Built-in ironing board. Types and characteristics of models

Folding built-in ironing boards are increasingly attracting the attention of housewives. And there are objective reasons for that. Such designs are extremely convenient to use. Occupying a permanent place in the house, products of this plan quickly become indispensable helpers in the household.

Probably, the main plus that distinguishes the built-in ironing board is the ability to save free space. This moment becomes the most relevant for owners of small apartments.

The value of ironing boards in the household

built-in ironing board
Each housewife is accustomed to equip life for personal convenience and specific conditions. But how realistic is it to feel harmony and comfort when, in addition to the whole mass of trifles used in the household, there is an overall ironing board in the middle of the room?

Ironing things is one of the traditional duties that most often fall on women's shoulders. The built-in ironing board allows to ensure the convenience of performing such work, save energy and valuable space in the room. Currently, housewives are expected to have a wide selection of such designs. The correct selection of the suitable option makes it possible to facilitate the ironing process and significantly speed it up.

Wall-mounted folding ironing board

ironing board built into the cabinet
If there is not enough free space in the apartment, not only the wall construction can come to the aid to place a board in a corner, closet, on a balcony or behind a door, but even in a closet. Despite the fact that such products are mainly used in dressing rooms of hotels and hotels, their use can become quite convenient in ordinary living conditions.

When unfolded, the wall recessed ironing board is most compactly placed along the wall. Models in this category are easily rotated 180 degrees, which contributes to ease of use and space saving.

Built-in ironing board with mirror

folding ironing board built into the wall
The hinged design for ironing things can be presented in a rather unusual, original format, hiding behind a mirror. When folded, products of this category cannot be distinguished from a conventional mirror surface. However, if necessary, ironing is easily transformed, dropping to the desired level. For convenience, a housewife can independently adjust the mechanism.

Board built-in wardrobe

built-in ironing board with mirror
If the previous options are potentially not very convenient and effective in the existing conditions, preference can be given to the design, which is placed in the cabinet. An ironing board built into the cabinet can be easily mounted on almost any door. At the same time, the housewife does not have to bother with the question of where to hide her from prying eyes. This option does not interfere with movement around the house and does not violate the interior ensemble.

The ironing board built into the cabinet features a carefully thought-out mechanism. To bring this design in readiness, a slight movement of the hand. To do this, you just need to open the cabinet door, and then overturn the product fixed inside.

Characteristics of hinged ironing boards

Designs of this type have the following qualities:

  • easy to fold out, quickly move to the starting position;
  • have a special automatic spring unit, the presence of which contributes to a smooth movement in various positions;
  • have small dimensions;
  • They are distinguished by a reliable mechanism of transformation and therefore serve for decades;
  • depending on the installation location, individual models can be displayed in several directions.

Selection tips

folding integrated ironing boards
Many housewives wonder where to find the built-in ironing board. You can choose a quality option for long-term use today both in specialized furniture stores and by contacting the services of the corresponding online services. If you need to choose a design that will be used in rather non-standard, specific conditions, you can resort to the manufacture of a suitable model to order.

When the need for maintaining the harmony of the interior comes first, attention should be paid to the board built into the mirror. By giving preference to this option, you can maintain the integrity of the registration of housing. At the same time, others will not be aware of the presence of an ironing board, taking it for an ordinary mirror. The most creative housewives prefer to order boards, the back of which imitates a picture, or a wall panel, in accordance with the existing decor.

The optimal solution for many housewives are products mounted on the wall and cabinet doors. When choosing them, the main thing is to pay attention to the most reliable manufacturing materials and high-quality transformation mechanisms that are guaranteed to last a long time.


Among the main advantages of built-in ironing boards are the following:

  • special compactness, functionality and comfortable operation with regular use;
  • reliable and easy fastening in both positions;
  • the presence of a convenient transformation mechanism;
  • the ability to fix in separate positions and at different angles.

The only drawback of the built-in ironing boards is still the relatively high cost. However, this minus is more than compensated by a noticeable saving in free space, practicality, ease of maintenance and a long service life.

In general, it doesn’t matter whether the built-in ironing board is used in an ordinary private house, a spacious country cottage or a relatively cramped city apartment. The fittings of this plan look relevant, extremely successful solution, regardless of the conditions and nature of the room.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34859/

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