The benefits of grape seed: use in medicine and cosmetology

grape seed benefits

Grapes are a fairly common heat-loving plant with berries of different colors, sizes and tastes. Perhaps for the majority it will come as a surprise that the pulp of these fruits contains no more than 10% of useful substances. Antioxidants, which are the main advantage of this plant over others, mainly contain grape seeds. Their benefits to the body simply cannot be overestimated. That is why these raw materials are used in cosmetology, food industry and medicine.

The benefits of grape seed in medicine

Grape extract has long been the material for scientific dissertations and research. The thing is that it is an excellent aid in the treatment of such ailments as rheumatism, neuritis, sclerosis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, stress, stomatitis, glaucoma and even chemical poisoning. Its medicinal properties are justified by its unique composition: quercetin, catechin, lutein and other phytoestrogens. They are able to protect the female body from atherosclerosis. According to studies, 100 g of grape seed extract lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and cells by 60-70% after 2-3 hours after administration.

the benefits and harms of grape seed
And with constant use, it is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis and leukemia. In addition, the benefits of grape seed for immunity, connective tissues, and vessels were noted. The use of fresh grapes or as part of any medications is a preventive and additional therapeutic agent for cancer.

The benefits of grape seed : application in cosmetology

Oil extracted from grape seed has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It is quite popular and is part of the body, face, hair and nail care products. Its main components are vitamins of groups A, B and E, phytosterols, flavonoids, chlorophyll and polyunsaturated acids.

grape seed benefit
Thanks to this composition, the oil is quickly absorbed, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, but it does not leave a greasy shine. With systematic use, it helps to regenerate, improve the structure, elasticity and topography of the skin. Great benefit grape seed for problem skin, such as oily and prone to irritation. Using oil, it is possible to prevent the appearance of age spots, narrow pores, normalize the sebaceous and sweat glands, and improve complexion. Grape oil is a component of almost all complexes for the treatment of acne. Well, and, of course, we can not say about the use of this tool to prevent premature skin aging associated with hormonal disruptions or ultraviolet radiation. The benefits and harms of grape seed are determined individually for each person. If we talk about external use, then the frequent use of scrubs, which include this raw material, can lead to damage to the skin. Therefore, such cleaning is recommended not more than 2 times a week. If we are talking about taking grape seed inside, then you should beware of people suffering from gastrointestinal ailments. And excessive consumption of berries can lead to an exacerbation of appendicitis.


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