Profession "Electrician for power networks and electrical equipment": training, duties, job description

The profession "Electrician for power networks and electrical equipment" appeared almost immediately after electricity began to enter the everyday life of mankind. This is directly related to the fact that lighting devices and electrical networks needed someone to service. Today, such specialists arrange the supply of electrical wiring and lighting in residential and industrial buildings, are engaged in the installation of transformers and electric motors, and also conduct overhead and ground cable lines for supplying electricity.

Basic information about the profession

The electrician for power networks and electrical equipment is a skilled worker engaged in the installation and installation of equipment, wiring electronic circuits and networks to ensure normal living and working conditions in urban and rural areas. This is a very responsible profession, because inattention and mistakes can lead to big problems, including fires, explosions and other negative consequences that can harm human health and material objects.

electrician for power networks and electrical equipment

The main feature of the electrician's work on power networks and electrical equipment is that the master must move from one object to another. Most often, workers work in pairs or whole teams. The main skills necessary for the quality of work are good eyesight, sensitive hands, precise coordination of movements, imagination and technical thinking. The level of access to different types of tasks depends on the category received by the specialist.

Electrician of the second category

The electrician for electrical equipment for power and lighting networks, which received the second category, can install and close fasteners, brackets, hooks, as well as fasteners designed for magnetic type starters. They are allowed to manually remove the cable cover, self-manufacture of parts that do not need accurate dimensions. Specialists of this category are instructed to install grounding, punching sockets and other holes after a senior employee makes the marking.

electrical installation manual for power networks and electrical equipment

The training of an electrician in power networks and electrical equipment of the second category should include knowledge about the brands of cables and wiring, the main assortment of metals used in electrical appliances.

Electrician of the third category

The specialist in this category is trusted to cut the cable with a voltage not exceeding ten kilowatts and to process its edges. Also, the duties of an electrician for power networks and electrical equipment include closing holes for grounding and wiring passing through the walls of buildings. He has the right to mount grounding, paint equipment, dismantle switchboards of various types. In addition, his duties may include the dismantling of ballasts of a simple type. He can be entrusted with welding work with grounding tires and fastening structures, followed by their processing with a mechanized type. His responsibilities include installing lighting, creating holes for them, sorting equipment and materials before working in buildings of various types.

electrician for power networks and electrical equipment

The knowledge of the electrician on power networks and electrical equipment of the third category must include the types of fasteners, how simple devices, apparatuses and tools that work from electricity are arranged. He must know the installation and technical type schemes, how to operate rigging tools, what kind of welding equipment is, how to work with him. And also must understand the rules of equipment for work in buildings of various types.

Fourth category electrician

The job description of the electrician for power networks and electrical equipment of the 4th category includes duties, among which work with wires and cables of all methods, in addition to welding; the most different brands with a cross section not exceeding 70 millimeters squared. He may be entrusted with the installation of fences and shrouds of the protective type. His responsibilities include marking equipment, fixing devices using an assembly gun, soldering work with cables and wires, adjusting and checking the voltage in the network, installing support structures, including the gluing method.

electrician for electrical equipment for power and lighting networks

In addition, the specialist can be instructed to install structures designed for cable type wiring, to install steel and plastic pipes for communications inside buildings. He can engage in the assembly of devices and materials for work by specialists in industrial and engineering buildings. Such a specialist has the right to install guards, traffic lights, boxes, boxes and other equipment according to the finished marking, if its weight does not exceed fifty kilograms. He may be instructed to measure the resistance of insulating materials in equipment, wiring, and cables.

electrician for power networks and electrical equipment

The electrician for power networks and electrical equipment must know the electrical equipment device, the installation of which he is engaged in, all methods of measuring insulation resistance, how pipes and wiring are marked, etc.

Fifth Electrician

The duties of a fifth-rank employee include marking the places where all the equipment necessary to provide the building with electric power and appropriate equipment will be installed and mounted. The mass of the latter should not exceed one hundred kilograms. Also, his duties may include the installation of equipment, in the supply of which there is a recording device. In addition, he is engaged in the installation of various types of busbars , if their cross-section does not exceed 800 square millimeters. He is involved in filtering and drying oil for transformers. His responsibilities include checking and trial runs of remote-controlled circuits, connecting various meters to the network. The specialist must deal with the adjustment of ballasts, laying pipes that do not exceed a weight of half a ton, and laying pipes in the foundations of buildings.

official electrician for power networks and electrical equipment

It is worth paying special attention to the methods of revision and other work with electrical equipment, the rules for marking, making measurements and creating sketches. An electrician must know how to assemble and secure open and closed mains, distributors, and other electrical equipment. This list includes knowledge of the structure of the circuits and the characteristics of the insulation of transformers.

Sixth category electrician

The electrician for power networks and electrical equipment of the sixth category must mark the places where electrical equipment and other structures will be installed. He can install devices whose weight exceeds one hundred kilograms, including distribution panels , cabinets equipped with high-voltage equipment, and filters. He also mounts busbars, the cross section of which exceeds 800 millimeters square, sets pipe blocks heavier than 500 kilograms.

profession electrician in power networks and electrical equipment
His responsibilities include the installation of power equipment in places where there is a probability of an explosion, as well as checking these devices and adjusting them. He must deal with the bulkhead, as well as the installation of pumps of various types, take measurements and create sketches of complex power devices and wiring. Among the knowledge, a specialist in this category should have all the information necessary for him to perform his job duties. Such a specialist has a minimum secondary specialized education.


The electrician's instructions for power networks and electrical equipment imply that he has the right to dispose of and give instructions to his employees depending on his duties. To monitor the execution of instructions, request materials and documentation necessary for its work. In addition, he can interact with other services if necessary, get acquainted with the management plans, if they relate to the activities of its units. If he has ideas how to make his work more perfect, then he has the right to offer them to the management. If his employees have distinguished themselves, a specialist can offer management encouragement of their actions, as well as holding them accountable for violations of the labor process. He has the right to inform the management of any violations that he identified during his work.


An employee in this position is responsible for the improper performance of his functions if he has violated the rules of the enterprise and has not fulfilled his duties. He is also responsible for the fact that he did not transfer powers in a timely manner after dismissal from office, for any offenses, taking into account the legislation of the country, for causing material damage to the enterprise, for non-compliance with the instructions and rules of the organization, etc.


The profession "Electrician on power networks and electrical equipment" is in demand in modern society. However, it is one of the dangerous. Specialty requires attentiveness, perseverance and the presence of important skills necessary for the safe performance of the functions of a worker.


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