Women's EVE beer: tastes and reviews

Undoubtedly, the foamy hop drink is very popular among representatives of the strong half of humanity. No one will dispute the fact that men drink beer willingly and regularly (and some almost daily). As for the weaker sex, lovely ladies also sometimes are not averse to tasting a glass, however, they prefer, rather, lighter options.

women's beer eve

However, it should be noted that for many ladies the taste and smell of foamy are abhorrent. Manufacturers simply could not pay attention to this, since marketing dictates its own conditions, and sometimes it is quite tough. Thus, the female Eve beer (“Yves”) appeared - a powerful alternative to low alcohol for our gentle young ladies. There is less degree, and tasty, and bright beer aroma is not felt.

Theoretical base

Special studies were carried out, during which it was revealed that in women taste buds created by nature a little differently than in men. After this “great” discovery, it became not so difficult to reach an interesting conclusion: beer varieties, which the strong half of humanity really likes, simply cannot be liked by fragile women. And this, for a minute, a good half of the people living on Earth!

beer eve

Consequently, manufacturing companies could not ignore these potential customers. A striking example of a new foamy drink is Eve beer. Although, of course, there are other representatives of the female beer clan. But we'll talk about them some other time.

Beer Eve

A mixture of exotic fruits, hops and malt in one bowl - a refreshing in the heat, sparkling and unique drink. Here is what Eve beer is. It, according to many ladies, is an original alternative, for example, champagne or wine, as well as bar cocktails. Note to men: if you do not know how to surprise your girlfriend, offer Eve beer for sophisticated, modern and relaxed ladies.

Carlsberg group

The very idea of ​​making light and refreshing alcohol based on beer came to the minds of employees of the well-known Carlsberg brewery. And the employees of the department in Switzerland developed a recipe based on natural ingredients: purified water and light barley malt. And the original supplement was a tropical fruit juice concentrate plus citric acid for a more memorable taste.

beer eve photo

So there was a female beer "Eve" - ​​one of the most popular on all continents today.

A bit of history

The fact that a gentle foamy drink was invented at Carlsberg is not at all surprising. This brand has a long history, which began back in 1847. A brewery was created near Copenhagen in the 19th century, which becomes a legislator not only in beer production technologies , but also in its sales. So, Carlsberg is one of the first exporters of foam, and the products of this company, already twenty years after its foundation, appeared in other countries.

The founder of Carlsberg, Jacob Jacobsen, has always paid great attention to innovative developments, and a special laboratory has been created at the brewery to deal with issues of the scientific plan. Pure yeast was discovered here, which became a revolutionary product in the global beer market. And it is no accident that original fruit beer also appeared to the world in this very production.

beer eve tastes

Now Carlsberg is a worldwide successful brand, which since 2012 owns the production capacities of Baltika, the market leader in the Russian Federation. Immediately today, Yves is released - a magical drink that appealed to women around the world.

Eve beer: tastes and features

There are several characteristics that need to be addressed when it comes to beer, created for the beautiful representatives of humanity:

  • Its amazing lightness. Because, of course, women cannot afford the heavier and darker varieties of the drink, which are sometimes preferred by men.
  • Softness. This is an excellent quality, and it is present here not only in the gamut, but also in the aroma of the drink.
  • Saturation. The bouquet of the perfect drink, produced for the weaker sex, is not only light, soft, but also rich.
  • The balanced and optimal strength that Eve beer has. The degrees enclosed in the drink are of a special nature and do not exceed 3.1.

sweet beer eve

  • Several varieties are produced and sold. Any modern woman will be able to choose what suits her best: peach or passion fruit, or maybe a juicy grapefruit. The fruit flavor of this cocktail is betrayed by the concentrated juice introduced into the composition.

But still intoxicated!

However, one should not forget that this drink is still alcoholic. And the main purpose of its consumption is not to quench your thirst (although this is also done miraculously). They drink "Eve" in order to get drunk, to get a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Thus, it contains a sufficient fortress to ensure that this condition occurs after drinking a couple of three bottles. "Yves" is a real women's beer, which has a combination of all the above characteristics and qualities.

Popular popularity and reviews

Pleasant and light, slightly sweet Eve beer is widely popular today. She can talk about how the manufacturer understood and thought out how to find the right balance, which many ladies like. Eve beer (see product photos above) is also a masterpiece of design work. When developing a product, Carlsberg Group experts perfectly understood that a product should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. It was with these goals that the famous German studio with a worldwide reputation - Feldmann & Schultchen - was involved in the work on the design of the bottle for the women's drink.

beer eve degrees

In fairness, it should be noted that the idea of ​​creating a special line for personalized women's beer has long been ripe for some global manufacturers. But while others are still pondering decisions, Carlsberg is already releasing a drink that is distinguished by the most delicate tastes and elegance of bottle shapes. Since these products are in undeniable demand among the female population of the planet, it is very likely that the assortment of Iv varieties will only grow over time.

As for consumer reviews, they are for the most part exclusively positive. Many people like the fact that the women's beer "Yves" is a tasty and cooling thing that is relevant, especially in the hot season. In the top consumption is Eve with passion fruit flavor. Also, modern ladies also like the fact that the product, in fact, does not have a pronounced beer aroma and taste: only the lightest taste of hops and pronounced fruit juice. Actually, this is a gentle and weak beer cocktail, which has a lot of advantages in its characteristics. It is drunk easily and opens with a simple turn of the lid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34838/

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