Profession hairdresser: features of skill

Hairdresser is one of the most ancient and sought-after professions. Previously, these people were called barbers, barbers, and strings. Since this specialty requires special skill, previously experienced hairdressers passed on their knowledge to other, young specialists, and therefore often hairdressing was a family business: the father revealed his secrets to his son.

Now this business has a narrow focus, and earlier barbers, in addition to cutting, provided manicure, shaving, and sometimes even performed medical procedures.

Profession of hairdresser: features

The case under consideration has its own characteristics that any modern master faces:

Accuracy. The work of a hairdresser requires precision jewelry from the master, because with one awkward movement you can not only ruin all the work, but also injure the client.

Sports training. It would seem, why do people who choose this profession need a good physical shape? But the fact is that a lot of people come to the professionals every day, and the masters do not always have the extra 5 minutes to drink tea or just sit and relax, and since the work is carried out while standing, comfortable shoes and strong leg muscles are necessary for these people. The same applies to hands: they must be dexterous and easily hold heavy technical devices - hair dryers and curling irons, and also easily tolerate a long stay in high condition, which requires any haircut.

Innovation. This paragraph refers to the master’s desire to master new haircut techniques and other ways to update hairstyles: for example, hair extensions, lamination, cutting with hot scissors , etc., which require additional knowledge, instruments and chemicals, are popular today. To remain at the height of his skill, the hairdresser should not limit himself to what he was taught in the courses, and keep up with the times, mastering new skills: this way he will easily withstand competition, and regular customers will never exchange his services.

Profession: hairdresser

Among the professional skills, the following stand out:

  • Knowledge of the chemical reactions of those substances that are used in hairdressing: this is necessary for hair coloring, hair restoration, lightening and curling.
  • Abstract thinking: it is necessary to imagine what a hairstyle should be after a haircut and how hair will “fall” after drying with a hairdryer.
  • The profession of hairdresser involves a developed artistic taste of the master to create beautiful combinations of colors and shades when dyeing.
  • Stylistic knowledge: when choosing a haircut, you need to take into account the general style of the client, his character and manner of dressing, so that the created image is organically combined with all the elements.
  • A female hairdresser should also have psychological knowledge, because his clientele is more emotional and unpredictable in his preferences: what clients want to see may be of a kind of fiction, and the task of a professional is to correctly convey information about which hairstyle will look better.
  • The excellent understanding of the purpose of each hairdressing tool is another important component of professionalism, despite the similarity of the shapes of scissors, there are many types: one is used to create “torn” strands, others are used to form a “short flight of stairs”, others are needed for regular trimming, etc. The same applies to combs that are needed when styling: using two different brushes from one haircut, you can make two or more types of styling.
  • A universal hairdresser should know absolutely all the subtleties of male, female and children's haircuts, as well as the difference in types of hair care. Currently, there are not very many such hairdressers: masters choose one direction and improve in it.

Profession: hairdresser: demand and possible jobs

Today, this art is highly valued in society: those times have already passed when the haircut was an inadmissible luxury, accessible only to the upper classes.

The hairdresser has several options to make money with the help of this craft:

  • get a job in a beauty salon ;
  • work in a hairdressing salon;
  • teach at the school of stylists;
  • engage in private practice.

Fortunately, a hairdresser is not a very specific profession, and you can get a job even in the smallest settlements with undeveloped infrastructure.


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