Useful properties of peppermint

Useful properties of peppermint allow you to use it both internally and externally. In addition, it is used for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology, for cooking and drinks. As you know, menthol is contained in the leaves and stems of mint. It is he who has healing and prophylactic properties.

Peppermint is used as a local anesthetic, antispasmodic and antiseptic - this is an external application.

beneficial properties of peppermint
And for internal use, mint is recommended for problems with the stomach and intestines, with toothaches, with a runny nose and bronchitis. The useful properties of peppermint make it one of the components of many medicines: drops and ointments, special paraffin pencils, sweets and tablets, rubbing and more. Based on it, menthol alcohol and mint water are prepared to rinse the mouth and to improve the taste and smell of drugs.

In folk medicine, peppermint is used to make teas and tinctures that regulate digestion, increase appetite, and reduce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence. Mint has a good effect on the liver: having a pronounced choleretic property, it anesthetizes with hepatic colic and stones in the gall bladder. This herb is used for nervous disorders: it helps reduce headaches and migraines, fights insomnia and neuralgia, improves memory and brain function, tones and soothes. As an external remedy, menthol is an excellent painkiller, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory.

Mint occupies a special place in dentistry. Firstly, it is part of the rinse and toothpastes with preventive and therapeutic properties. And, secondly, it is one of the ingredients of medicines for stomatitis, inflammation and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Leading culinary experts from around the world also appreciated the beneficial properties of peppermint.

peppermint oil
It is widely used in both the food and confectionery industries. It is added to the first dishes, to meat and fish, appetizers and salads, sauces are prepared from it, and used as decoration in the decoration of dishes. Dry mint or peppermint oil is widely used for making a variety of pastries and pastries. Possessing a fresh and cooling taste, menthol has taken a worthy place in the alcoholic beverage industry. Again, thanks to the refreshing and tonic taste, cold teas and soft drinks are prepared on the basis of mint: syrups, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and more. Basically, this herb is not combined with other spices: its pronounced taste and smell does not combine with other seasonings.

Mint is useful for people who monitor their weight: after 6 pm it is recommended to drink several cups of mint tea with honey to reduce appetite, and during the day - at least 2 liters of Sassi water. In addition to menthol, peppermint oil is made from the leaves and stems of this plant. Compared to fresh raw materials, it is more concentrated and persistent, but with regard to its qualities, it performs almost the same functions. In combination with other essential oils (cypress, marjoram, naioli, citrus and coniferous) it is an excellent composition for aromatherapy and the prevention of various diseases.

peppermint oil
Peppermint oil has a number of healing properties. It positively affects the immune system: enhances immunity, helps withstand radiation, binds and removes heavy metals, and detoxifies. Oil stimulates the cardiovascular system: normalizes heart rate and relieves chest pain. In addition, it alleviates toothache, reduces pain and muscle cramps after physical exertion, and increases the protective functions of the skin.

The beneficial properties of peppermint are its healing and palatability and a persistent refreshing smell. This makes it practically indispensable in pharmacology, traditional medicine and cooking.


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