Job description of a marketing specialist: responsibilities and necessary skills, sample instructions

Marketers are called professionals who study the consumer market and analyze customer preferences to increase turnover in the company where they are employed. It depends on this employee how well the company's products will be sold. Marketing has become a separate element in the professional sphere recently, and it is actively developing. Therefore, specialists in this field can count on good salaries. The job description fully discloses more detailed information about the duties of a marketer.


This employee is a specialist, therefore only the director can accept or dismiss him. For this position, you should get a higher education in economics or engineering. Usually, employers do not require work experience. If an employee claims to be a marketing specialist of the second category, then, in addition to vocational education, he also needs to work at the corresponding position for at least three years.

job description of a leading marketing specialist

To get a job as a marketer of the first category, you need to get an appropriate education and work as a marketing specialist in the second category for at least three years. The job description of a marketing specialist implies that in his activities the employee must be guided by all regulatory and methodological materials, the charter and rules of the company, as well as the orders of senior management.


Before starting his career, the employee must study all the guidance materials, including regulatory acts. He should know about market methods of doing business, what are the features and patterns of economic development. His knowledge should include the conjuncture of the external and internal market, the basics of management, and he should understand the methods of conducting marketing research.

marketing specialist job description rb

The job description of a marketing specialist assumes that he knows the directions of entrepreneurial activity, is familiar with the organizational and legal status of the company in which he is employed, and represents all the prospects for its development. He knows the successes of domestic and foreign competing companies.

Other knowledge

The employee must have a good knowledge of the ethics of business communication, understand what his company is doing, whether it is production technology or the service sector. Understand how profit is calculated, business performance, production profitability and its costs. He must know how prices are formed and pricing is built, trade and marketing activities are carried out, production and management are underway.

job description marketing specialist

According to the job description of the marketing specialist, the employee must familiarize himself with the methods of studying foreign and domestic markets, know how promising he is and what are the trends in his development. He must perfectly understand how reporting documentation is compiled, be able to use technical means designed for processing and data collection, have practical skills in using communication tools and other communications, including computer and network technologies. His knowledge should include advertising, labor law, civil law, and all company rules.


The job description of a marketing specialist assumes that an employee has certain responsibilities. The employee must develop measures aimed at ensuring that the company produces only those products or provides those services that are in demand among consumers and relevant on the market. He is obliged to ensure that the production and services of the organization develop in a balanced manner, he is engaged in the selection and change of direction of the company if necessary.

job description marketing specialist sample

This employee takes part in activities aimed at developing a marketing policy, determines which products are best priced, how to systematically distribute sales work, and expand the range of goods and services in order to meet customer demand. In addition, he is obliged to study the activities of competitive organizations, analyze demand and fluctuations in the market, and trace trends in its development.


The job description of a leading marketing specialist assumes that he is engaged in forecasting the volume of products sold and generates demand for it, identifying the most effective sales markets, and checking the products for quality and other requirements.

job description marketing specialist sample

He is obliged to investigate all the factors that may affect the sale of products, find out the reasons for its changes, decline or increase, find out what purchasing power the population has. The employee is engaged in improving the information support of the market analysis, develops programs that generate demand, stimulate sales, finds out which market is better to choose.

Other functions

The job description of a marketing specialist assumes that he develops measures and prepares proposals on how to improve the quality and consumer properties of products, studies the prospects for developing new products, taking into account the socio-demographic characteristics of different population groups, the dynamics of their income, traditions, tastes, as well as resource costs company manufacturing.

chief marketing specialist job description

He should conduct analytical work on the organization’s competitiveness, taking into account the current tax, pricing and customs policies, sales volumes, profits, sales speed and other factors that affect the sale of products. In addition, he is obliged to control sales in order to identify violations of the company's plans and prevent violations of the overall process.

Other duties

The job description of the chief specialist of the marketing department assumes that he conducts sales control, compares plans with results, provides an increase in the effectiveness of the company in all its fields, including profit, competitiveness and more. Participates in the training and professional development of employees, taking into account the requirements of a market economy, ensures healthy and safe working conditions, prevents the development of emergencies, if necessary, contacts government services, such as ambulances, firefighters and the like.


A sample job description of a marketing specialist contains the rights that are granted to an employee in the course of his job performance. He has the right to familiarize himself with all governing decisions if they directly relate to his activities. In addition, he can offer management activities that will help increase the effectiveness of his work.

job description marketing specialist sample

He can also request any information and documents from the heads of other departments that he needs in order to properly perform his duties. An employee has the right to attract lower-level employees to solve assigned tasks, demand assistance from management in fulfilling his duties, and take part in conferences and other staff meetings.


There are certain liability points that a marketing specialist should consider. The job description (in the Republic of Belarus - the Republic of Belarus - too) includes information that the employee can be held accountable for his improper performance of his duties within the framework of the country's legislation. He is responsible for violation of the Administrative, Labor and Criminal Code, for causing the company material damage due to mistakes made during the performance of tasks. He can also be held accountable for violating trade secrets and disclosing confidential information, as well as for exceeding his authority and using them for his personal purposes.


All the necessary information that an employee should be familiar with contains the job description of the marketer. The sample of this document includes only the main points that can be changed depending on the direction of the organization, its scale and personal requirements of the leadership for employees. The employee does not have the right to begin to perform his duties without the approval of this instruction. It is also worth noting that the instruction can be changed already after hiring, but it will come into force only after agreement with both parties to the contract.

Be sure to include in the document all the requirements that the company puts to the applicant for this position. At the moment, the profession of marketing specialist is very popular and in demand in the labor market. In this regard, this work is very well paid. She also suggests good career growth in marketing and sales. But a specialist should be able to quickly study and perceive information, monitor current trends and constantly improve their skills.


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