Kvass production: necessary equipment, raw materials and recipes

Natural bread kvass can be called the national Russian drink, which has earned almost universal love among the country's population. A well-made foam product with a special rye aroma is not only tasty, but also healthy. Of course, entrepreneurs could not but be interested in such a combination. The production of kvass as a business can be considered more than profitable, because the annual consumption of this drink is growing steadily. Moreover, in monetary terms, every year there is an increase in profits from the production and sale of this product by about 10 percent.

Features of production and marketing of products

On the shelves today you can find a wide variety of natural varieties of kvass. Drinks made from apples, pears and cranberries are very popular. However, the most popular is the production of bread-based kvass. The technology is based on the natural fermentation of rye wort at a given temperature. Some companies prefer to produce exclusively artificial kvass products, the shelf life of which reaches six months, but the benefit of such a drink to the end user remains in question.

The natural, β€œliving” version is stored much less - up to seven days. Limited time means well-established distribution channels for the product. Only then can one proceed to direct production. Advertising campaigns and pricing are also thought out in advance. In addition, the seasonality of this drink should be taken into account. It is customary to use kvass cold, and the drinking process gives special pleasure, as a rule, on a hot summer day.

Kvass production as a business

Small home production

Feedback from most consumers of the foamy drink suggests that they prefer a product that would be produced in a small factory rather than on an industrial conveyor line. One of the reasons for this choice is that small home-made kvass production usually takes into account all the nuances of a traditional beverage recipe. Modest volumes of products allow the entrepreneur to carefully monitor the quality of each batch. On an industrial scale, in turn, certain qualities of a drink are often neglected in order to ensure its profitability.

Demand for such products will almost always be high, and the potential consumer is willing to pay more for home production. In addition, small volumes make it possible to monitor demand and prevent the accumulation of expired bottles in warehouses. At the same time, the entrepreneur can experiment with the taste content of the drink without much loss of profit. Such a space for maneuver is often simply absent in large industrial factories.

Kvass production

The choice of production facilities

In this matter, certain sanitary standards imposed by regulatory authorities should be taken into account. These include the presence of a permanent connection to clean drinking water. The room itself must correspond to category "D", that is, it must not be fire or explosive. In addition, three main areas will be required - for the production, maturation and storage of finished products.

The required total area will depend on the capacity of the plant. For example, an average version with a capacity of up to 500 liters per day will require at least 70 square meters. m. It will also be necessary to fully equip the building with all major communications, including good ventilation, a sewage drainage system, sewage, heating and electricity. It is easiest to choose the premises of the former dining room for the production of kvass, because it will definitely meet all the standards.

Kvass production process

Basic equipment

The main device can be considered a fermentation apparatus. Its capacity will determine the maximum productivity of the plant. If you take one of the simplest options for 100 liters, then with its help you can produce up to 6 thousand liters of kvass every month. Do not save on a fermenter. It is best to look at more advanced models with an electronic high-frequency temperature controller, as well as a programmable timer to configure the kvass fermentation process.

The dimensions of the device will depend on the maximum volume of the camera. Vertical or horizontal execution is also possible. In addition, fermenters can be equipped with cooling jackets and thermal insulation. During the production of kvass, the diluted wort concentrate has a temperature of 26 to 30 degrees. In this state, it is pumped into the fermentation chamber. Further, the process can be accelerated by adding rejuvenated baker's yeast or special milk sourdough.

Equipment for the production of kvass

Equipment List Example

The total cost of the entire kit may vary depending on the required production volumes. As an example, an option will be given for the manufacture of 200 liters per day.

The list of equipment and its cost can be viewed below:

  • fermentation apparatus - 23 thousand rubles;
  • dispensing container - 6 thousand rubles;
  • nozzle for twisting corks and a screwdriver - 4.7 thousand rubles;
  • four barrels with a 50 liter crane for sale on tap - 5.4 thousand rubles;
  • thermobox for storing bottles - 3 thousand rubles;
  • a cover for cooling and maintaining the temperature of the drink - 2.2 thousand rubles;
  • barrel for the storage of wort concentrate - 320 rubles.

So, equipment for the production of kvass in the indicated volume can cost about 45 thousand rubles. You will also need a special refrigerated container or several refrigerators.

Kvass production and storage

Wort making

First of all, drinking water is required that fully complies with all sanitary and hygienic standards. The best option is the one used for making soft drinks. Such water is marked TI 10-5031536-73-90. To start the process, you need to prepare the wort in an infusion way.

You will need to pre-purchase raw materials for the production of kvass, including kvass briquettes from rye flour and beets. Then they are poured with boiling water at the rate of 30 liters per 4 kilograms. Then sugar and rye fermented malt are poured into the fermentation tank. Cooking is strictly according to the recipe. All ingredients are also pre-purchased in the right quantities. Next, pour 100 l of warm water and diluted yeast mixture.

Further process

When the wort is successfully prepared, the fermentation procedure begins. This is achieved by adding a yeast mixture. Before closing, the wort is carefully prepared by vigorously mixing the contents. According to the technology of kvass production, the optimum fermentation temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius. The duration is at least 12 hours.

In the future, strain the liquid through a filter and pour into kegs, PET bottles or plastic food barrels. Any of the presented containers should be completely tight.

The ripening process is still not completed. If the containers are not corked reliably enough, then they may not withstand the internal pressure, because carbon dioxide will accumulate during fermentation. Then the kvass is placed in a dark room with room temperature and aged for another 4 hours. Only after this, the containers are transferred to the refrigerator, and then sold together with the container in which the product was fermented.

Kvass production and bottling

Yeast recipe with yeast

A standard simple option with the amount of ingredients indicated on one three-liter jar. You will need to cut five slices of Borodino or any other rye bread into cubes or rectangles. The resulting pieces are dried in the oven until lightly burned and poured into a jar or pan. To start cooking kvass, three tablespoons of sugar and a handful of raisins are poured into the same container. After that, everything is poured with three liters of boiled 70-degree water and infused in a warm place.

Half a teaspoon of yeast with sugar is poured into a separate bowl. A glass of warm water is poured there. β€œRevived” yeast is added to the container to the rest of the ingredients and mixed. The jar is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place. This completes the process, it remains only to wait for the end of the fermentation procedure. It can last up to a day, but at least 12 hours. The next day, kvass is filtered in bottles through two layers of gauze and sent to the refrigerator for a day.

Kvass production at home

Yeast-free kvass recipe

There is also a recipe based on bread must, but without yeast. It will take two brown bread crusts, a teaspoon of granulated sugar and two glasses of warm water. The process begins with slicing bread into small cubes and then drying them in the oven. Crackers should be crispy and rosy. All ingredients are poured into a jar with a volume of half a liter to a liter, and then water is poured into this container. After stirring, the container is clogged and cleaned in a warm place.

After 1-2 days, the leaven will have a cloudy appearance and an acidic smell. This means that the fermentation process is complete. The mixture is poured into a three-liter jar. If desired, you can add sugar to taste or some crackers. Boiled warm water is added to the entire volume remaining in the bank. Covered with a lid, the jar is cleaned in a warm and dark place for a day. After the mixture is poured into bottles, corked and sent for several hours in the refrigerator.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34795/

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