Hairdresser Vartan Bolotov: biography, customer reviews

Individuals who are involved in the field of show business, creating beautiful images for famous people, themselves gradually become overgrown with scandals. So, for example, what happened with Sergei Zverev.

Some interesting facts relate to their work, others to their personal lives, and others to customer reviews. The person we will meet today is Vartan Bolotov. This is a very famous hairdresser-stylist, about whom there are many diverse reviews on the network. Many of his clients claim that this person, who can easily not restrain himself in relation to others, is abrupt and rude. Others say that Vartan Bolotov is a true master of his craft, a skilled hairdresser and a great man. What is worth knowing about him?

Briefly about the master

Vartan Bolotov is a fairly well-known personality who is increasingly surrounded by scandals. He is well known among hairdressers and stylists. In the media you can find ambiguous statements about him. Someone considers him an upstart, who does not understand anything in hairdressing, and someone says that he is a successful entrepreneur and a true lover of his craft.

Vartan Bolotov

Note that if you get acquainted with such a person as Vartan Bolotov, customer reviews about him will also vary. Some say that the best master simply can not be found, because he perfectly embodies their wishes in life. Others believe that the named person works with undisguised rudeness, and is also impregnable and wild.

Visiting a lot of events, it can be noted that Vartan usually does not wander among the people invited to the exhibition. He is in no hurry to give interviews, catchy not to dress, he behaves quite restrained and calmly. It is difficult to distinguish from visitors, and the only element that can give out a master is a tattoo on his arm.

Attitude to people

Vartan Bolotov himself treats people who work in his specialty calmly, dividing them into two camps. He refers to the first real professionals in his field, to the second - amateurs who are far from hairdressing. He selects clients not by social status, but only on the basis of how comfortable they will work together with the customer.

Vartan Bolotov: customer reviews

The only clients who can easily get to him are children who adore this hairdresser and come to him again and again.

A brief excursion into the biography

Hairdresser Vartan Bolotov is an old-timer of the named art, because in this direction the master has been working for about 30 years. His teacher is Vidal Sassoon - a famous stylist from Britain. Thanks to the latest approach to creating hairstyles and haircuts, the basis for which are harmony and simplicity, Bolotov himself chose this direction. Only water and a hairdryer are used for laying, no additional elements are used, which is the main outstanding secret of Sassoon, which he passed on to his student.

Perhaps this is the main reason why so far many of Bolotov’s reviews are getting good, because people are already accustomed to the way they create their haircuts. As for the development in this craft, the master worked on his skills and abilities for a long time, worked on the formation of new haircuts, hairstyles, tricks and nuances of recreating styling.

Vartan Bolotov: haircuts

He has developed a huge number of effective and effective recipes that help restore hair and bring them to their original appearance. The master pays a lot of attention to the tools and substances with which he works.

Creates Vartan Bolotov haircuts the most diverse and is rightfully a meter in this direction. At the same time, many try to close their eyes to the fact that the character of a talented hairdresser is far from the best.

Attitude to money

This is an important aspect that must be mentioned in the biography of such a person as Vartan Bolotov. The reviews of customers who visited this master show that money is not its main goal. That is why he does not chase eminent and famous personalities who could pay large sums for the work he does.

The main thing for a stylist is high-quality order fulfillment, professionalism and hard work. A person soberly assesses his capabilities and strives for excellence, bypassing the issue of paying for his work.

Hairdresser Vartan Bolotov

Many people know who Vartan Bolotov is, where this person works, but not everyone understands that the best advertisement for him is to evaluate the work of the clients themselves, and not a short video clip on television. That is why no bright advertising in the media about him can not be found.

A man is not afraid to openly express his thoughts, feelings and beliefs, so sometimes he is rude, ostentatious, unrestrained. On the other hand, this does not prevent him from giving valuable instructions and practical advice to people who are just starting to work in this area.

The industriousness of the master is confirmed not only by interesting facts about his life, but also by innovative approaches and techniques, in particular, the creation of a non-destructive hair cut.

Attitude to the profession

Vartan Bolotov, whose biography is under seven locks, is a fairly strong personality. At the same time, he is sincerely glad that he chose such a profession, because he is completely devoted to it. He shows that he needs to do constantly, because haircuts and styling is a real art that can be brought to life.

Vartan Bolotov: where does he work?

Note that the master has a dream - to select from the kindergarten and shelters children who have real talent, and then pass them all the secrets of hairdressing that he owns.

Where to see the master’s work?

If you are interested in Vartan Bolotov, the haircuts that he does, and the methods of his work, then the easiest way is to watch the instructional videos, which indicate in detail how he performs the task assigned to him. In this context, one can track his attitude to both his subordinates and students, clients. At the same time, you can consider how quickly it works, as well as how carefully and delicately it does its job.

He will pay maximum attention to each client and does everything so that the result obtained exceeds all expectations that only the customer had. This is the main reason why, despite the inanimate nature and a certain attitude to life and work, a huge number of people are trying to get to this master.

Vartan Bolotov: biography

His interesting, innovative and partly revolutionary approaches to hairdressing help to take a fresh look at the art of hair transformation. Some people call the stylist a real salvation, because he helped solve quite complex problems associated with the condition of their curls or with an incorrectly selected haircut.

To summarize

For ordinary people, it remains sincerely hoping that the dreams of a famous stylist regarding the creation of his school for orphans will come true, and at least dozens of kids will be able to become famous masters in the direction of hairdressing. Whether this will happen, we will find out in the near future!


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