Sberbank debit card: what is it and how to use it?

Sometimes it happens that in everyday life we โ€‹โ€‹use such objects, the meaning of which or the name is completely unknown to us. For example, most customers who have a Sberbank debit card do not even know what it is. Therefore, it is worth saying that the debit card is a rectangular plastic card issued by the bank and designed to pay for purchases in stores or to receive cash through an ATM. Any card has its own account, on which the clientโ€™s money is stored, but not borrowed, but personal.

Why do I need a debit card?

Sberbank debit card what is it

The debit card of Sberbank of Russia finds a very useful application in the everyday affairs of people.

First of all, it is required by almost everyone to simplify the calculations when making acquisitions. For example, you come to the store, take all the necessary goods, and at the checkout you pay not by cash, but by card. As a result, you get one advantage: you do not need to collect the required amount, put change in your wallet and generally wait until the cashier counts it. But here it should be said that in our country, mainly retail chains accept payment by card. But when you visit a small store, you may have to pay in cash, since such a payment system is not always provided.

Pay for online purchases. Sberbank youth debit card, and any other, allows you to pay on many sites on the Web. But be sure to remember that, by giving your card details to the site, you can expose yourself to a certain risk from intruders who can take control of your confidential information. The safest way of all is to pay through a payment system (where you can also transfer money from a card) or payment gateways with protection. It is also very convenient to store money on debit cards. They will no longer need to be worn constantly in the wallet and when sent on a long trip, you wonโ€™t have to worry about having a large amount with you.

And these are not all the benefits that a Sberbank debit card has. What is it and why is it needed, we now know, but why is it better to keep your money on it? This is all because Sberbank takes care of the safe storage of funds in customer accounts. First of all, due to the fact that during any operation on the card you need to enter a secret code, as well as in case of loss or theft of the card, it can be easily blocked. To do this, just call the support service or at another number indicated on the card.

Withdrawal of cash from a bank account is a very frequent operation performed by bank customers. For the most part, this can be explained by the fact that cashless cash flow is still underdeveloped, especially in sparsely populated cities. You usually have to withdraw wages for which a Sberbank debit card was issued. What is it when you have to withdraw the entire amount at once and then keep it at home, everyone knows, but few know about the fact that you can do this in parts or even use bank transfer. In addition, classic debit cards do not provide for the possibility of lending at the expense of bank funds, but you can issue an overdraft.

How to use the card?

Sberbank Youth Debit Card

You can use the Sberbank card throughout the country and abroad. The use of funds is possible only within the amount available on the card. In addition, in some cases, the bank provides an overdraft that can be used when your funds have run out. Also, any card can go into an unauthorized overdraft. This situation occurs when there is an overspending of funds. Still, this can happen when there is not enough funds to pay for annual services, when converting currency, and in other cases.

Sberbank Gift Debit Card

Customer reviews indicate that such cards are very convenient to use. Before you start using this card, its holder must sign on a white ribbon on the back of the card. As a rule, Sberbank issues these cards only with the Visa payment system, so when paying for purchases they may be asked to put a signature on the check and even verify its authenticity with the passport. When paying for purchases online, you should use a three-digit security code, which is also located on the back. The card is not registered, therefore, if necessary, indicate the name and surname should be written in Latin letters.

Sberbank Social Card

sberbank debit card reviews

To use this card, you must apply for a pension transfer to it. After that, it can be used as a simple debit along with all available bank services. In addition, unlike other cards, every three months 3.5% is credited to the balance of funds.

Sberbank Youth Card

Sberbank youth debit card, like any other, is not so difficult to use. But at the same time there are certain actions that are strictly forbidden to perform on the card so that the money does not fall into the hands of scammers. Never tell anyone just like that the card number. Also, you should not report any codes that come in messages from the bank. This is necessary because if you know the card number and this code, you can transfer funds using the "Mobile Bank".

Sberbank Salary Debit Card

debit card of sberbank of Russia

What is it, we have already spoken with you above. Unlike a simple debit card, this one has the ability to arrange an overdraft, the size of which can reach several monthly salaries. Such a card can be used as a salary only while you are working in an organization. Upon dismissal, it should be handed back or used further as a regular card.

Sberbank Instant Card

Instant cards are designed to perform two main functions: withdraw funds and pay for purchases. Transfers to such cards can be made through a bank, the Internet, telephone or other services. The funds received can be withdrawn in cash at any ATM. You can also connect the "Auto payment" service to replenish cellular communications, pay utility bills and others to the instant card.


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