Rich Froning: biography, personal life, career

Now there are many new directions and sports for every taste and mood, and one of them is CrossFit. He appeared not so long ago, but more and more gaining popularity among athletes around the world. This article will talk about the adherent of this direction - Riche Froning.

A bit about crossfit

Crossfit Workout

Having first heard about crossfit, it becomes obvious that the name is definitely not Russian. It is borrowed from English from the words cross - cross, cross and fit - prepared. CrossFit first appeared at the beginning of the twenty-first century in America, and we only became known in our country a dozen years later.

CrossFit is a circular training, exercises in which are performed without respite, one after another, and are aimed at the development of various muscles of the body. It is good for its multidirectionality, since it simultaneously combines many sports such as weightlifting, gymnastics, bodybuilding and so on. When doing crossfit, a person can develop his skills in everything: in running, and in endurance, and in strength, and in dexterity. Engaged in one narrowly specialized sport, a person improves only certain characteristics of his body that are involved in it. But in life it is much more beneficial to be not only strong, but also fast, not only dexterous, but also hardy, that is, not to be a professional in only one area, but to have an advanced level in several.

Skills acquired in the crossfit classes will be useful in the campaign, and in the fight, and in general in everyday life and everyday life.

Froning Biography

Photo Rich Froning

Rich Froning is a professional crossfighter, known to the followers of this movement around the world, and who for many is a legend of this sport. At the moment, he gives all his training to himself, and in the future, he has the desire to devote his whole life to crossfit.

Rich Froning's birthday is July 1, 1987. He was born in Mount Clemens, Michigan. Soon his family moved to Tennessee, in Cookville, where he lives to this day.

In childhood, the boy’s parents entrusted him with a variety of work, and if it ended, they would certainly find a new one. And they themselves never sat idle, setting an example to him. It was parents who cultivated industriousness and perseverance in Riche - those qualities that later became his support on the path to achieving success.

While studying at school, Froning loved sports, was fond of football and baseball, played as part of his school team. Gradually, the desire to play football came to naught, but baseball, on the contrary, increased, and he began to speak at regional competitions for the honor of his school. But due to the fact that the spirit of rivalry was strong in Rich and the desire to measure strength with each other happened irreparable. Once he went to a baseball game with a previously injured hand, swung a bat ... and lost consciousness, and woke up already in the hospital. The ligaments were torn, and the injury was so serious that at that moment Rich could just lose his hand, if not for timely medical attention.

In college, he continued to engage in baseball and received a scholarship, but an old injury prevented him from developing in this sport, and Froning quit this activity.

After college, he entered the University of Technology and at the same time began to earn money as a fireman in order to be able to pay for his training. There he was engaged in strength training, and soon became interested in crossfit, gaining momentum in those years. Rich learned about him at the university from the teacher Chip Pooh, and part-time, co-founder of CrossFit.

In 2009, Froning received a certificate of first-level crossfit trainer, and a couple of months later he and his cousin opened CrossFit Mayhem - their own gym in Cookville, where Rich gained experience as a trainer. From this moment begins his sports career.


Rich Froning trained in his garage, and after a year of intensive training, he begins to participate in professional crossfit competitions.

In 2010, he won his first competition in the south-eastern region, which gave him the right to take part in the national ones, where in the same year he took second place due to the fact that he could not pass the last test of the CrossFit Games - the rope. After a long and hard fight, Froning fell off him and fell from a six-meter height. He further notes that this incident was the defeat that made him forget about self-confidence, train and raise the bar even higher, and that without this his victory in the 2010 Games would be the last.

Rope froning

In 2011, he wins the title of Fittest Man on Earth literally, "The Most Prepared Man on Earth."

In the period from 2011 to 2014, he won the competitions again and again and confirmed his title. These were far from easy competitions: they lasted four days and during this time the participant had to demonstrate his skills in swimming, running, push-ups in a handstand, squats with a barbell over his head, whose weight was about a hundred kilograms and much more. In addition, Rich competed with athletes who were almost as good as his experience and skills. But he defeated them all four years in a row and that is worthy of respect.

After his next victory in 2014, he leaves the individual standings and starts performing in team competitions. With his team, he continues to win first places. In 2015-2016, they win the Central Regional Competitions and CrossFit Games.

Team CrossFit

In CrossFit, Rich Froning was and remains a legend. He ended his individual career at the peak of fame, becoming the five-time champion of Crossfit Games.

Personal life

Rich Froning and his wife

According to Hillary, the wife of Rich Froning, they went to high school together, had a lot of mutual friends and even worked out in the same gym, but before the second year of college their roads never crossed.

Finally, they met in the summer at the hairdresser. After that, they spent the whole summer together, getting to know each other better, and two years later, on June 18, 2011, Rich Froning and his bride Hillary played a wedding on her uncle's farm.

They both wanted a large family, especially Rich, who has 9 cousins ​​and 23 cousins, and as a result, both settled on the fact that they want to have three or four children. After a year of futile attempts to get pregnant, Hillary went to the doctor and it turned out that she was barren. After that, she and her husband switched to adoption.

Now they have an adopted daughter - Leikelin Ann Froning, and most recently, in 2017, after three unsuccessful adoption attempts, they adopted another child in the family. His full name is Richard Lyle Froning Triis.


Crossfit games

Rich tries to train every day, usually 3-5 times. He does not consider it necessary to take breaks in training exercises for recovery. If he relaxes, he is engaged in outdoor activities - he rides, for example, a mountain bike. He also adheres to intuitive training, that is, he does not go to the gym according to a strict schedule, and he comes up with how the lesson will be held in the process.

Photos of Rich Froning show that he maintains himself in perfect shape. Every day in training, he experiences tremendous stress and is hard to imagine, but he really says that he does not need motivation in order to practice - Rich just loves it and enjoys the training process.


Crossfit Rod

Rich Froning's height and weight are 175 cm and 90 kg; his body is not pumped and does not represent a pile of muscles, despite the fact that he is engaged in the gym every day. This is understandable, because it is intended for crossfit, not bodybuilding.

Book "First"

Book One

The book about Rich Froning “The First” is an autobiography in which a detailed account of his childhood, crossfit, and how it all began on his behalf is kept. Moreover, he himself admits that he did not write a book or even read it. Its author is Richard Thomas, who conducted a five-day interview with Froning, where he told the main details and moments of his life. Based on this, Richard began work on the book.

It is read quite easily and will be interesting to those who like motivating stories, and in particular, the genre of autobiography. This is an informative and inspiring book about the life path of Rich Froning, which is worth reading, because undoubtedly his experience will be useful to people, regardless of whether they are engaged in crossfit or sports as such.

Below is a video about one day in Rich's life.


Rich did not and does not sit on any diets, which is an exception to the rule, since most bodybuilders are on a Paleolithic diet. His approach to nutrition is the same as his training - intuitive. He eats when he is hungry and drinks when he is thirsty, takes protein shakes and sometimes healthy nutritional supplements. He does not like and does not eat bread and pasta, which, in his opinion, is a good habit. He eats more food per day as a whole, closer to night. At the same time, he always advises people with whom he trains together to eat more meat and vegetables, and in general to eat properly and fully, but he does not adhere to his own advice.

Another interesting fact about his diet is that he loves peanut butter with whole milk and eats these foods all the time. Peanut butter, as you know, is quite high-calorie and fatty, like whole milk, but in the case of Froning and his daily activities, he does not harm excessive consumption of fatty foods.

Rich Froning’s nutrition as an athlete is unique and certainly not suitable for those who do not engage in professional crossfit or any other heavy sports.


An excellent alternative for those who do not like or for some reason do not want to read a book about Rich Froning is a biographical film, shot in 2015. It shows his entire daily life - training, life, nutrition. It is called "Rich Froning - the most trained man on earth."


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