What is a startup? Definition and examples

Time is running so fast that you do not have time to notice how yesterday's cupcakes turned into cupcakes, and ordinary sweatshirts into something intricate called "hoodies." Yes, the modern lifestyle makes you regularly replenish the vocabulary with new words in order to keep up with the latest trends. Therefore, today we will analyze what a startup is.


The term startup (from the English startup) was coined by the American entrepreneur Steve Blank. By it, he meant a commercial project whose goal is to profit after its development. The word startup can easily be replaced by a synonym for a business project.

But there is one caveat. The start-up cannot be called the opening of a vegetable stall in the market or a bread shop. This term should be used only in relation to new business models that have their own unique features. Understanding what a startup is will be much easier if you familiarize yourself with the history of the term.

startup development

A bit of history

The starting point for the emergence of the term “startup” should be 1939. Then two young students William Hewlett and David Packard made their contribution to the development of innovative technologies - they created their first low-frequency generator. If someone else has not guessed, then we are talking about the company Hewlett-Packard (HP).

Then this invention was something fundamentally new. No, the generators themselves were, but the HP200A model was distinguished by the presence of an incandescent lamp in it, which was used instead of a resistor. This feature made the low-frequency generator more stable and less expensive compared to those models that were available on the market. Hewlett and Packard called their invention “startup.”

Another striking example that speaks of what a startup is is Apple, which in 1976 began the artisanal production of personal computers under its own brand. Today, the release of a new smartphone from this company produces a massive stir around the world.

From the foregoing, we can conclude what a startup is.

Startup is a fundamentally new business project, which is at the starting point of development, which involves the emergence of a new innovative product on the market.

Startup: how is it different from a business?

Even in the media you can hear how the word startup means young business. But such a use of the term is not entirely appropriate, since there are significant differences between the two concepts.

startup teamwork

Signs by which you can distinguish a startup from a business:

  • Idea.

If the initiative is based on an already established business model, then this is a simple business launch. But when it is based on a new idea, for example, a cafe serviced by quadrocopters, it is already a startup.

  • Teamwork.

Usually, a team of people who are united by common interests and a goal works on innovative startup projects. Moreover, each participant is given a separate role, which significantly speeds up the launch of the project. While starting up a business is easy for one person to handle.

  • Implementation time.

This item follows from the previous one. Since a whole team of like-minded people is working on a startup, its launch time, as a rule, does not exceed 6 months. As for business, there is no place for haste. It may take more than 1 year to analyze the market, develop a business project and marketing strategy.

  • The age of the founders.

The emergence of startups is due to young people, or rather their ambitiousness, creativity and energy. People with experience usually come to business, with an average age of 30-35 years.

  • Financing.

Behind innovations are always not only developers, but also sponsors. For some, an idea; for others, means for its implementation. Businesses are most often opened at the expense of their own savings.

Developmental stages

If you consider successful startups, you can draw up their stages of development, regardless of their specifics. The whole process consists of 6 stages, each of which has its own characteristics.

startup planning stages

The life cycle of startups was compiled by the same Steve Blank, outlining them in his book. Its distinguishing feature is that it is possible to understand how successful the idea for a startup was only after completing the last stage.

6 stages of startup development:

  1. Pre-seed or nucleation. Here the idea itself is formed, the image of the product. It may still be blurry, but at the same time there must be a clear understanding: why, how, and why this particular product must exist.
  2. Seed or sowing. At this stage, team building, market research and project development begins.
  3. Prototype. The initial implementation of the project, that is, the creation of a working model designed to work in impeccable conditions. In parallel with this, the search for a sponsor for startup investments begins.
  4. Alpha version. At this stage, the working model is tested by a small group of people, errors are identified and adjustments are made.
  5. Closed Beta Version. Development has a fully functional appearance and functionality. The user group is gradually expanding.
  6. Open Beta Version. At this stage, the intensive promotion of the product to the masses begins.

How to start your startup?

No matter how sad this may sound, many startups are already folding at the first stage. Yes, there is an idea, but what to do next? Some lack experience, others lack enthusiasm, and others lack determination.

Specialists in this field note that all people have the potential to become the creator of an innovative idea. The main thing is to be able to look at simple things from a different angle. The generally accepted stereotypes, standards, rules are the main obstacles that hinder the innovative development of mankind. In addition, there are a few tips that will help launch your startup, and move the nascent project off the ground.

The future is the main landmark

You need to constantly keep up to date, and even better - a few steps forward. To do this, you need to be regular participants in innovative seminars, exhibitions, conferences. This will help not only to keep abreast of all the latest developments in the world of technology, but also contribute to the acquisition of useful contacts. After all, to implement a startup, you need a well-coordinated team.

startup idea

Choosing the right direction

You should always bet on what you understand. To do this, you need to choose one area and become a professional in it. It does not have to be associated with science, medicine or computer technology. One must seek oneself in that which is near.

Becoming a professional is easy. You just need to devote all your time to your favorite business, communicate with like-minded people, not be afraid to take even the most complex projects into work. If it does not work out with a startup, then at least it will increase professional value, and beyond it the ability to earn.

conferences for startups

Solving a problem is the key to a successful startup

According to statistics published by CB Insights, 42% of startups “burn out” due to the fact that the product did not find recognition in the market. That is, it turned out to be simply useless. The best startups became the best solely because they solved the problem of a person that he faced daily. This leads to the logical conclusion: in order to generate a good idea, you need to find a problem and solve it.

5 best startups in Russia

Innovative business ideas are born all over the world. Even in our homeland there are people who excited the consciousness of not only compatriots, but also foreign skeptics. In support of these words, here is a list of 5 interesting startups implemented in Russia.

Five best startups in Russia:

  • 1st place. Endless flash drive.

The first news of an endless flash drive or flash drive thunder swept across the country. Media reports, video reviews, and blog posts took this invention apart literally.

Project work

Its essence is as follows. FlashSafe is a kind of conductor through which information flows from a PC to the cloud. At the same time, its user can remain anonymous and not worry about data security. After all, the information that is in the online storage is securely encrypted.

  • 2nd place. Bivan.

Bivan is an innovative model of an inflatable sofa. It would seem that there can be innovation in inflatable furniture, which was invented more than 100 years ago ?! And here's what: to inflate a tusks you do not need to use any additional devices or physical strength. It is enough to wave it and a full place to relax is ready.

  • 3rd place. Smartphone Application - Prisma.

The program for processing photos will not surprise anyone. With a few taps, you can change the sharpness, contrast and saturation of the photo. With a strong desire, you can even become a semi raccoon.

Prisma application offers to make a picture from ordinary photography in the style of one of the great artists, for example, Kandinsky. But this is not the uniqueness of the idea. Conventional image processing applications simply overlay one or more filter layers on the photo. Prisma sends it to the server for analysis by a special neural network, after which the whole picture is overwritten.

  • 4th place. MULTI-CUBE.

MULTI-CUBE is a mini-projector that is capable of reproducing photos and video files on any flat surface. The success of this startup can be explained by the correct positioning of the invention. The creators presented it as an alternative to modern gadgets (smartphones, tablets, PCs), because of which children often have health problems.

  • 5th place. Cardberry

The latest startup will make you breathe a sigh of relief for all fans of shopping and more. After all, Cardberry is a mobile application with which you can put all the discount cards (with a bar code or magnetic stripe) into one. An ideal startup based on the problem-solution model.

like-minded team

These examples motivate and confirm in the best way possible that you can realize your idea even if you have only 100 rubles in your pocket. The main thing is to make a little effort, and begin the thorny path to the goal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34869/

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