Zhivokost. Healing Power Reviews

Larkspur (or, as it is also called, comfrey) is a medicinal plant. The powerful healing properties of this representative of the flora have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Apply livestock for bones and joints, ligaments and muscles. It helps with arthrosis and arthritis.

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The plant grows, as a rule, along the banks of aqueducts and ditches, on the slopes of river banks and in wet meadows. It is recognized worldwide as a feed and easily cultivated. Comfrey has gained great popularity due to its rich harvests and its high content in the root, stem and leaves of perfectly assimilable protein and various biologically active substances.

Zhivokost, reviews of which testify to its powerful healing power, is an effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system. The plant is used as an external remedy for long - term non-healing wounds. This action of the laparot is explained by the rich content of allantoin in its roots. This substance is able to heal wounds, stimulating their granulation, as well as enhancing regenerative processes in tissue cells.

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A broth of the stomach bone is used to wash the lesions or apply compresses with a healing potion to them. A herbal remedy dissolves the secret and pus released from the wound. This allows ulcers to last, even chronically festering. It has been proven that the substance allantoin present in the root of a medicinal plant acts much more effectively than its synthetic analogue. Magnificent received livestock reviews and in the treatment of old wounds. The plant possesses this ability due to the tannin and mucous substances in its composition.

A decoction of the roots of the gastrocostis is recommended for healing baths. As a rule, open-type ulcers or suppurations of a chronic nature are found in heavy smokers or the elderly. Such patients are recommended baths with broth of comfrey root twice a day. The healing potion is prepared from a cup of raw materials and two or three liters of water. Boil the roots of a medicinal plant for ten minutes. For the same time, they are insisted, and then the drug is filtered. A foot or foot is dipped into the cooked broth.

In the event that ulcers have formed on other parts of the body, lesions should be doused with the prepared medicine from the roots of the stomach bone. In the case when such actions cause pain, a compress from a healing broth is applied to the wounds.

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Gorgeous gummy reviews were also received when applying compresses from the gruel of the plant roots. Such procedures are effective for fractures and bruises, bruises and sprains. Compress from the pulp of the roots of the gastrocostal bone eliminates the inflammatory processes in the tendons, muscles and nerves. This procedure helps joints that have undergone a lot of stress. When it is carried out, overstressed ligaments and muscles are quickly restored.

In the pharmacy network, a homeopathic medicine is implemented, the basis of which is the livestock. The instruction to it recommends taking the drug for any damage to the spine, as well as intervertebral discs. It helps with arthrosis, bone fractures and inflammatory processes in the periosteum. With rheumatic pains, the larkspur received reviews as an excellent tool for external rubbing. Undiluted comfrey tincture for the same procedures is recommended for gout and sciatica.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34911/

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