What can be cooked from beef

Beef is the meat of cattle. If in Russia they prefer cow meat, then in other countries bull meat is valued. It is valuable for human nutrition, as it has a rich composition of vitamins and minerals. Considering what you can cook from beef, decide which dish you need, first or second? It is worth considering from which part of the carcass the meat is taken. After all, shank, rump, flank is suitable for cutlets and zrash, and fillet, tenderloin or entrecote is more suitable for stewing and frying. What can be cooked from beef for the first? Of course, potato soup with meat.

To prepare it, you will need three hundred grams of potatoes, onions, carrots, three hundred grams of beef and fresh herbs. We cut the meat into small pieces and boil it in salted to taste water. Peel potatoes, carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion. Grind carrots on a grater. Dice potatoes. Finely chop the fresh herbs. During cooking, remove the foam formed by a slotted spoon. Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil. Add potatoes and fried vegetables to the meat, then cook until cooked. Pour the soup into plates and sprinkle with herbs.

What can be cooked from beef for the second - veal with a side dish of string beans.

This dish will require seven hundred and fifty grams of veal, one hundred grams of vegetable oil, two hundred grams of onions, seven hundred grams of string beans, four hundred grams of tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, half a glass of red wine, a tablespoon of flour, parsley. This dish is prepared very simply. First, cut the whole portion of meat into several pieces. So that for each serving it turns out two pieces. Add the meat and pepper, and then fry until half cooked. We shift the meat pieces from the pan into a pre-prepared deep form. Free the onions and garlic from the husks and chop. Fry in oil from beef to golden color. Then we pour the flour into the pan, fill it with water and mix well. Cook the sauce for 10 minutes. Beans are previously defrosted. Once the sauce has been prepared, add the beans to it and simmer for at least 15 minutes. Pour the pieces of meat with the sauce with beans, put in the oven and bake until cooked. Having laid out on portioned plates, pour the wine over the dish and sprinkle with herbs, serve to the table.

What to cook with beef - cutlets with cheese.

The most tender cutlets are obtained from beef tenderloin. For their preparation, we prepare five hundred grams of meat, two hundred and fifty grams of cheese, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, ground black pepper. Cut the meat pulp into slices, the thickness of which is not more than 1 centimeter. Their size should be twice as large as future cutlets. Grate the cheese and mix with mayonnaise. Rub the layers of meat with salt and pepper. In the middle we put the cheese filling, after which we turn it in half and stab the edges with the help of toothpicks. Fry on both sides until cooked. The cheese inside will melt and spread throughout the free space. Serve such patties with a vegetable side dish or boiled rice, pouring the oil remaining on top after frying.

What can be cooked from beef for breakfast - sandwiches with meat.

Natural meat is much healthier than any sausage products. Therefore, if you want to have a hearty and healthy breakfast, always keep a small piece of boiled beef in the refrigerator. To prepare delicious sandwiches, we need a few slices of gray bread, two hundred grams of beef, a fresh salad, two hundred grams of cheese. Boil the meat in advance and cool. Cheese and beef are cut into thin layers. On a loaf of bread we put a lettuce leaf, on top a layer of meat and cover with cheese. Delicious sandwiches are ready. For lovers of molten cheese, you will need to heat them in the microwave for one minute.

Thinking about what to cook from beef pulp, pay attention to the recipes of various rolls with numerous options for toppings or to stew with vegetables.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3482/

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