Types of dummy pacifiers for children

The nipple is a device of a certain form, acting as a substitute for the mother's breast. It helps to satisfy the sucking reflex and helps in feeding the baby. Perhaps this analogue of the mother’s breast is not the best option, but nipples are still widely used by modern parents around the world.

Types of Nipple

Since the appearance of the nipple in the form in which we know it now, manufacturers have tried to make its shape more natural. Modern pacifiers are able to completely imitate the female nipple. In their manufacture, different materials are used, they are given the desired shape to make the sucking process more comfortable and safe. This allows parents to choose the right dummy that is optimal for their child.

kinds of nipples

First of all, all the nipples are divided into soothers and those that are used for small bottles. Modern breast substitutes are available for children of different ages. They also differ in the material from which they are made, and the shape.

Depending on the material used in the manufacture, there are types of nipples such as silicone and latex. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the shape, the nipples are orthodontic and anatomical (physiological). The latter are available in the form of a bilateral and round dummy ("cherry"). In addition, each manufacturer, in order to attract a buyer, tries to give his own definition of physiology, and therefore this group can be expanded indefinitely. On sale you can find nocturnal, soothing, mobile nipples, baby soothers that act as a thermometer, for the introduction of medicines and inhalations. To buy or not such modern devices? It depends on the willingness of parents to experiment and their financial viability.

Which is better: silicone or latex?

Before deciding on a nipple you like, you should carefully study the properties of the material from which it is made. But regardless of this, any dummy must comply with established safety standards, not contain toxic and other hazardous substances.

If we take into account the material used in the production, the following types of nipples for children are distinguished:

  • latex;
  • silicone.

kinds of dummy pacifiers

Latex pacifiers are light yellow in color, made of rubber, which is an environmentally friendly and natural raw material. Such nipples are difficult to tear, they are soft and elastic. Their disadvantages include a specific, slightly unpleasant taste and smell, which the baby may not like. In addition, rubber pacifiers become less elastic over time and stick together inside, so they will have to be changed quite often.

Silicone nipples are made from artificial raw materials. They are transparent, have no unpleasant taste and smell, long retain their properties. Such pacifiers can be boiled, which will not affect their appearance. But at the same time, they are easily torn and snapped by babies, so they are more suitable for babies.

types of baby nipples

It is important that the selected nipple is made of high-quality silicone and does not harm the baby's health.

Orthodontic and anatomical nipple

Few parents when choosing a nipple the first time guess the preferences of their child. Often you have to offer several options until you can find a suitable dummy that meets the requirements of the baby and meets the recommendations of specialists.

The opinion of dentists is unambiguous - it is better to choose an orthodontic pacifier. She occupies the correct position in the baby’s mouth and thereby prevents the formation of the wrong bite, the appearance of a gap between the teeth.

types of nipples for children

However, such a pacifier has a specific flattened shape, different from the female nipple. That is why often kids do not like it.

Although pediatricians agree with dentists, they still recommend buying an anatomically shaped dummy. But different manufacturers see the female nipple in their own way. Therefore, there are such types of nipples of a physiological form, such as bilateral, always occupying the correct position in the mouth, drop-shaped and round ("cherry").

Criteria for choosing a baby's dummy

To facilitate the process of choosing nipples for parents, the main criteria were prepared:

  • The dummy must be appropriate for the age of the child. Too soft nipples are not suitable for children who have already erupted teeth, because the kids easily bite them.
  • The base of the nipple should have openings so that saliva does not accumulate under it and the skin breathes, and the recess for the nose does not impede breathing.
  • It is better to give preference to dummies of well-known companies. They offer various types of baby nipples that meet all safety requirements.
  • Latex dummies have a short service life. They are recommended to be changed every 4-6 weeks.
  • Before giving the nipple to the baby, you should make sure that it is not damaged, has a smooth surface without bumps.
  • Any even the most expensive dummy should be boiled for 2-3 minutes before use.

How to choose a pacifier for a bottle

Choosing a nipple for a bottle is slightly different than buying a dummy. They are made in the same way from silicone or latex, basically have a physiological shape that mimics the mother’s breast, and are selected according to the age of the child.

Depending on the size, the following types of nipples for a bottle are distinguished:

  • 0-6 months;
  • 6-18 months;
  • 18-36 months.

In addition, bottle nipples have a different number of holes, from one to three. Which is better to choose depends on what kind of food they are supposed to use. For milk or water, one hole in the nipple is suitable, and for porridge - two or three holes.

types of nipples for bottles

Modern manufacturers pay particular attention to the health and safety of their small customers. Often babies, mostly under the age of three months, swallow air during feeding, which causes intestinal colic. In order to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, nipples with an anti-colic effect are produced. And so that the child can suck the bottle continuously and not choke on food, nipples with an air valve inside are created. The mechanism of its action is based on the fact that when the baby begins to suck, the valve opens, and when it stops, it closes.

Pacifier: harm or benefit?

The main positive point from the use of a dummy is that the child calms down and satisfies the sucking reflex. But not all children need this, especially if the mother is nearby and can always offer breasts. Therefore, the benefits of a dummy are more likely to be apparent to parents who may be quiet for a short while and go about their business. But prolonged sucking can negatively affect the health of the baby.

Despite the fact that manufacturers offer a wide variety of types of dummies, the harm from their use is obvious:

  • When sucking a dummy, air is swallowed. As a result of this, a child has intestinal colic.
  • With prolonged use of the dummy, the baby gets tired of sucking, and when the time comes for feeding, he refuses to take the breast.
  • Dummy nipples contribute to the formation of malocclusion in children and lead to tooth deformation.
  • When using nipples, it is difficult to achieve hygienic cleanliness. Often, despite all the preventive measures, this is the source of vital activity of harmful microorganisms.
  • Prolonged sucking of a soother causes dependence on it and entails difficulties in further weaning.

When to wean a baby from a nipple?

Parents often have a question about when to give a dummy and when to wean a child from it. In the first case, the answer will be ambiguous. The sucking reflex in a child is most strongly developed before the age of three months. But you need to look at the child. If he is restless, trying to suck a diaper or lying objects nearby, then a dummy is needed. Some babies are so demanding that parents, having tried all existing types of nipples, cannot find a suitable option. In this case, you should not insist, but it is better to try to look for alternative ways to calm the child.

pacifiers baby soothers

As for excommunication from a dummy - the best option is to gradually remove the dummy after six months. And then by the first birthday of the baby, he will be able to do without her, while he does not have time to cause significant harm to his forming teeth. Otherwise, by one and a half years, the child will form a strong dependence on the dummy and the weaning process will drag on for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3479/

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