Redcurrant tincture - a delicious and aromatic drink

Redcurrant tincture is a sweet alcoholic drink. He’s getting ready

Redcurrant tincture
as a rule, from rectified alcohol, fruit or berry juice, alcoholic infusion, soft water, citric acid. However, these ingredients are used in production. Homemade redcurrant tincture is made on a different principle and from other products. Although in reality the difference is not so great.

So, tincture of red currant has a rich aroma and a mild sweet taste. How to make this drink? Let's look at what constitutes a recipe for redcurrant tincture .

In general, everything is very simple. What will be needed to make a drink such as redcurrant tincture? Berries, in the amount of 200 grams, one hundred grams of sugar and 0.5 liters of vodka. So, first you need to remove the currants from the branch, wash them and give a little time to dry them. After that, you need to put them in a bottle of 0.7 ml or 1 liter. You will need to pour sugar on top. This is best done through a funnel. Then vodka is poured into the bottle. After that, you need to shake all the ingredients well.

red currant tincture recipe
The resulting mixture must be insisted for two weeks (at least). To make the red currant tincture tasty and beautiful, you should periodically shake the bottle - then the sugar will dissolve best. And after two weeks, the drink will acquire a beautiful rich color and rich aroma. However, that is not all. The liquid will need to be thoroughly filtered to taste the tincture without pieces of berries that may be caught. Someone filters the drink before serving it on the table. And some prefer to do it right away. Keep tincture in a cool and dark place. It is possible in the refrigerator.

There is another good recipe for making the drink in question. It will require two hundred grams of berries, 0.5 liters of vodka and one hundred grams of powdered sugar. What is the cooking method for this recipe? In principle, it is not much different from the previous one. Berries also need to be cleaned of twigs and debris and put in a large bottle. Sprinkle on top

homemade redcurrant tincture
granulated sugar. I would like to note that if you use powder, and not sugar directly, then the tincture will have a sweeter and softer taste, since the powder dissolves faster and reacts with alcohol and berries, respectively, also earlier. So, after that you need to fill everything with vodka and shake it with quick movements. Place the bottle in a dark place for two weeks and also periodically shake. Here, in principle, is the whole recipe!

I would like to note that tincture on red currant with the addition of black branches is considered to be very original and interesting in its taste. This drink is sweet, with tart spicy notes. In addition, it is also useful, because in branches of blackcurrant there is a mass of useful mineral substances, salts and oils. No wonder decoctions from the branches of the mentioned berries are used for medicinal purposes. The principle of preparation is the same, only you need to add a tablespoon of well-chopped twigs to the composition.


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