Polyester. What is this material and what is its application

In those days, when various polymers and plastics began to be actively introduced into everyday life, it seemed to people that with their help they would be able to solve almost all the problems that are impossible for natural materials. Such scientific, technical and chemical euphoria continued from the late forties to the seventies, until mankind was convinced that cotton, linen or wool for clothes is still in most cases better than any synthetics. However, these decades were not in vain; many very valuable and useful qualities of polymers created the conditions for their widespread use in various fields of human activity.

polyester what is it

One of the most common synthetic materials is polyester. What is this product, for the production of what products is it used now? To answer these questions, you must first understand the chemical and mechanical properties of this polymer.

As a material, polyester is a multi-molecular chain of polyesters. In the synthesis of this polymer, strong bonds arise, making it extremely strong. When applied to garments, this means its high resistance to tearing and creasing. Is it good? Of course, for some toilet articles, these qualities are simply irreplaceable, as well as the ability to withstand moisture. But everything has a downside. Low hygroscopicity and rigidity of this material make it uncomfortable with respect to the skin. However, it is impossible to say about polyester that this is a completely unsuitable fabric for sewing clothes, just its scope is limited.

polyester material

In different countries, there are various commercial names that designate polyester. The composition of the raw materials can be combined, for example: "wool 65%, lavsan 35%." This word, at first glance foreign, actually represents an abbreviation in which AN is the Academy of Sciences, and the letters "L", "A" and "B" mean a laboratory of high molecular weight compounds. In the United States, this material is produced under the name Dacron.

polyester composition

In technology, this polymer has been widely used due to its special properties. For example, for the production of packaging materials requiring increased strength, one hundred percent polyester is used. What are these properties? The strength of the strapping tape to tighten the bales, which have a significant straightening force when compressed, is only slightly inferior to the tensile strength of the metal tape, while the polymer is much lighter, and, importantly, cheaper than iron. The strength of polyester threads determines their use in cases where the seam must be very reliable, and the ropes woven from them can withstand enormous loads.

In the world aircraft industry and automobile construction in recent decades, there has also been an active expansion of the scope of application of composite polymer materials. Any part for the manufacture of which plastic is used instead of duralumin reduces the weight and increases the corrosion resistance. For military aviation, this polyester also has another important property: scientists have established by examining polyester that it is a radio conductive material. This property allows radar radomes to be made from it, and the silhouette of the aircraft becomes less noticeable for air defense systems of a possible enemy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34850/

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