How to make sweet popcorn at home

Many associate eating popcorn, or popcorn, exclusively with movie theaters. It's so nice to crunch under a good movie. However, at home you can please yourself and loved ones with such a dish. You can meet popcorn of different types - salty, cheese, caramel. The latter is most popular. How to make sweet popcorn at home? Simple enough! In addition, this dish is much cheaper than purchased.

Delicious popcorn in a pan: what is needed?

How to make sweet popcorn in a pan? First you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a quarter cup of corn for popcorn;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

These ingredients allow you to cook popcorn and caramel to it.

how to make popcorn sweet at home

Cooking corn

How to make sweet popcorn? First, corn itself is prepared. You need to choose the right dishes. A pan with thick walls and high sides fits perfectly. It is also worth picking a heavy lid for it in pair. A lung can bounce on impact from exploding corn kernels. You can also use a pan with a thick bottom.

The whole portion of oil is poured into the pan, slightly warmed over medium heat. Shake out the grains and immediately cover. Soon the grains will open and characteristic pops will be heard. At this time, the pan with the lid is shaken a little, so that the corn is heated evenly, which means that the whole also opens. When the interval between pops becomes more than twenty seconds, you can turn off the corn. Leave it under the lid, proceeding with the preparation of caramel.

how to make sweet popcorn

How to cook caramel?

How to make sweet popcorn? Add caramel to it! According to the basic recipe, you can cook both salty and sweet product. For sweetness, you need to add caramel. Preparing it is also simple.

Pour water, all the sugar and lemon juice into a small saucepan. They put everything on slow gas and just watch the pan. You do not need to mix the caramel, you can only occasionally turn the pan, slightly raising the sides so that all the sugar is covered with water.

Now itโ€™s worth acting as quickly as possible. The finished caramel has a pleasant color and a characteristic smell. Quickly open the lid of the pan with popcorn, pour soda into the caramel, as a result you get a foam from a sweet ingredient, it is poured into corn. Mix the grains thoroughly so that they are all saturated with the sweet ingredient.

Then the grains are laid out on a baking sheet, preferably in one layer. Cool so for ten minutes.

Sweet Sugar Popcorn: Ingredients

You can make popcorn right away without sharing the process of making corn and caramel. To do this, take:

  • corn;
  • four tablespoons of sugar for every hundred grams of grains;
  • vegetable oil.

In principle, these are all necessary ingredients. Next, consider how to make sweet popcorn at home. This recipe is quite budgetary, and you do not need to waste time making caramel. Finished grains are obtained sweet and fatty, due to vegetable oil. Sweetness can be adjusted to taste, for example, adding more sugar or reducing its amount.

how to make sweet popcorn at home

Making a sweet dish

To begin with, opt for a pan with a glass lid. This will allow you to observe the cooking process so that the grains do not burn out, but open.

Odorless vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of the dishes. It should cover the bottom. Pour grains and put the pan on a strong fire. It is better to pour grains in portions so that they turn out to be laid out in one row. Then there will be less burnt and closed grains.

Corn grains sprinkled with sugar on top. Sprinkle gently so that the sweet ingredient gets on all the corn. Then cover everything and wait. After a couple of minutes, the grains will begin to open, claps will be heard. Now the pan needs to be shaken, and often enough. Then the grains will be mixed with sugar and butter, they will not burn. When the interval between pops becomes three seconds, you can remove this batch by transferring it to a dry bowl and let cool. You can put a new portion of grains. This is a simple recipe that shows how to make sweet popcorn from a minimal amount of ingredients.

how to make popcorn sweet

Who doesnโ€™t know about such a treat as popcorn? There are probably no such people. It is often bought in the cinema hall to enjoy the movie while watching. However, preparing such a treat yourself is simple and cheap enough. You need to purchase special grains for popcorn, they can be found in large chain stores or ordered on the Internet. Then you should try making sweet popcorn with sugar and vegetable oil. It is quite simple. How to make sweet popcorn that is as good as purchased? You need to spend a little more time and make a special filling of caramel. This is not only tasty, but also a fragrant dish.


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