How much to cook sausages so that they retain their taste and do not lose their shape?

In the world there are sausages of various sizes and shapes: beef, pork, chicken, with cheese, with onions and with almost anything. In general, most lovers of this product want the sausages to be an exclusively meat mixture in the shell, although nevertheless meat cannot always be present in them. For example, in ancient times, fish sausages were extremely popular, and in Wales County Glamorgan sausages were always made from cheese with leeks. As for the forms, in this regard they are also different: for example, in Scotland sausages called Lorne are square, and they do not have a shell.

This popular product can be divided into three categories. The first should include fresh sausages, which should always be prepared, that is, boiled. They are followed by smoked ones, such as salami: they can be stored for a relatively long time and can be eaten in sliced, like sausage, form. The last category includes ready-made or semi-finished sausages, they can be eaten cold or heated.

In fact, sausages are a versatile product that can be used in the preparation of many dishes. One of them is very original and has a funny look, so children can really like it. But when preparing it, it is worth considering the time how much to cook sausages. This dish is called not very appetizing - “hairy sausage”, but the child will surely like the process of its preparation. For this dish you will need sausages and thin spaghetti. So, we take pieces of 30-40 dry pasta with which we pierce the sausage through in all available places. The result should be a kind of “sausage hedgehog”, which must be carefully placed in a pan with boiling, slightly salted water. Time, how much to cook sausages, is slightly increased. This is necessary so that the portion of pasta that is inside the product is well digested. Standard modern sausages are cooked for no more than 5 minutes. If you cook them for longer, they may burst, or even break apart, so for cooking “hairy sausages” do not skimp on a product that still contains meat: this way you can avoid an unpleasant “collapse” of the dish and you can get very a funny sausage from which vermicelli will hang like hair. You can sprinkle this beauty on top with grated cheese and add a little ketchup. In other words, a standard dish turns into something unimaginable, but from this no less tasty.

The use of raw sausages, especially in a plastic shell, it is better not to get carried away. Firstly, their taste is worse than that of cooked ones, and secondly, there is a risk of poisoning, since the transport of the product or unloading of the product could impair the integrity of the shell, and the penetration of oxygen can slightly spoil it. Therefore, it is still better to boil these products. How long does it take to cook sausages wrapped in cellophane, and does it need to be removed? You can cook them both in the shell and without it, but it is believed that sausages cooked in a plastic wrap are still tastier, because it allows you to store more nutrients in the product. On the other hand, given the current quality of this type of product, it is better to remove the wrapper so that not very useful substances go into the water.

About how many sausages are boiled in an unnatural shell, it can be said that 2-3 minutes are enough for them to receive their dose of heat treatment and not lose their taste, and also not fall apart. If you cook in cellophane, then it needs to be slightly cut at the edges, so that later it is more convenient to remove. You can also pierce a sausage a couple of times with a fork to maintain its integrity and get rid of excess fat.

And finally, a few words about how much to cook sausages in a microwave and a double boiler. To cook these meat products in the microwave, you need to fill them with water so that it completely covers the sausages, and put in the oven, which is turned on at full capacity. In this mode, the dish will be ready in three minutes. But cellophane in this case is better to remove, otherwise it will burst, which will be very bad for the microwave.

How to cook sausages in a double boiler? Since the products here are not filled with water, but are cooked with steam, it will take 8-10 minutes for the sausages to reach full readiness.


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