What can a woman give a man in a relationship?

Have you ever wondered what a woman can give a man? It is foolish to think that the stronger sex from girls only needs sex. Relationships are not only a physical attraction to a person. It is also support, inner spirit, understanding and friendship. After reading this article, you can better understand men and understand what they are looking for in women.

Home comfort

woman give to man

What does a woman give to a man when he loves? The lady tries to surround him with comfort. She prepares tasty food, cleans up the apartment and tries in every way to please her chosen one. Coming from work, the beloved wants to relax and enjoy the peace. The house for the stronger sex is a fortress in which he feels confident and protected. And the woman dominates there. It helps to make the holiday atmosphere in the house, in which a man wants to plunge again and again. A woman gives a man more than just sex. It helps to feel that life is interesting and unusual. The lady comes up with a lot of different entertainments, chooses films for evening viewing, takes care that everything is always enough in the house. Without a girl, the family nest seems empty and uninhabited. Do you think a bachelor feels 100% good? Not. A man will always strive to find the one that can fill his heart with love and happiness, which all people have their own. Nevertheless, a person will fully feel only when he can find a mate that shares his interests and views on life.


what a woman gives to a man in a relationship

What is important for every person? To know that he is talented and unique. And what can a woman give in return for a man's good attitude towards her? Support and understanding. The girl will try to understand the inner world of a person and join his values. Having learned what is important for him, the lady will try to maintain the confidence of the man and help in difficult life situations. When things go wrong at work, the guy wants to know that everything will work out. He can understand this with his mind, but cats will continue to cross their hearts. Beloved helps to calm inner demons and overcome beloved complexes and fears. A woman gives a man strength and confidence in tomorrow. Her goal is to convince her lover that even if something goes wrong, his world will not collapse. Support is needed for every person, no matter what they say. Some girls are sure that men are strong personalities, and they have no weaknesses. Guys are people too, and from time to time they are characterized by a decline in moral and emotional strength. There is nothing wrong with that. The lady must understand and support her faithful both morally and physically. And if necessary, if possible, provide beloved and material support.


woman to man in a relationship

Women are weak creatures in need of love and beautiful romantic deeds. Find out what a woman gives to a man in marriage? Ladies do not hesitate to show their feelings, therefore, they excessively endow their beloved with tenderness and attention. Girls take care of the partner’s inner world, pamper him with small surprises and gifts. Women are able to calm a person’s mental pain. They can find the right words. One touch of a beloved girl can give relief. The physical and emotional closeness of partners is very important. Even if a man does not begin to burden his soulmate with problems, the girl still knows at the subconscious level that something is going wrong. She will pay great attention to her faithful in difficult times and provide support.

And what do you think a woman should give a man in a relationship? Of course, love and affection. Tactile sensations are just as important as verbal support. A smart woman knows that. Therefore, while watching movies together, a woman will snuggle up to a man, stroke him and whisper various tendernesses in her ear. Such spontaneity and tenderness play an important role in raising the self-esteem of any member of the stronger sex.


what can a woman give besides sex

A woman’s love gives a man self-confidence. A beautiful and happy life partner is important for a stronger man just like a good car or a stylish watch. People evaluate the man by the emotional state of his woman. If the girl is happy, then the guy can give his soulmate everything. People around this understand and believe that since the lady is happy, it means that the man provides well. The status of a woman is easy to understand in relation to her companion. If a guy gently treats his chosen one, opens the door and brings coffee to bed, then there is no problem in the relationship. If a man does not show any respect for his girlfriend, it means that the wrong person is next to him. Things like that are striking and smart guys understand that. Bachelors will never be quoted as full-fledged members of this society until they have family and children. Moral principles are too strong. The pressure of society is felt by every person. To be happy, you need to find true and faithful love.


woman's love gives man

What can a woman give to a man besides sex? Understanding. Anyone wants to be appreciated and respected. But not always a similar reaction can be obtained from friends, relatives or colleagues. Therefore, it is so important to find a soul mate who will understand you without words. A woman who has lived with a man for at least six months should perfectly know the habits and preferences of her chosen one. It should not be a secret for her that a guy likes a secluded stay at home more than noisy parties at a club. There should be no disagreement between people regarding joint leisure activities. If a guy found a girl whose outlook on life does not differ from his own, he may consider himself lucky. A lady who shares the views of her chosen one will understand the person and act autonomously from him without harming his psychological health. There must be trust between partners. A man must be confident in his girlfriend without all kinds of checks and surveillance, then the guy will feel good. Understanding is valued very highly among the stronger sex.


what a woman gives to a married man

The man and woman who live together should be both lovers and friends. But many do not understand this golden rule, believing that friendship between different sexes is impossible. A lady who gives only a body to a man will not be needed for a man. A partner can play love with her for a while, but then leave without much regret.

Now let's try to figure out what a woman can give a self-sufficient man? A smart girl first of all tries to become a friend for her chosen one. She is trying to win over a person to herself, surprise and gain his trust. The stronger the emotional bond between partners, the better. A man who is attached to the second half will feel full. And she will also trust the girl, share her feelings, fears and apprehensions with her. The guy will know that he can always count on support and help, and if he wants to go on a trip, the girl will be happy to keep company with her lover. It is also important for a man to know that a lady does not crouch in front of him, and can always express an open opinion on a particular issue. The self-sufficient person who is nearby is also needed in order to spend leisure time together. A man whose interests coincide with the tastes of the chosen one can always go with her to a concert of his beloved group or sit in a quiet comfortable atmosphere with friends.


Find out what else a woman gives to a man in a relationship? Sex is an important aspect of the life of any member of the stronger sex. Constantly looking for a new girl in order to satisfy their needs, it seems unreasonable to men. It is much more convenient to establish a permanent partner for these purposes. The girl must understand the desires of the guy and help him, realize everything, even the most secret desires, if this does not contradict her moral standards. A lady should not be shy about herself and her body. The man does not like it. Variety in sex for any representative of the stronger sex is very important. Therefore, from the girl, he requires diversity in bed. A man is interested in knowing his abilities and trying something new and a smart girl should understand this.


what can a woman

What does a woman give to a man in a relationship? Family happiness. Any man dreams of continuing a kind. It is not surprising that a man is always looking for qualities in a girl that a potential mother of his children should possess. The lady should be not only beautiful, but also smart and economical. It is such a girl who will be able to give birth and raise a worthy heir. Men are kind to the issue of children. Only fools turn them on from casual relationships. Reasonable men take this matter seriously. They choose the best girl who will reciprocate. Men dream of a full-fledged family in which a woman will cope with all roles perfectly. A girl should be a good mother, an experienced lover, a wise counselor and a charming person with whom she is not ashamed to go out. If a girl can take such a bar, then a man will marry her and have children from her. In other cases, the guys will be protected from the unwanted pregnancy of the partner and amuse the lady with the illusions that the wedding will happen in the distant future.

Life together

What can a woman give a man, except for children? Having a baby and raising it with dignity is not enough. The husband wants to get not only an heir, but also a wonderful life partner. Some girls after the birth of a baby go to motherhood so much that they forget that they have a husband. The man becomes insulted that he has faded into the background, and when jealousy for the child has subsided, he begins to look for a lover on the side. But this scenario does not suit all men. Representatives of the stronger sex strive for normal family happiness. They want to see their beloved wife and good children nearby. At the same time, they demand that she take care of herself and the family nest. A man wants to come home and feel coziness and comfort. He needs to know that they are waiting and love him. The atmosphere of love and understanding falls entirely on the shoulders of the spouse.

Men, after settling down, continue to lead an active life that begins after 30–40 years and build a career. Happiness lies not only in quiet family holidays, but also in joint trips, parties with friends and trips to relatives.

Interior comfort

What can a woman give a man for peace of mind? A smart girl always tries to make her soul mate more successful and wiser. The lady helps morally, and also with pleasure can take part of his duties on herself. A man wants to spend time with his lover in his leisure time? A woman should not refuse the faithful in such a desire. Eternal excuses that a head or stomach hurts do not please men. If he speaks of a desire to go somewhere for the weekend, he wants to go out with a beautiful and well-groomed girl, and not with a lady who stopped taking care of herself immediately, as she realized that her husband was not going anywhere. She must understand his desires and help feel at height. The emotional connection between partners is most important above all.

The positive attitude of a woman plays an important role for any man. Guys want to feel peace of mind at home. Eternal squabbles and screams only exacerbate gray everyday life. Skandalists, who are used to seeking the attention of a man by playing eternal scenes, quickly get bored, and they are looking for a replacement. From time to time scandals occur in any pairs, but they should be rare. No normal man will ever want to live with the expectation of the next scene. Happiness is associated with the stronger sex with calm.

Incentive to develop

Do not know what a woman can give a man? Think about the fact that many ladies are an incentive for the development of a partner. Beautiful and smart girls are perceived by the representatives of the stronger sex as a kind of prize, which went to them for their merits. If the guy passes his position, then the woman will leave him. In such a situation, having an incentive, it will develop. Confidence in your soul mate should be, but still, a man should understand that there is nothing eternal in this life. Most men stop playing sports and achieve career success immediately after they get married. It is impossible to call such a situation normal. The incentive for development, and the best woman, should always be.

Woman's love gives a man the opportunity to become better. The guy wants to seem a hero in the eyes of the lady. He will be able to roll mountains only for her to approve of his success. Therefore, the guys strive to find a queen, who will be worthy of them, and move to constant self-improvement.

A man must be praised even for the smallest achievements, to cheer on failures. Support in your endeavors.


Now we know what a woman gives to a man in a relationship. The main thing is to surround the lover with care and love. A man must understand that he has a strong family platform, because only then his wings are spread behind his back. It is very important over the years to maintain mutual understanding and respect, and, of course, temptations will arise that can destroy happy marriage ties. It is simply necessary to constantly twitch oneself, to warm up love and keep the hearth, and then life will be long and filled with joyful emotions and happiness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34928/

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