operation for eye health, as well as the period of wear, directly depends on the property. The more common manufacturers of building materials are companies: Sakura, Dolce vita, Macy, Irisk, Vivienne, Shine. They are sold in professional stores and specialty stores.

Opening papers

An individual entrepreneur is a suitable option for a young lashmaker. Papers that will be required for IP:

  • TIN;
  • passport;
  • application for registration;
  • tax system statement;
  • check on payment of state duty.

Next, open a bank account and inform the tax office about this. The costs of tax payment and account management will be about 4-5 thousand rubles. per month. The registration procedure will take no more than a week. Costs - from 800 to 3000 rubles. depending on the region. At the same time, the entrepreneur will insure himself against a probable fine for illegal business.

Pros and cons

The cost of eyelash extensions for beginners

Eyelash extension is an activity that requires accuracy, skill and is considered very painstaking. However, if a specialist competently approaches his occupation, all this is awarded with gratitude of visitors.


  • quick training;
  • the minimum cost of eyelash extensions is minimal;
  • high demand;
  • customer base is growing rapidly;
  • effective free advertising is possible;
  • losses are minimal;
  • fast growth and payback.


  • it takes 5-6 hours for one client;
  • it takes a lot of patience to hone the technique;
  • it is important to learn to hold tweezers in your left hand;
  • necessarily - continuing education courses and attendance at seminars, and this is sometimes costly.

Continuous practice for perfect execution is also important.

Costs of a profession

Eyelash extensions, profession costs

Allergies are a work-related illness experienced by many lashmakers. An allergic reaction manifests itself in every second master - from rashes on the skin to asthma. Every year this problem becomes more serious. Each glue contains toxic and volatile cyanoacrylate, and therefore it is almost impossible to avoid reactions to it. The thing is that without this element glue will not hold cilia firmly.

What glue for eyelash extensions is less harmful? Any, even hypoallergenic glue for eyelash extensions contains chemicals. Products, in which the amount of this substance is reduced or completely absent, are very capricious and require a certain level of oxygen, t indoors and hold eyelashes not so tight.

Every fifth girl has an allergy, and this criterion is very important. It can occur even for those who have resorted to this procedure for several years. Clients who have such a problem, need to withdraw and undergo medical procedures within a few months. In addition, due to a constant load, vision decreases and osteochondrosis develops.

For these reasons, the profession does not stay longer than 10 years, and after that it is better to organize your group and transfer the experience and knowledge base to future professionals.

Estimation of profit and expenses for office

In this calculation, the cost of eyelash extensions is considered an office where one specialist works, providing services to build, adjust and remove. Schedule: Tuesday-Saturday, from 9.00 to 20.00, visitors come by appointment or independently.

Opening Costs:

  • Registration IP - 800 rubles.
  • Rental of premises for the 1st month - 6000-12000 rubles.
  • Office design - 20,000 rubles.
  • Collection of work permits - 4000 rubles.
  • Purchase of appliances and materials - 30,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments for the 1st month - 1500 rubles.
  • Marketing activity - 5000 rubles.

In the amount of 67300-73300 rub.

Fixed costs:

  • Rental of premises - 6000-12000 rubles.
  • Replenishment of a set of instruments and materials - 13,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 1500 rubles.
  • Marketing activity - 5000 rubles.

In the amount of 25500-31500 rub.

Estimated profit:

  • The average price of 1 building is 2,000 rubles.
  • Adjustments - 1300 rubles.
  • Removal - 800 rubles.
  • The number of operations per month is 10 extensions, 15 corrections and 7 withdrawals.
  • The final income per month is 65100 rubles.

Net profit - 33600-39600 rubles.

The payback period of the commercial is 4–5 months. If it pays off, you need to start expanding activities. To invite specialists for rent, introduce auxiliary proposals into the price list, and implement materials.

The profession of a lashmaker is considered promising and highly paid. If you deal thoroughly, and not as part-time jobs, it is possible to receive an income of more than 100,000 rubles. per month on the build-up, and in addition, on the training of new specialists in this field.

How much is it possible to earn by taking clients at home

Eyelash extensions at home

In this embodiment, there are many positive aspects. The probability of managing your own time is an indisputable positive moment of this type of earnings. Firstly, it is important to understand how much the similar services cost girls in city salons and find out how much homeworkers charge for their work. The prime cost of eyelash extensions is important. And if you study at home and go to clients, then you can omit the rent. It is easy to make sure that the income is quite substantial, since the materials are very inexpensive. To start with 2 clients per day, it is possible to earn at least a thousand. Further, everything depends on diligence and skill. If you work by agreement in the salon, then the estimated earnings will be 40-50 thousand rubles.

How to find customers

In the home business, the first few months are the most difficult. This is the search for the first customers, gaining a reputation and a proper name. If you create a good customer base, they will recommend a master that will generate income in the future. How to advertise services:

  • Message boards are a popular way to make yourself known, but not very effective. Big competition.
  • Social Networks are an effective and incredibly easy way to attract customers from the Internet. To do this, you can use your main page or create a new one. Upload photos, videos, various interesting information, receive reviews and reposts.
  • Word of mouth - real customers. It works well and is common in small and medium-sized cities.

Business growth depends on the desire to work and the ability to do their job well. As practice has shown, the full payback of investments occurs within six months, and the novice master must be prepared for this. As a result, the eyelash extension business will become quite profitable. In addition, it is a low-cost business, the cost of eyelash extensions is low and will not require large investments.


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