"Finger" is a polysemantic word

In modern speech, there are words whose meaning is difficult to explain. From them literally blows old times, old customs and time immemorial. Such words are commonly called archaisms. They have lost their relevance and only occasionally flash in speech. Most often they can be found in works of art. "Finger" is one of these obsolete words. It is about him that you will find information in this article.

Finger tattoo

The lexical meaning

To learn a new word, you need to know exactly what it means. "Finger" is archaism. It can be excluded from new editions of explanatory dictionaries. To find out the meaning of this expression, you can use the dictionary of archaisms. It recorded the words that came out of everyday life.

A finger is the same as a finger. Often this refers to the finger on the hand. And more precisely, the index finger.

The second value is a measure of length. In the current measurement system, it is equivalent to a couple of centimeters.

Also, the Finger of God may be a proper name. Both words must be capitalized. This is the name of the mountain in Brazil.

It is worth noting that the noun β€œfinger” refers to the masculine gender. The plural form is fingers. The emphasis is on the last syllable, the vowel "s".


Related words

In linguistics, there is an important concept - etymon. This is the word from which other related linguistic units were formed. The word finger is etymon. It served as the basis for the formation of a whole group of words:

  • a glove (a piece of clothing that covers fingers and also protects from cold weather);
  • a thimble (a small cap made of metal that protects your fingers while sewing);
  • ring (massive jewelry with a precious or semiprecious stone worn on a finger).

The listed words are widely used in modern speech. They have not lost their relevance and are used in various speech styles.

Finger with a beautiful ring

Persistent expressions

Russian speech is rich in stable combinations. They decorate the conversation, demonstrate the richness of the vocabulary, help to concisely express the thought.

The finger is an integral part of several phraseological units. Here is some of them:

  1. Finger of fate. This is the name of rock, malice, providence, fatum.
  2. One like a finger. This is how they describe a completely lonely person. Most often, this definition applies to people without relatives, orphans.
Ring on the ring finger

Examples of use

Archaism "finger" is used in different meanings. To correctly apply it in a sentence, it is worth considering the specific context. This word is uncharacteristic of a scientific and formal business style. Here are some sentences with the noun finger:

  1. His finger was stained in ash, apparently he was melting the stove.
  2. Finger is a long obsolete word; you will not find it in this new explanatory dictionary.
  3. The king put on a gold ring with a precious diamond on his finger and headed for the throne, for ambassadors would soon appear.
  4. The little boy was left alone like a finger, he has neither a mother nor a father, the war took away all.
  5. This finger was pointed to me by the finger of God, I obey the command of heaven and walk the thorny path with honor.
  6. It seems that the finger of fate itself tells me what to do in life, turns me on the right path.
  7. Tourists went to Brazil to enjoy Mount Finger of Destiny.
  8. The fingers of a young girl are so thin, the ring is required to be the smallest so that it does not slip.
  9. Masha is alone like a finger, you would help her, an orphan, with her studies.
  10. The boyar pointed with his finger to the heavy chest with precious stones, he wanted wealth.

A finger is an archaism that is rarely used in speech in the meaning of β€œfinger”. But you still need to know his interpretation. This word is found in several stable combinations that are used in fiction and colloquial speech.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34815/

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