Characteristic personality. characteristic of the concept of personality and its characteristic features.

Characterization of personality is a concept in psychology over which many researchers fought. Until now, a clear definition of this concept and its significance for humans has not been given. What is a person? What is the personality of a person? Is its complete absence possible? All these questions were asked by numerous researchers in the field of psychology. Personality is such a multifaceted, unknown, incomprehensible phenomenon that it is very difficult to give it a certain characteristic.

Often, psychologists are faced with the problem of the impossibility of an unambiguous and concrete answer to the question of what is a person? Some researchers in this field believe that a person is all the qualities that distinguish one individual from another. However, can all the qualities be attributed to those that characterize a person? Perhaps it is worth referring to them only some specific ones? No answer to this question has yet been found.

Characterization of personality, as a psychological concept, was first considered by Sigmund Freud. In fact, Freud discovered this concept and its characteristics for the world. Prior to this, the person was considered from a more physiological position, as part of the individual.

So, what is the description of the characteristics of man according to Freud?

Freud distinguishes three structures in the personality: Super-I, IT, I.

It is an elementary structure based on sexual desire. It is that which is inherent in every person, namely the desire to multiply and enjoy it. The main purpose of its existence is pleasure and the extension of the species. The opposite of It is the Super-Self, which is an expression of moral values ​​and human norms. If It is the natural structure of personality, then the Super-I, rather, is an acquired psychological characteristic. However, without the existence of these two concepts, the emergence of a third, namely the concept of the Self, is impossible. I am the consensus of It and the Super-Self, which allows us to actually create the concept of personality in all its glory. Characteristic of personality according to Freud consists in the interaction of three concepts that make up a single whole.

Also interesting are the views of the Soviet researcher Leontiev, who first identified three connecting concepts for characterizing a person: the individual, personality and, of course, individuality. These concepts go precisely in this sequence, creating a single consensus and interaction in order to achieve the desired. What is the individual striving for? He wants to acquire a set of moral values ​​and norms that will make him a person. What is the personality striving for? To self-improvement and self-knowledge, which will allow her to become an individual. This is precisely the characterization of the personality according to Leontyev.

Also in modern psychology, the concept of "characterization of the personality of the criminal." Forensic scientists and psychologists have long pondered why some people have a penchant for crime and committing illegal actions. The attention of researchers was especially attracted to the youth and childhood of the criminal. According to psychologists, it is precisely in childhood that the foundations are laid for refracting the standard development of the personality and turning it into a criminal personality. What follows is only the development of a criminal essence in a person. The researchers concluded that if a person develops incorrectly during childhood and adolescence, it will lead to a criminal future with almost 100% probability. Most often, the criminal person is subjected to violence or regular beating by parents and peers. This causes a characteristic psychological reaction, which leads to a change in the corresponding psychological characteristics.

In any case, the characterization of a person is a complex ambiguous concept that should be studied in depth and thoroughly.


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