Organizational processes: types, stages, goals

Organizational processes - this is the process of performing work according to the plan, which is divided into three stages. Separation of work, grouping into separate blocks (departments, sectors) and coordination of individual groups.

Three process examples

The following examples of process distribution can be distinguished:

  • Division of work into separate stages. In this case, different types of work are assigned to an individual employee in accordance with his qualifications, skills and experience.
  • Grouping work in separate blocks. Separate blocks mean a sector, department or unit in which a group of employees of the same qualification is working on a specific project. With this division, work is faster.
  • Work coordination is the resolution of conflicts and the construction of a mechanism to avoid them.
Organizational process table

Process steps

The organizational process can be divided into several stages:

  • Work sharing.
  • Task grouping.
  • Work coordination.

But they can be identified much more. It depends on the organization itself and its activities.

Work sharing

Work sharing

The first step in the organizational process, with the distribution of work between employees in accordance with their qualifications and skills. At the same time, management should ensure that an individual employee does not do more or less work than his colleagues. At the heart of the principle of distribution is the ability to distribute employee time. And also that they perform only the work that they know how to do best.

This will reduce the time from the transition between operations, reduce training (since workers perform only what they already know). Tooling and tools are also improving. There is a danger of this specialization - the monotony of labor. It deprives the employee of creative skills and their manifestation during work. To avoid this, managers most often use two methods.

  1. Expanding the field of activity of the employee.
  2. Enrichment of labor.

Expanding the field of activity is providing an employee with the opportunity to combine and do several work of his choice at once. It can also expand tasks. Labor enrichment is the provision of an employee with independent control over advancing work.

Correct task grouping for further execution

The stage of organizational processes of a company implies the creation of various units (departments and sectors) that are responsible for individual tasks. At the same time, maximum efficiency and speed of solving certain problems are achieved. As a rule, those who do the same work are united in one department.

This is how work is distributed in small organizations.

Small firms

Such organizations divide production departments according to their functional attribute. That is, according to the type of work performed. Each vice-president of a separate department is responsible for a specific activity of the company - sales and marketing, transport activities and financial operations. Also, some segments can be divided into another 2-3 departments.

This diagram shows the separation in large organizations.

Division in a large firm

The levels of vice president are formed by the type of production of the enterprise. The lower level is formed by geopolitical location. The last level is organized according to the type of activity of one of the areas. These are the main types of organizational processes. Simplified, it looks like in the diagram.

Generalized principle of operation

Work control

Coordination of the work of organizations allows you to control and direct employees in the right direction at the previous stages. This is done so that the work is done correctly, on time and according to plan. Coordination can be done through a system of subordination. There is also another type - vertical. Here, control is divided into individual links that rise above each other.

For example, a manager oversees regular employees. And his work is controlled by more senior management. The larger the number of employees, the less managers are needed, because of this information quickly reaches the management. But due to the smaller number of employees, the president will have to resolve more conflicts at work.

There is another method of coordination - the market, the most effective and strong. The market is a vivid example of mutual assistance with vertical coordination. There is no need for top centralized leadership, the market is the most powerful for the producer and consumer. For some companies, the market is the most beneficial coordination method.

How is this type of work different from others?

Organizational development is a type of activity that should streamline the processes of production and management in enterprises. His concept appeared on the basis of psychology and sociology, which were supposed to solve the resulting conflicts in practice. This term was coined by Robert Blake in 1946-1949. at ESSO Corporation (currently Exxon).

ESSO first adopted the term

The main difference between this process and other types of work with employees is that the organization is considered holistically, with all interacting elements. A systematic approach consists in the sequence of consideration of functional, structural, technical and personal relationships within the organization. Also, programs of this type of work consist in analyzing the functioning and problems associated with it.

The purpose of such decisions is to increase production efficiency. The concept of organizational development was created so that the company actively and stably develops. Therefore, in his name is the word "Development". And growth will occur not due to “shocks” or “impulses”, but due to internal resources. What are organizational development experts trying to achieve in the first place?

First of all, the balance between the expended resources and the products sold, as well as the payback of these very products. As well as the development of the enterprise, its growth and team cohesion within the organization. The results of the work of these specialists are as follows:

  • readiness of a team or personnel for local or global changes;
  • the positive attitude of employees towards each other, as well as the development of mutual assistance between them;
  • optimization of the organizational and functional structures of the enterprise;
  • achieving overall job satisfaction throughout the enterprise.

The work of such a specialist is very complex and, as already mentioned above, is based on psychology and sociology. Also, after the work of these people, managers see an improvement in product quality, higher productivity, strengthening the organization’s position in the market, reducing personnel loss, increasing income, etc.

The main stages that organizational growth specialists go through

Specialist OR

Organizational growth is a continuous process, divided into several stages.

  • At the first stage, the specialist and management are aware that it is necessary to change the enterprise in various structures. This awareness can come at those times when employees notice complications in the enterprise. It is also important that everyone wants to change the company.
  • In the second stage, after awareness and the desire to solve problems and change the enterprise for the better, the specialist begins work. Some problems are being solved, namely, a system of working relationships is being created in order to carry out organizational changes.
  • In the third stage, after the specialist can infiltrate enterprises, he begins to collect information about him. This is a very important activity and is carried out strictly according to the special technique of a specialist. Even if the company has a huge amount of information, it will not always be able to point out the obvious problems of the organization.
  • In the fourth stage, after collecting enough information, it will need to be analyzed and studied. This stage can also be called diagnostic. The specialist must make a "diagnosis" and begin "treatment", as well as make organizational changes.
  • At the fifth stage, the specialist will understand all the problems, he needs to develop a plan for their elimination and further avoidance. In this regard, he uses his special techniques. When a plan is drawn up, it must begin to be implemented. The specialist should monitor the implementation of the plan.
  • The sixth stage, it is the final one. After the organization has changed for the better, the need for a specialist disappears. Sometimes there are cases when a company’s dependence on a specialist becomes too big, it cannot function without it. These problems are also solved by a specialist.

Importance of organizational growth

In a developing company or in one that is on the verge of bankruptcy, you need to familiarize yourself with this concept. And it is advisable to hire a specialist. His work will cost money, but the changes that he will make to the enterprise will become invaluable.


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