"Dobrynya" - moonshine still: description, instruction, reviews

For a long time it was believed that the presence of a moonshine was a sign of alcoholism of its owner. But time goes on and everything changes. Now this device is ideal for saving money, because the prices for alcoholic beverages have increased significantly, and you will have to spend money to buy a quality drink.

moonshine still moonshine

Of course, you can stop drinking alcohol. But in every family there are many holidays, during which it is difficult to do without strong drinks. In addition, making alcohol on your own, you will be confident in its quality and can save significantly. There are many models on the market, but one of the most popular is the Dobrynya moonshine still, the manufacturer of which manufactured a first-class product at a reasonable price.

What is he like

This fixture is unique. Indeed, at a reasonable price you will get a moonshine still with the help of which you can make strong alcohol with a minimum content of harmful substances in it. This is primarily possible thanks to a filtration system in which toxic products and fusel oils settle in a special container and do not enter the drink. Thus, you get alcohol that is safer than store alcohol, tastes good and costs almost nothing.

moonshine with a steamer

One of the best such products is Dobrynya. The moonshine still is made from a special grade of stainless steel, which is durable, has excellent thermal conductivity and is used in the medical and food industries. Due to the fact that chromium is a part of the metal, Dobryne is practically not afraid of corrosion, and it can be used for many years. He is not afraid of contact with alkalis, acids, as well as any other liquid and gaseous substances.

Strength and thoughtfulness

“Dobrynya” is a moonshine still that impresses with its strength and durability. This is due not only to excellent steel, but also to a thick bottom and walls. In addition, argon welding is used in its manufacture, due to which it has excellent tightness and reliability. All seams after its use are even, and their dimensions are fully respected.

moonshine moonshine still reviews

There is a thread on the union nuts, the neck and the fittings. Since it is characterized by excellent accuracy, the connection process is very convenient and not fraught with any difficulties. It does not matter if the device is in a cold or warm state.


Alcohol meter and thermometer with a dial indicator are included in the kit for Dobrynya. In addition, 2 meter hoses are available for connecting to a running water cooler. Thanks to this, a moonshine still with a steam generator can be used immediately after assembly, and you do not have to look for additional devices for its operation.

It is very convenient not only in the countryside, but also in the city. Indeed, a complete set will not only save free time, but also save you from unnecessary expenses. At the same time, the quality of the resulting alcohol will be on top. Also, this moonshine still, the instruction for use of which is very detailed, is quite simple and does not require special care.

Available models

At the moment, there are two versions of this moonshine: Standard and Progress, with a capacity of 12 liters. They are great for use in an apartment, private house or in the country and allow you to get up to 3.5 liters of alcohol at a time, the strength of which will be approximately 50 degrees.

moonshine still price

This moonshine can be used for the following purposes:

- manufacture of cognac;

- production of traditional moonshine;

- preparation of balms and medicinal tinctures;

- create your own recipes;

- production of fruit, aromatic alcohol.

The main difference between these two models in the diameter of the neck. At the "Standard" it is already, as it is designed for liquid mash. The Dobrynya Progress moonshine still has a wider mouth, so you can use berries and fruits for souring. Also this model is much more convenient to wash.

Advantages of making moonshine

"Dobrynya" is a moonshine still, which is one of the best among similar products. With it, you can engage in the production of alcohol at any time convenient for you. You can make this drink according to traditional or new recipes. You will be able to surprise your guests by putting on the table not the usual store alcohol that has filled many people’s teeth, but your own, produced independently.

moonshine still producer

Another advantage of homemade moonshine is its low price. With the help of Dobrynya, you will be able to produce a high-quality drink, the cost of which will be minimal. Good quality store alcohol always has a high price, while home-made moonshine will allow you to save significantly. After all, the raw materials for its manufacture are quite cheap, and its quality and taste will be at their best.

You can often hear the question: "How much can you save by making moonshine yourself?" It is difficult to give an unambiguous and accurate answer, but given that the price of a liter of the finished product is about 20 rubles, and you will have to pay 200 for the same volume of a store drink, then this is easy to calculate. Largely because of this, many decide to purchase a moonshine still with a steam tank "Dobrynya" and produce high-quality and inexpensive alcohol on their own.

Benefit for health

One of the most controversial issues is the health benefits of alcohol, in this case moonshine. It is not so easy to answer it. Although if the moonshine is of high quality, it is consumed in a reasonable amount and not too often, it certainly will not cause harm to the body.

After drinking home-made moonshine, a significantly smaller hangover syndrome is observed compared to a store-bought product. In addition, the substances that make up this drink improve the digestion process and increase appetite.

moonshine still good progress

Of course, moonshine, like any other alcohol, should be consumed with a good snack, which will reduce the rate of intoxication. The amount of drink drunk is strictly individual and depends on the weight of the person and the work of his digestive system. If you use moonshine wisely, you will lighten your mood and your guests and make the holiday more emotional and fun.

Making alcohol with Dobrynya

There are many ways to make moonshine using the apparatus in question. Which is better to choose a recipe, it's up to you. It all depends on your preferences. Of course, at first it is advisable to try to prepare the simplest moonshine. Well, after you have enough experience, you can move on to more complex recipes or create your own unique drink.

moonshine still

"Dobrynya" is a moonshine still, which is distinguished by quality and reliability. With it, the cooking process will not cause you much difficulty, it will not take much time and effort. To facilitate the first steps in the production of home-made alcohol, the product comes with detailed instructions for its use and a book with recipes.

According to the instructions, the mash is first prepared. To do this, you need water, sugar and yeast. All this should be heated, mixed well and put in a dark place for 7 days.

Next, fill it in "Dobrynya" and bring to a boil. Having waited until the liquid begins to turn into a gaseous state, you will see that the mash will go to the cooling tank through the coil. You only need to monitor the temperature, which should be 80 degrees, and substitute containers for the finished drink.

Of course, you are unlikely to immediately learn complex manufacturing methods, but simple ones can be dealt with quite quickly. Having gained enough experience, you can easily produce moonshine, the taste of which will completely surprise not only you, but also everyone who tastes it.

The cost of "Dobrynya"

One of the most significant advantages of this product is its reasonable price. Despite the quality, reliability and first-class performance, you can buy it very inexpensively. "Dobrynya" is a moonshine still, reviews of which are only positive. In particular, many of its owners praise the product for its ease of use, reliability, quality of the beverage and durability.

It is the best option for both a beginner and an experienced specialist in the manufacture of homemade alcohol. In order to fully understand and appreciate all its advantages, the product should be used for several years.

The Dobrynya moonshine still, the price of which is about 6 thousand rubles in the standard version and about 7.5 thousand in the “advanced” one, is an excellent acquisition. It makes it possible to make fine alcohol at home and save significantly by refusing regular purchases of liquor stores.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34875/

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