Parent-child relationships: what should they be?

When a child appears in the family, the relationship between husband and wife undergoes amazing transformations. Now they become dad and mom, who have a huge responsibility for a tiny creature. How their child will grow up, whether he will be successful and prosperous in life - each parent asks such questions. Meanwhile, it is precisely on the parents and what parent-child relationships were built that determines how the baby develops relations with the outside world.

Child psychology is such that young children take the behavior of adults around them as a reference. The first role models are parents. And children, whose psychology of relationships is only just beginning to take shape, are trying to imitate adults in everything. This is manifested in the role-playing games of children and in the relationship of children with peers. Therefore, it is extremely important to show your sons and daughters the right relationship between father and mother, which will become the starting point for the grown-up child to be able to fully realize himself in life.

The most important principle that a child should see is a manifestation of sincere love and care for each other. The kid who will observe the reverent and good relations of mom and dad every day will be happy himself. Moreover, the model of the manifestations of tenderness and love will be further applied by the baby. Therefore, parent-child relationships should be based on love.

A child who feels loved by his parents is less prone to depression, he is not stressed in the event of danger. He is confident that mom and dad will save him, help to overcome all difficulties. The child begins to feel confident himself. But a self-confident kid is capable of much.

In addition, parent-child relationships in the family should teach each other care and mutual respect. Care for others must be taught from a young age, then, having matured, a son or daughter will not become selfish consumers, whom parents could only accustom to spoiling and the ability to demand all kinds of benefits without giving anything in return. Accustomed to caring for others, a child will be able to fully realize himself subsequently as a loving caring husband, father, wife or mother. The opinion is erroneous that the boy does not need displays of tenderness, because he is the future man. This is the root of all future problems of an adult who will not be able to express his feelings and affections, suffering from this himself and causing additional suffering to his soul mates.

Mutual respect should also be an integral part of the parent-child relationship, as it contributes to the full and comprehensive development of the babyโ€™s personality. Suppressing his will and desire, without explaining the reasons for the baby's refusal of his requests, the parents risk in the future to raise an insecure person who will find it difficult to adapt to external life, who will feel unnecessary and unhappy. Before denying a baby any, at first glance, an absolutely unacceptable request, think about why such a desire arose. Perhaps the baby will be able to make good arguments and reasonably substantiate his request.

The relationship between children and parents is an eternal problem. Fathers or mothers are not always able to understand their children, as well as children are not able to assess the situation through the eyes of their parents. However, accustoming to respect for the opinions of others and attention to loved ones, mutual understanding between parents and children can still be achieved.

Parents! Do not be shy in every way to show your love both for each other and in relationships with your own children. A baby loved by dad and mom, in response to having trembling feelings for his closest and dearest people, is much more likely to grow up as a person who will not experience problems with adaptation in the world outside his family.


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