How to grow a few centimeters?

Not all of us can boast of tall stature. Meanwhile, scientists have found that it is easier for tall people to climb the career ladder, and women like these men more than their low comrades. So small people have to find the answer to the question "how to grow?" resort to the advice of stylists and use shoes with a platform or heel.

However, the same scientists proved that under certain conditions, including adhering to proper nutrition, performing special exercises and allocating enough time for rest and recovery of strength, any person, regardless of age, can grow by several centimeters without resorting to medical services , that is, at home.

Of course, it will be much easier for young people to achieve the desired effect, because their growth zones are still open, but how can 30-year-old men and women grow up? Their growth processes have already been completed, however, and if they wish, they can become a couple of centimeters higher. How? An unwavering faith in yourself will help to do this. The second condition is strict compliance with all requirements. They will change your daily habits, lifestyle, and at first, perhaps, they will cause a lot of inconvenience, but if the desire to grow is great, all the inconvenience is nothing. And today we will consider in detail the question of how to grow in growth.

The first principle of the system is a proper, balanced diet, consisting of a variety of natural, fresh products, or dishes prepared with minimal heat treatment. A prerequisite is the intake of vitamin preparations. However, many beneficial substances are found in foods that we consume daily, especially in vegetables and fruits. Vitamins A and D are especially useful for increasing growth.

The second principle is a healthy lifestyle and the elimination of bad habits. To understand how to grow, you must first find out what will increase growth. Performing a specific set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles, improving posture and increasing the space of the intervertebral discs. It is important that only during training, growth hormone is released into the body . One of the most effective exercises are those for stretching the spine and legs. They must be included in the complex of your activities. If we consider the approximate composition of such a complex, it will include the following points.

The first exercise is to pull your body up with your hands locked in a “lock”, after which you need to rotate your wrists, elbows and shoulders to develop these joints. Rotations are made first in the forward direction, then backward.

Another effective exercise is tilting the head from ear to ear, which helps to stretch the cervical vertebrae. Each of these movements should be performed 10-12 times.

It is useful to perform forward bends about 20 times, touching the floor with your palms or fingers, and then bend back the same number of times, trying to reach your heels with your fingers.

Squats with a grip behind the back at the shoulder blades also help to increase height. Try to lean forward 20 times, so that your forehead touches your knees, and you will soon feel your spine begin to straighten.

The notorious forward bends from a sitting position on the floor, it turns out, also contribute to increased growth. But an exercise with alternately raising legs from a prone position will perfectly strengthen the back and abs.

You can also curl up from a lying position, raising his head, shoulders and legs, while reaching up. Effective for increasing growth is an exercise that, by its execution technique, is similar to how Chinese subjects bow to the emperor. Kneeling, we lean forward a little while sitting on our heels. In this case, the arms are extended far forward, and the head is lowered down. Squeezing up arms above the head from the lotus position is also widely practiced by those who wish to increase their height.

And another such exercise as throwing straight legs behind the head from a supine position. It will help you add a couple of centimeters. The main thing is to solve the question “how to grow?” perform all these exercises regularly, then the effect of them will appear very soon.


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