Where is Google’s headquarters located and what does it look like?

There are few people in the world who would not hear about the world famous corporation Google. She is global, her offices are scattered around the world. But where is Google’s headquarters located? We will try to find out in the article.

Where is Google headquarters located?

The country where the corporation is headquartered is the United States. More specifically, the headquarters is located in the state of California. Its address is: Mountain View, Parkway Amphitheater, CA 94043. Just one kilometer from this complex of buildings is the office of the notorious Microsoft company.

where is the headquarters google

Speaking about where the headquarters of Google is located, it should be noted that it is located on the territory of the Silicon (Silicon) Valley. This is an agglomeration, which is distinguished by the density of high-tech companies involved in the development and production of microprocessors, software, other computer components, and the development of biotechnologies.

This focus is due to the short-term location of leading American universities, sources of funding and the wonderful Mediterranean climate of these places. Of all such clusters that have arisen both in the United States and around the world, Silicon Valley today remains the leading one.

About Googleplex

We've figured out where Google’s headquarters is located. Its more common name is Googleplex. Do not confuse with googolpleks - a number equal to 10 in the degree of googol. It is represented as one unit and a googol of zeros standing after it. The term was introduced by US mathematician E. Kazner and his assistant M. Sirotta.

where is the headquarters google google country

In our case, Googleplex is a combination of two words: Google and (com) plex (a group of buildings). The first four buildings of the complex, built in 1997, were originally owned by Silicon Graphics Corporation. Google leased them in 2003. Three years later, he bought these buildings along with other property: a deal was estimated at $ 319 million.

Google Offices

Now you know where Google’s headquarters is located. In the United States, corporate offices, in addition to San Jose, are located in many cities: Washington, Atlanta, Cambridge, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Seattle, and so on.

Company branches can also be found in Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East. Google’s offices, in particular, are open in countries:

  • Brazil;
  • Colombia;
  • Canada;
  • Chile;
  • Argentina;
  • Greece;
  • Netherlands;
  • Germany;
  • Poland;
  • Austria;
  • Great Britain;
  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • France;
  • Norway;
  • Czech;
  • India;
  • China;
  • Thailand;
  • Indonesia;
  • South Korea;
  • Australia;
  • Japan;
  • Singapore;
  • Taiwan;
  • Israel;
  • Turkey;
  • United Arab Emirates.

In Russia there is only one office of a global corporation. It is located in Moscow at the address: st. Baltschug, 7.

New Google Headquarters

This year it became known about the imminent implementation of a new impressive project of the corporation - the construction of a new head office in the North Bayshore Mountain View area, the concept of which has been thought over for 10 years. It was finally approved on March 7, 2017.

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The company has already set aside 7.3 hectares of land in the east of Charleston Street. Hence the name of the project - Charleston East. Let's see why Google’s new headquarters will be interesting:

  • The reflection of the company's attitude to the culture of innovation will be shown by the main building of the complex: a building with glass walls, whose roof will be covered with solar panels - they will be the main source of energy for the office. The base of its area is 55,300 m 2 . It is estimated that 2700 employees will be able to work in it.
  • Around the main building will be created a recreation area for citizens and tourists: walking paths, attractions, art objects and installations, cafes, bicycle paths. To equip the latter, by the way, it will be necessary to cut down 200 trees. Instead, Google promised to plant 300 poplars and oaks.
  • Such a large-scale project is the initial step in transforming the North Bayshore area into Google’s new global headquarters.

Now we know where the headquarters of Google is located, what is the geography of the company’s branches. We are aware of the fact that in a relatively short time the corporation will move to a new large-scale global office.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34909/

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