Irreality is what? Examples, synonyms, photos

Reality, regarded as an infinite number of events and objects of our being, is everywhere modified due to the influence of various factors, now and then turning into irreality.

At the same time, irreality as a linguistic concept is an event or object that does not correspond to our ideas about reality, that is, does not correspond to reality, or unreal.

The more real you become, the more unreal the world becomes. John Lennon

unreality and reality in one wallet

Irreality is a hoax of reality

Nature is a great hoaxer. Suffice it to recall the Northern Lights. The surreal visual phenomenon for us of fantastic flashes in the sky actually has a very real background - the appearance of magnetic storms under the influence of the Earth's magnetic fields.

Thus, everything that goes beyond the usual phenomena for a person can be called surreal, without material evidence. To assume that irreality is a paradox of reality.

In the concept of irrealism, it is generally accepted that "irreality" is as real and actually exists as the "reality" itself.

Magnetic Storm - Northern Lights

Nelson Goodman and the Building of Worlds

Man constantly encounters the surreal, creating and modeling the world around him. According to the scientist, the logic and philosopher of unreality Nelson Goodman - science and art are the vehicles of the unreal. The more a person is connected in his knowledge with scientific or creative activity, the sooner and more successfully he travels from reality to the surreal world and vice versa.

Much attention is paid to the study of the unreal in their works by writers, artists, psychologists and psychiatrists. They study how and when, as a result of the effects of stress on the human psyche, he becomes depersonalized, ceasing to feel the real world, more and more immersed in the surreal.

In the broadest sense, irreality is a fantasy world that is usually used to create works of a fantastic genre or to write surreal, surrealistic paintings.

According to the French philosopher and literary critic Roland Barthes:

Literature is irreality, and its task is to realize the unreality of language.

In the photo: a mirror, a conductor of the unreal world, an image that is often used in fantasy literature.

surrealism in the mirror

Irrealism, soul, art

So, if we follow the statement that irreality is a distorted or altered reality, then we can assume the possibility for each person to know the unreal.

Nevertheless, in order to accept reality in the form of the unreal, one must have a sufficiently developed and refined perception of reality, sometimes esoteric knowledge, a tendency to mystifications.

Surreal flights of the soul are practically familiar to everyone; they happen during sleep. But in reality? Is it possible to overcome rationalism and create masterpieces of visual art? Of course yes.

The works of the Spanish artist Remidios Varo demonstrate the emergence of unreality within the real world.

cat and violin

Magic dreams as a technique in art

Having been born by the literary movement in France in 1920 thanks to the work of the poet and writer Andre Breton, surrealism was used as a method of depicting reality, non-existent reality by many subsequent artists, photographers and film figures.

The dictionary of Russian synonyms says that irreality is a word meaning: phantom, fictitiousness, deceitfulness, chimericity, ephemerality, illusory, imaginary, fabulous ...

And the image of the magical, magical world becomes the art of a higher school of cognition of reality.

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The paradoxical phenomena of reality through images and allusions are familiar to a wide circle of admirers of fine art and cinematography.

  1. This is the work of Dali, Lynch, Jerome Bosch, Brueghel. The works of Blavadsky and Gurdjieff and many other examples of great artists, philosophers, writers.
  2. The phenomena of unreality and reflection in such works of art fill the emotional background of a person, create a different view of the existence of the unreal in the real.
revived worlds

For example, Remedios Varo creates in his works other, unreal galaxies and flights of the soul into the transcendental spaces of reality.

Irreality is an opportunity to break away from the familiar and habitual borders of reality, to go beyond the maze of stereotypes.

Traveling to other worlds through dreams, dreams, fantasies for the knowledge of such a fantastic and unreal reality of the surrounding world is the reason for the emergence of unreality in our lives.


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