What is unique about clover honey? Useful properties and chemical composition

Among the abundance of different varieties of honey, it is not so easy to determine which one is more useful for a particular disease. In this article we will talk about delicious and healing clover honey. Useful properties of the product have been known since ancient times, it contains 22 trace elements that have a beneficial effect on our health. No wonder our ancestors appreciated him for his miraculous qualities.

melilot honey beneficial properties

You need to use it in small doses a few hours before eating: slowly dissolve a spoonful of honey under the tongue until completely dissolved. Get it from a medicinal plant, which has healing qualities. The product has a beautiful amber hue, aroma resembling vanilla. This is not only a very tasty treat, but also a unique natural medicine.

As a painkiller, sedative, diuretic, expectorant and antibacterial agent, it is recommended to take clover honey. Useful properties are truly unique. An indispensable sweet treat for purulent-inflammatory diseases. Our ancestors made healing compresses from it and applied them to wounds, burns and various ulcers.

melilot honey properties

Lotions of honey contribute to rapid healing, have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In the wound, lymph outflow and blood circulation are enhanced. In small quantities, it helps to normalize blood pressure, reduces swelling, promotes the expansion of coronary vessels and has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. With an epidemic of influenza and the common cold, even doctors strongly recommend eating sweet clover honey daily.

Useful properties of the beekeeping product increase immunity, improve sleep and soothe nerves, relieving depression. And this is not surprising, since it contains vitamins C, B1, B6, B2, B12, C, as well as nitrogenous and mineral substances, organic acids, sucrose, water and phytohormones. And thanks to a large amount of carbohydrates, it has a high energy value.

People with low hemoglobin and anemia really need clover honey. Useful properties help to normalize hematopoietic function, establish metabolic processes and intestinal function. The presence of manganese, copper and zinc has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the young organism. It is for these purposes that it can be given to children.

melilot honey benefits

Women suffering from inflammatory processes of the mammary glands are advised to make absorbable compression pads from this product. Clover honey is widely used for boils and acne. The properties of a natural antiseptic help to cope even with festering cuts. The product has proven itself well in the treatment of rheumatism and myositis. They make baths with the addition of honey, which relax, improve the quality of the skin, and relieve painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

You can relieve inflammation with hemorrhoids with the help of enemas: a 30% solution of honey is used, which is injected into the rectum. Sedentary baths are recommended: for 5 liters of water, 50 grams of St. John's wort, mint, chamomile will be required, there is added the same amount of clover honey. The benefits of such procedures will be tangible.

People with varicose veins should take a healing mixture of mashed garlic (250 g) and honey (350 g). Mix all the ingredients and let them brew for a week. Take half an hour before meals, at least three times a day for a tablespoon.

Eat a delicious natural treat and be healthy and strong in spirit!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34827/

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