Ready business plan for quest room with calculations

Quest projects today are a rapidly growing area of โ€‹โ€‹the entertainment industry. It is a real pleasure for people of any age to tickle their nerves, as well as have fun in the company of friends, while gaining new experiences.

That is why the creation of a quest room will become the embodiment of a promising business idea. Getting a good income will allow high demand for such a service. And this is with minimal investment of initial capital for the promotion of the project. Consider the business plan of the quest room with calculations.


More recently, it could hardly have been said that the quest project would be a huge success in the entertainment market. But today we can safely say about the relevance of this area.

guy with a girl in a quest room

Quest rooms are a relatively new form of entertainment designed for leisure activities. Its essence lies in the fact that people (as a rule, these are teams consisting of 2-4 people) are placed in a confined space. Here they become detectives, spies, the last of the people who survived on the planet or fall into the den of a former killer. The team's goal is to leave the room for a certain period (usually 60 minutes), solving complex puzzles and solving secrets with the help of prompts and their own logic. At this time, the boundary between imagination and reality is blurred.

Is it profitable to open a quest room? The independent agency "Quest Guild" is engaged in the popularization of this area. According to him, in Russia openly and receives visitors more than a thousand of these rooms. And every year their number continues to grow. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of free niches in this market. Success to the entrepreneur will be brought by the creativity of his ideas and the right direction of marketing policy.

The attractiveness of this type of business is obvious. With relatively small investments, its payback can be achieved after five months of operation. Break-even point is possible already in the second month of the activity.

Opening a quest room has its undeniable advantages. They are concluded in the absence of the need to use expensive rooms and decorations, as well as hiring highly specialized employees. The success of the project will directly depend on the twist and severity of the plot.

How much does it cost to open a quest room? The amount of the initial investment will be about 540,000 rubles. What does it consist of? This is what a business project is considering.

According to marketers, not a single economic crisis can affect demand in this segment of the entertainment market. This is explained by the fact that people tend to forget about their problems and difficulties for some time, for which they go into a new reality for them. And although there is still a certain amount of guile in these statements, nevertheless this is indeed so. In addition, such a business has one unusual feature. Here competitors voluntarily or involuntarily assist each other. After all, a person who liked visiting one of the quest rooms will certainly search for other interesting offers that exist in his city.

After a ready-made business plan for opening a quest room is in the hands of a novice entrepreneur, he will be able to assess the real prospects for the development of this area, as well as the difficulties that will come his way, in the form of constant advertising costs, depending on the quality of the new scenario , special effects and scenery.

Concept selection

How to open a quest room? The business plan of such a project should include the choice of format, as well as the development of a concept.

quest performance

And here you can stay at one of the following types:

  1. Escape the room. This concept of the quest room provides for the fulfillment of tasks by the team, which in the allotted time for this should get out of the room. At the same time, visitors need to search for solutions to complex problems and solve difficult puzzles.
  2. Quest in reality, or performance. In this case, the players will also have to be in a confined space. However, they can achieve their goal with proper use of the provided attributes, sound and light effects. Professional actors are invited to such a game. They give clues to visitors.
  3. Quests around the city. They also represent team games. In this case, the task is to complete the milestones within the designated area.

Competitor study

When drawing up a business plan for the quest room, you will need to analyze in detail the market for similar services in your city. The most relevant issue is the study of competitors. You can search for information about them via the Internet. All the companies that have opened a similar business in the city will certainly be represented here.

Competitors can be divided into two categories:

  1. Network companies that operate on a franchise acquired from a well-known brand. An example of this is Claustrophobia. Is it profitable to open a franchise quest room? On the one hand, yes. The advantage of this type of solution, in addition to brand awareness, is the provision of a ready-made model of sales and technical developments, as well as well-established channels for the sale of services, franchisee training, and provided tools for attracting and retaining customers. But, on the other hand, you need to allocate a certain amount of money to acquire a franchise, and besides, constantly deduct part of your income. In addition, there is no guarantee that the entrepreneur will correctly take advantage of the opportunities provided to him and will receive a good profit. Anyone who decides to work independently can compete with such companies. A small firm will become more mobile in terms of strategy. Itโ€™s not so difficult for her to concentrate on the emerging nuances, as well as make faster decisions.
  2. Local organizations that independently opened their project in the city. Such firms are inferior to large network companies in their investments, resources, experience and knowledge. The number of rooms they open, as a rule, ranges from 2 to 4. Competition with these companies will not cause difficulties. After all, they have limited offers, sales channels and a budget.

After compiling lists of competitors, it is advisable to personally get acquainted with each of these organizations, exchange contacts, and also offer mutual advertising or cooperation in another way.

men shake hands

Due to the high demand for quest rooms that outperforms offers, this will be beneficial for both parties.

Sales market

The business plan of the quest room should also consider the target audience that will be interested in the project. It is represented by people whose age is 18-35 years old, with an average or above average income. This target audience can be divided into narrower groups:

  1. Students who are between 18 and 23 years old. As a rule, they choose morning and afternoon time to visit quest rooms. Indeed, it is during this period that the prices for visiting locations are reduced.
  2. Working people. These visitors come to quest rooms in the evening, at night, and on weekends.
  3. Corporate clients. This category of visitors appears due to the activities of some companies working on informal team building.
  4. Parents with children. Such visitors participate in family quests.

Sales and Marketing

What do you need to open a quest room? Before starting an advertising campaign, you will need to develop a unique brand and logo. In the future, it is thanks to them that it will be possible to stand out from the mass of competitors.

businessman holds phone in his hands

To attract new customers, you must use online and offline advertising. The first of these methods involves the use of all the tools existing on the Internet sites. Among them:

  • targeted advertising placed on a widely used social network, for example, on VKontakte;
  • contextual advertising in the Google and Yandex systems;
  • posting information in various profiles, groups and public places on social networks;
  • the use of website promotion in a search engine.

Offline methods do not involve the use of the Internet. They are:

  • distribution of flyers in places where crowds of young people are observed (at cinemas, in shopping centers and near universities);
  • interaction with cinemas, cafes and food delivery services;
  • advertising in local media.

To attract a flow of customers, the first time after the opening of the quest room will need to carry out promotions. For example, a discount on the first visit to a location may be offered. It is recommended to offer a flyer to reduce prices for acquaintances and friends of the first visitors.

Attracting customers in this way in the first 1-2 months of the newly opened quest room is especially important. This will allow you to earn word of mouth, which will save further money on paid advertising.

In the implementation of all of the above activities, the planned number of applications should rise to 15 per day. However, in the business plan for opening a quest room, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of work. 15 teams a day, as a rule, passes locations in the winter. This will correspond to revenue of 52.5 thousand rubles. In summer, attendance drops to 2-3 teams. Such a number of clients will make it possible to receive revenue in the amount of 10.5 thousand rubles.

In the finished business plan for opening a quest room, you must also specify the operating mode of the locations. As a rule, such establishments invite their visitors daily from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m.

The cost of entrance tickets for the team is from 1.5 to 4 thousand rubles. in the regions and reaches 2.5-5 thousand in Moscow.

Location selection

The quest room as a business needs a regional focus. This direction will become successful only if it meets the needs of the population of the city in which it is located. That is why it will be necessary to conduct a study of the demand of potential customers. It is possible that children's or family quests will be more in demand. This will be affected by the size of the market, as well as the financial capabilities of people and their willingness to be entertained in this way.

How to open a quest room in your city? To do this, you will need to take into account population density. If this indicator is expressed in small numbers, then the very idea of โ€‹โ€‹such entertainment may soon become obsolete. In those cities where there is a low population density, you will need to constantly update the range of available offers or rely on the provision of services for tourists. In other words, an entrepreneur should always remember that games are an entertainment industry. That is why they should be both in time and in place.

Scenario development

How to open a quest room? A business involving this project requires a scenario. It will become the basis on which the construction of the entire project will be carried out in the future. For the success of the event conceived, such an idea must be original. So, at one time quests, in which live actors began to take part, made a splash in this area. And today, such projects remain at the peak of popularity. In addition to solving complex logical problems, a team needs to interact with a person who will scare visitors, give them tips or create an appropriate atmosphere.

Often the ideas for the script of the quest rooms are taken from famous stories, films and books. The plot can be built on the adventures of James Bond, Harry Potter, the story of Freddy Krueger, etc. But in any case, the task should be fun and contain a secret that must be solved by the participants. A prompt new and original idea for the location will allow a thorough study of the work of competitors who have opened such establishments in your city.

drawing up a business plan

In the absence of experience in creating the script, it is recommended to hire a specialist. This is a very important matter, and the success of the entire project will depend on it in the future. In the business plan for opening a quest room, you can provide for the writing of the script by students of the corresponding faculty. This will reduce costs.

Before final implementation of the script, it is recommended to test it beforehand. To do this, invite friends who are the first to try to cope with the task. Such a move will eliminate the existing flaws, as well as remove unnecessary or add the necessary details to the interior. Or maybe even expand the range of characters.

When starting a franchise business, the script is provided free of charge or for an additional fee.

Choice of premises

How to open a quest room? To implement the project, you will need to rent a room. Its minimum area should be 40 square meters. It is necessary that in such a room all the necessary communications should be located, and this is water and electricity.

When searching for a room for the implementation of the business idea of โ€‹โ€‹the quest room, it is necessary to be guided by its high traffic. You should focus on shopping centers, which are located not only in the city, but also outside it. The main criterion in this case should be the number of potential customers who come to the shopping center for shopping, as well as for entertainment.

It is possible to rent a room where the quest room is planned to work, where various youth events and exhibitions are held. But still, the best choice would be a shopping center located in a residential area of โ€‹โ€‹the city. Such shopping centers are distinguished by a large cross-country ability and a relatively low rental cost. A dubious idea would be the placement of quests in the largest network shopping centers. It provides for a high rent, which will significantly reduce the profitability of the project.

When drawing up a business plan for the quest room, it is also necessary to take into account the costs that will be needed to repair the room. After all, its design should correspond to the scenario that was adopted for the location, and its history. If the quest room is located in a residential building, then you will need to conduct work on soundproofing.

It is also necessary that the parking lot is located at the building in which the rented premises are located. Its absence will lead to an outflow of customers who do not want to get on foot.

How much money does it take to open a quest room? The cost of renting a room will vary depending on the distance from the center, the city itself and other factors. In the business plan of the quest room, you will need to provide for the average values โ€‹โ€‹of this value. So, the rent for premises will be from 400 to 700 rubles. per square meter. Carrying out cosmetic repairs will cost the entrepreneur approximately 70 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

What do you need to open a quest room? Implement the project will not work without buying the necessary equipment. His list should include a reception desk, chairs and armchairs, a sofa for visitors, as well as a wardrobe. You will also need scenery, which is not necessary to buy new. The necessary props can be brought from home or ask friends.

You will need video surveillance and audio tracking systems. These are important elements of the quest room equipment. Thanks to the audio accompaniment, the proper location effect is created. But when using the monitoring system, it will not be difficult for the administrator to monitor the participants in the action and control the process.

A prerequisite is the presence of a video communication system. With it, the administrator will be able to give hints to the team.

If there is a franchise, the entrepreneur will most likely be given a finished technical project. It will describe all the nuances about the list of necessary equipment and places of its arrangement. So, with the franchise of children's quests, one of the prerequisites for holding events will be the purchase of costumes, and sports topics will necessitate the availability of sports equipment. As a rule, a franchise company also recommends places where it will be possible to purchase the necessary equipment.

It will be required for the quest room and a sign that will allow customers who first come to the location to orient themselves. As a result, the cost of equipment will be approximately 190 thousand rubles.


Implementation of the business project of the quest room will not require the entrepreneur to select a large number of qualified specialists. To get started, you will need only two administrator employees accompanying one location.

The easiest way to find staff will be to interview friends. You can take advantage of specialized groups located on social networks. Among the basic requirements for the administrator of the quest room are responsibility, sociability and integrity. This is an employee who meets customers, provides briefings, monitors their actions during the location, maintains cleanliness in the room, accepts money, and also monitors the serviceability of props and equipment. Administrators' salaries are fixed. It is approximately 20 thousand rubles. for each person.

admin meets customers in the quest room

If he intends to hire a project manager, he is charged with the responsibility of deciding on filling out locations, approving a quest, and interacting with a screenwriter. They make decisions on the reduction or increase in staff, as well as on the size of their salaries. The same person should organize shares and interact with the media. The salary of the head is at the level of 30 thousand rubles. This figure can be reduced if the project is not working efficiently.

It will take an organization and an accountant. His salary will be about 5 thousand rubles. This specialist will record the operations performed, prepare financial statements and interact with extrabudgetary funds and the tax office. It is advisable to find an accountant working on a remote basis, and not include him in the staff of the organization. As a result, the total salary fund allocated by the entrepreneur for the quest room staff will be 75 thousand rubles.

Legal registration

It is impossible to carry out the work of the quest room without legal registration of the activity. And here you can register as a limited liability company (LLC) or as an individual entrepreneur (IP). The second option is faster and cheaper, but in this case, the businessman will remain an individual and will be responsible for the project with his own property.

During registration, you will need to specify OKVED. It is a numerical code of activity according to the accepted all-Russian classifier.

You will also need to choose the system by which taxation will be carried out. For SP, USN is most suitable. At the same time, it is recommended to choose a format providing for the deduction of amounts in the amount of 6% of the income received.

After registering the company, you need to open an account for a legal entity in one of the banks. It will be needed to conclude a lease, accept payments from customers using cards, and also to make settlements with other companies.

It is necessary to accept cash proceeds using a cash register. You will also need to purchase it before opening the quest room.

Financial plan

In the business plan for opening a quest room, all the investments necessary to advance the project will look like this:

  • cosmetic repairs - 70 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a sofa - 15 thousand rubles;
  • table purchase - 3 thousand rubles .;
  • cells designed to store things - 5 thousand rubles;
  • development of the design of the common area - 15 thousand rubles;
  • decoration with paintings and other paraphernalia - 5 thousand rubles;
  • reception - 15 thousand rubles .;
  • computer - 30 thousand rubles;
  • video surveillance system equipment - 15.5 thousand rubles;
  • chairs - 3 thousand;
  • microwave - 4 thousand rubles;
  • cabinet - 3.5 thousand rubles .;
  • redecorating a bathroom - 10 thousand rubles;
  • mirror - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • towel holder - 1 thousand rubles;
  • audio system - 37 thousand rubles;
  • scenario - 25 thousand rubles;
  • audio support of quests - 5 thousand rubles;
  • video surveillance for the location - 2.5 thousand rubles .;
  • location design - 5 thousand rubles;
  • promo video, photo shoot - 15 thousand rubles;
  • requisites - 60 thousand rubles.

What is the result of the calculations? The total amount for the opening of the quest room will be 350 thousand rubles.

dollar bills

Planned monthly expenses consist of the following:

  • salaries of employees - 75 thousand rubles;
  • deductions to the PHOT - 22.5 thousand rubles;
  • rent (50 sq. m) - 32 thousand rubles .;
  • payment of utility bills and communications - 2 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for printed materials, marketing and advertising - 25 thousand rubles;
  • consumables, household goods and so on. materials - 3 thousand rubles;
  • depreciation on the acquired equipment - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Internet payments - 1 thousand rubles;
  • replacement of the attributes of the quest room (if damaged) - 5 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 8 thousand rubles;
  • tax payments - 10.2 thousand rubles.

Taking into account these expenses, the total amount of initial investments in the project will amount to 538.7 thousand rubles.


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