When to get a haircut in November? November haircut lunar calendar

Hair cutting is a salon procedure, to which the beautiful half of humanity is in awe. One wrong move with scissors - and the appearance, coupled with the mood of their owner, is hopelessly spoiled. Woe to the hairdresser should sympathize - if the dissatisfied young lady doesn’t take his tools to pieces, then she will probably express her opinion in a rather harsh form.

when to get a haircut in November

Lunar beliefs

It is said that a well-done haircut does not always depend on the right specialist. The moon phase and the constellation of the celestial luminary “stay” at a certain period of time have a great influence. The position of the night beauty changes not only by the day, but by the hour, regardless of the season and day. To the question of beautiful ladies, when to get a haircut in November, April or August, the lunar calendar will answer.

Time for haircuts

Most fashionistas "clean feathers" before International Women's Day and New Year. Autumn is a great time to renew or completely change your appearance. The end of the season is especially good for this purpose - you can freely experiment with your appearance, preparing for the upcoming winter holidays. Those who check their lunar adventures before each visit to the hairdresser will benefit from the haircut and beauty calendar for November.

when can I get a haircut in November

Pay off by decades!

The traveler moon every day meets in different signs of the zodiac horoscope, only sometimes staying in one of them longer than usual. Not only a successful trip to the stylist, but also many other things, for example, financial well-being, health or personal life, depend on who the heavenly luminary is “friends with”. When to get a haircut in November, so as not to snatch various misfortunes and troubles on your head? Which dates are considered unfavorable and which are favorable? The lunar haircut calendar for November will answer!

A month is divided into decades. There are only three of them - 10 days per decade, each of which is positive or negative for any salon procedure. The lunar haircut calendar for November will tell you the “right” day, the procedure on which will not only give your hair a well-groomed look, but also improve your own life.

haircut and beauty calendar for november

Lunar help

Good moments for a visit to the beauty smithy mean dates when a haircut and any other manipulations with hair will show a wonderful effect. If you are considering when to cut your hair in November, then this is the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 17th, 18th.

Neutral territory

Dates that in no way affect hair activity are called neutral. These are the days in which the moon does not conflict with the signs of the zodiac. There are quite a lot of such moments in the last autumn month - 7, 8, from 14 to 16, 19, 20, as well as 24 and 29.

Negative aspects

Adverse days are days in which the Moon enters into a confrontation with certain signs of the zodiac circle. In this case, you should refuse any hairdressing services. In November, these are numbers from 3 to 6, from 10 to 13, as well as 21 and 22.

More details are listed below and are scheduled taking into account all three decades of November. Thanks to them, cutting the hair according to the lunar calendar for November can be planned on the "right" day.

November lunar haircut

First decade

What is happening at this time? At the beginning of the farewell autumn month, the lunar calendar of hair cuts for November, despite the growing phase of the moon, does not recommend going to beauty salons on such numbers as 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10. And all because the faithful companion of ours the native planet will not be in the best aspects of the zodiac circle, and any actions with hair threaten to turn around for its owner various negative manifestations. When to cut hair in November, or rather - in the early days of this month? The best days for this are 1, 2, 9. Neutral days, which will not bring any changes when working with hair, are November 7 and 8.

Read more about when to get a haircut in November, or rather, from 1 to 10, below.

Nov. 1. A great moment for cutting hair. By visiting a hairdresser, you can get not only a good hairstyle, but also health, coupled with increased well-being. Staining made at this time will turn out to be quite persistent, especially for blondes and copper tones. The only thing you can’t do is perms. He should refuse it and postpone it to another time, since the lunar calendar of hair cuts for November claims that such a procedure is unlikely to be successful.

November 2 Any haircut, even the shortest, made on this day, will contribute to new acquisitions, and any caring masks to improve hair will be more effective. The styling done on this day will be especially magnificent.

the 3rd of November. This date does not apply to the days when you can get a haircut in November. By visiting the hairdresser, you can call on troubles and a quarrel with relatives. We recommend moving the haircut to a better date.

lunar haircut calendar for november

November 4th The lunar haircut calendar for November highlights this day as particularly unsuitable for haircuts, stains and curls. The only thing that can be done is to pamper your hair with home care for moisturizing and nourishing, as well as a head massage.

November 5. An extremely inappropriate number to meet with a hairdresser! It is especially not recommended to dye your hair, as well as subject it to winding on a curling iron and straightening with an iron. The same goes for corrugation and shearing with hot scissors.

November 6th. This date is not suitable only for cutting hair, however, any therapeutic measures to improve their quality will give an unrivaled effect.

November 7th. This is a neutral day that does not affect the hair at all. You can cut, dye, curl - the moon will not affect the result.

November 8th. This is a neutral date for a "trip" for beauty.

November 9. Excellent date for a visit to the beauty salon! This is the best day to get a haircut. In November, such days can be counted on the fingers. With hair, you can do whatever you want - from cutting tips and light tinting to keratinization and hair extensions. Any hairstyle experiments will be great!

10th of November. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for November specifically on this day is completely useless. You can lose your financial balance and get ailments.

Second decade

When to get a haircut in November, or more precisely - in its second decade, which lasts from 11 to 20 days? The most successful days for meeting with a personal stylist are 17 and 18. Adverse days are 11, 12 and 13, and neutral days are November 14, 15, 16, 19 and 20.

11th of November. It is undesirable to cut hair in November at this time, as they will grow very slowly, and also become thin and weakened. Staining will be unstable, and the curl will not work out as dreamed of. It is better to pamper your hair with oils and home masks.

November 12th. Like the previous one, this day is categorically unacceptable for a visit to the hairdresser. It’s better to wait and schedule a haircut on a better day.

the 13th of November. They say that if you cut your hair during this period, you can quarrel with friends and family or lose a certain amount of money. But the coloring will turn out juicy and resistant.

November 14th. Neutral time for cutting hair, and yet it is not recommended to highlight, color and color curls. Perm is also worth refraining from.

15th of November. All in all a good day, but only for cutting and bleaching hair. Other procedures, such as staining, keratinization, should be discarded and wait for a more suitable case.

when to cut hair in November

November 16th. Neutral day to meet with the stylist. You can get a haircut, but you don’t need to dye your hair - the color will quickly wash off.

November 17th. It is even necessary to cut hair in November on this day! Any procedures performed with hair will give an excellent result. The haircut will turn out great, the color will be bright and persistent, and the curl will be natural. Hair treatments performed on this day will give an excellent effect.

November 18th. A great date for going to the hairdresser! Having cut hair, you can get a nice bonus in the form of health, joy and longevity.

November 19th. A neutral day for cutting, dyeing and any other simple procedures with hair.

20 November. Neutral day for a visit to the hairdresser. Firming masks act very well on the hair.

lunar haircut calendar for november

Third decade

The rest of the last fall month will please you with a large number of neutral and suitable days for haircuts. Of the negative numbers, it is worth noting November 21 and 22.

November 21. A busy day associated with the coming new moon. Usually this period is associated with mood swings. Do not cut and dye your hair - the result will still not please.

November 22. Bad day for any hairdressing procedures. It is worth moving your trip to the stylist to another, more suitable one.

November 23rd. A haircut done today will bring happiness, love and health to life. Dyeing your hair on this day is not worth it, as well as laminating, keratinizing, shielding and the rest of the list of complex procedures.

November 24th. A neutral day, which in no way affects the haircut, except that after the renewal of the tips, the hair will cease to split and grow at an accelerated pace. It is also recommended to make all kinds of masks.

November 25. This date is not suitable for dramatic changes in appearance and image change, but updating an existing haircut will not hurt. You can dye your hair in classic, natural shades.

November 26th. An ideal day for curling, as well as for updating the tips of long hair.

November 27th. An ideal day for those young ladies who decide to experiment with their own image. You can safely go to a beauty salon for a new image - both a haircut and hair coloring will turn out excellently, and the result will please.

November 28. On this day, you should not carry out complex procedures with hair and overload them with masks. Better to update the haircut and make easy styling or carving.

29th of November. Negative date for hair cutting. It is worth signing up to your stylist the next day.

November 30th. At the moment, you should not cut your hair, because it can bring down such negative moments as your well-being and loss of strength.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34862/

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