Monastic tea from diabetes: reviews. Monastic tea from Belarus

Today on the Internet you can see many advertisements for the sale of teas, the recipes of which are supposedly made by monks. One of them is monastery tea from Belarus, namely from St. Elizabeth's Monastery. Is the recipe for this collection really drawn up in the indicated monastery, does it help or is it another β€œscam”? We offer to understand this article.

monastery diabetes tea reviews

Monastic tea for diabetes. Reviews

Probably, in this review you should start with reviews. The monastic tea for diabetes has various reviews, but first we’ll look at the positive ones. And they are found, as a rule, on sites selling this tea, while there is no way to identify the people who leave them. In the best case, the opportunity is given to write comments, and there are statements indicating the name and surname without coordinates by which you can contact these people. In the worst case, the information is simply entered by the owners of the site.

In many cases, monastic diabetes tea reviews are negative or uncertain. Moreover, some doctors have dedicated their blogs to this topic, where they are not very flattering about the collection.

Belarusian monastery tea

Who sells Belarusian monastery tea?

Unfortunately, they could not find a manufacturer of this tea, although sellers claim that the nuns are collecting it. But more recently, on the first page of the site of the St. Elizabeth Monastery there was an announcement that he was not involved in teas that are sold as monastery tea. Minsk implements this collection, or rather, it is sold by the entrepreneurs of this city (just like in Russia and Ukraine several companies or private individuals), but, therefore, it is produced anywhere, but not in the monastery. Probably, it is worth believing the monks, God's people live modestly, and they are out of business.

Collection Studies

Why, at a time when diabetes is called the plague of the 20th century, such outstanding results were not reported anywhere? For advertising purposes, sellers write about studies that were supposedly carried out and yielded excellent results - out of 1000 people who participated, 87% stopped having diabetes attacks, though , no one explained what was meant specifically. After all, doctors do not talk about any diabetic attacks at all, probably because they do not exist in nature, and 42% have completely recovered from diabetes. There are several legitimate questions:

  • Why is tea not adopted by doctors to combat this disease?
  • Where are these results recorded, and who conducted the research?

History of tea according to sellers

Often on the websites of sellers there is an expression that the recipe for this collection is centuries old, well, no less than a hundred years old. In fact, the Holy Elizabethan monastery, according to Wikipedia, exists since August 22, 1999 and is considered very young. The question arises: "So who really is the compiler of this recipe and where are its roots?"

Tea Composition

monastery tea Minsk
Sites selling monastery gathering tea, its composition is practically not covered, citing trade secrets. So, the most complete composition of the collection, which was found:

  • Oregano, first of all, is included in carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic and breast collection used for diseases of colds and respiratory system, it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. In addition, it is used for jaundice, upset nerves and insomnia, stomach cramps, inflammatory processes in the liver, whooping cough, gastritis, and can increase peristalsis. Its use is recommended for atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Elecampane is used in the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory tract, gastritis, cough, as an anthelmintic, in diseases of the liver and gall bladder, diabetes. With rheumatism, painful joints, arthritis, gout, lumbago and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, it is used as a painkiller. And with headaches, heartaches, dizziness, spasms of cerebral vessels and epilepsy, elecampane acts as a tonic that can improve the condition.
  • Rosehip is used mainly in the form of fruits that have bactericidal and phytoncidal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat scurvy, in case of depletion of the body, anemia, and other diseases that arise due to a lack of vitamin C. Drugs, which include rosehip, accelerate carbohydrate metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the liver and gall bladder. In addition, traditional medicine uses it in the form of tinctures of water and alcohol (for tuberculosis, typhoid, scarlet fever, diseases,
    monastery tea instruction
    associated with the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines). Widely used is also tea brewed from its fruits, and oil obtained from seeds (for the treatment of skin diseases).
  • St. John's wort is primarily used for the manufacture of plant-based antidepressants, which are sold without a prescription, it is typical that they are practically inferior to recognized medications (they are inferior only in severe forms of depression), this fact has been proved in clinical trials and meta-analyzes. He is able to alleviate the condition of chronic fatigue, in the treatment of drug addiction. However, it is also capable of accelerating the cleansing of the body of medications taken, for example, immunosuppressants. However, preparations containing St. John's wort are highly undesirable to use with other medicines, especially antidepressants.
  • Thyme (or thyme) in ancient times was revered as a sacred herb that has the power not only to heal a person, but also to restore his life. It is used as a means against worms, anesthetizing and disinfecting. They are also used in the form of ointments with the addition of honey, decoctions, powders, baths and dressings for radiculitis, rheumatism and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. For lung diseases (as an expectorant).
  • Lichen is used in the form of decoctions for the treatment of diarrhea, colds, and catarrh. It is also taken when the body is exhausted, since it is able to stimulate appetite, in addition, lichen can be used as an antibiotic in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Felt burdock belongs to the category of ancient folk remedies, its roots are used. The broth is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic, as well as for kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, constipation, gastritis, peptic ulcer and stomach diseases, including cancer, and edema. Burdock oil is widely known as a hair care product.
  • Blueberries are useful in the treatment of scurvy, diarrhea, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, stomatitis, ulcers, burns. Specifically, with diabetes in the early stages of the disease, shoots and leaves are used, since they are able to lower blood sugar.
  • monastery gathering tea
    White mulberry is a unique plant that is fully used in folk medicine. The bark and roots for the treatment of bronchitis, cough, hypertension and epilepsy are a diuretic and expectorant. And their juice has an anthelmintic effect. Leaves insist and use as an antipyretic for colds. Fresh fruits are used for gastrointestinal ulcers, and syrup from them for heart and vascular diseases, anemia, to stop bleeding, with scarlet fever and urticaria.
  • Chamomile is used in the form of extract, tea, decoctions, lotions. It is used as an antiseptic, for flatulence, intestinal cramps, diarrhea, as a diaphoretic.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is a food product; frozen tubers acquire a sweet taste.
  • Dandelion. It is used in folk medicine mainly its root, which has a choleretic property, has a beneficial effect on the liver and its work, stimulates appetite, cleanses the blood and is an antispasmodic.
  • The cuff is taken orally for colitis, peptic ulcers, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, epilepsy, bladder, enteritis, and obesity. It has astringent, expectorant, diuretic, wound healing properties.
  • Squid is used in the treatment of diabetes and as a diaphoretic and diuretic. But at the same time, the reception must be agreed with the doctor, since its dosage is limited due to toxicity.
  • Blackhead is an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, improves immunity, and is also used for food poisoning.

Tea Properties

On selling sites they write that taking monastic diabetes tea (reviews, by the way, posted on the same resources fully confirm the information), you can get excellent health results:

  • blood sugar stabilizes;
  • metabolism is restored, metabolism is normalized;
  • insulin in dependent patients is completely absorbed by the body;
  • weight and risk of complications are reduced;
  • the pancreas activates its action.

monastery tea for prostatitis

Instructions for preparation and reception

Monastic tea instruction recommends brewing as ordinary tea based on 200 ml of water 1 tsp. pick and drink it for at least 3 weeks, several cups per day, namely from 2 to 3. It is better to start with 1 cup per day, while promising that the first results will not be long in coming, and in a week they will be to feel. Between receptions should take a week break.

How to get monastery tea?

Difficulties with the acquisition of the collection does not arise. It’s enough to go to any website selling it. There you can find a maximum of information on this product, and the answer to the question of where to buy monastery tea is given there. You can order it on the site. In addition, its delivery takes very little time, from 2 to 7 days, but depending on the location of the buyer, it can be 10-15 days.

They can send it both by prepayment and cash on delivery, and judging by the reviews, so most often buyers do it, that is, they pay a fee upon receipt of the goods.

How much is the monastery fee?

The cost of monastery Belarusian tea on the official website is 990 rubles, but its price in this case is indicated at the time of the action and in fact it is reduced. Moreover, the terms of the ongoing promotion are not specified anywhere.

where to buy monastery tea
Types of monastery fees offered by sellers

In addition to collecting for diabetes, sellers offer monastery tea for prostatitis, hypertension, and weight loss. It is indicated that in all cases, tea cleanses the liver.

A little surprising is the fact that the manufacturer has not acquired one specialized website with the provision of comprehensive information, but offers its products on the "one-page". In the best case, several types of fees are indicated on some of these resources, and in most cases the information is the same everywhere, but the teas are different.


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