How to hack an agent

Hacking an agent may be needed not only to send spam and viruses. Sometimes this is simply necessary. For example, how to hack an agent, you need to know the boss to check their subordinates. Sometimes it is required for parents to control the children, and husbands who have lost confidence in their wives. Hacking an agent in most cases is simple. The main thing is to know the person’s login. This already solves half the problem. People do not protect accounts too much. Many of the users do not even follow basic security measures.

As a password, the nickname of the pet, the date of birth, the name of the girl, the idol and all that sort of thing are most often chosen. However, even if the password in the agent could not be found, you can still infiltrate the system. You do not need to be a hacker for this. It is known that if a person has forgotten the password, he can answer the security question and enter. The list of questions is limited, and most people answer them correctly. For example, to log into a stranger’s account, you can talk to him online. In the process, you only need to clarify the answer to the question of interest, and you can get down to business. To protect your account, it’s better to enter something more complicated in the answer field. Before you hack a friend’s agent, you don’t even need to interrogate. Typically, such information is already known to the cracker.

But sometimes such simple manipulations can not do. If a person has well thought out the protection system, then special software will be required. For hacking you will need a program.

Today on the network you can find a lot of software to crack a password. Some of the programs function quite successfully even on mobile devices. When choosing software, you need to be careful. Many of these programs cannot be checked using an antivirus, because the system reacts negatively to both an infected application and a normal one. Therefore, it is better to listen to the comments on the site where the program is contained. You can also download from those web sites to which there is trust. How to hack an agent using a program? The application is first installed, like any other software. But then it all depends on the type of program. Some of them cannot work without the help of the person whose agent is planned to be hacked.

This will require a skill in social engineering. By the way, some hackers are very good at this skill. In order to master social engineering, you do not need to learn programming languages. We need to learn a little different - pushing people to perform actions desired by the hacker. Before hacking an agent, you need to talk to the “victim” and ask her for help. To do this, she must run a small application (agent) on her computer. When the "victim" enters his username and password, the hacker can get this information through a special service. How to persuade a person to launch the application is another question.

Programmers may try a different strategy. It is known that the agent has a special service that recovers a password. This, of course, is a robot. If you know how the robot works, you can fool it. Thus, there is a real chance to get a friend’s or girlfriend’s password. All these methods can also be used to log in to your account if the password is lost and mail is not available.

Having received information on how to hack an agent, do not use it to the detriment. Sooner or later, any cracker will be caught and banned in the system. Breaking agents and friend accounts out of curiosity or for blackmail is vile. Therefore, you must be responsible for owning this kind of technology. This is knowledge that requires its owner certain moral qualities. Logging in to someone else’s agent is like reading someone else’s letter or diary. No matter how noble the goals may be, one must realize that this is an invasion of a person’s personal life.


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