Diagnostic Policy Service is not running: how to fix? Cannot start the diagnostic policy service: what to do?

Some users of Windows-based systems based on the "seven" and above sometimes encounter the problem that when launching an application that involves the use of a network connection, an error is issued informing that the diagnostic policy service is not running. Let's try to figure out what it is and why this service is needed at all. Among other things, we will give some tips for fixing the problem in different ways.

What does the message "Diagnostic policy service is not running" mean?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that such an error is associated exclusively with the network and Internet settings. When a message appears stating that the diagnostic policy service is not running, Windows 8 or 7, for example, signals that the user does not have sufficient rights to make changes to the settings related to network connections.

diagnostic policy service is not running

Most often this is manifested in the case of using the so-called pirated assemblies, and not the official distributions used to install the system itself. What is most sad is the appearance of a message stating that the diagnostic policy service cannot be started, although the user has administrator rights at logon (as he believes). In fact, in systems starting with the "seven", there is also a super administrator account. Did you notice, after all, that sometimes programs need to be launched through a right click with a choice from the menu of the appropriate type of launch? Of course, this "account" can be disabled in the simplest way, however, as practice shows, this does not always work.

The diagnostic policy service is not running: how to fix the situation with the simplest method?

As for the simplest method of eliminating the problem, first you need to make sure that the official version of Windows is installed on the computer terminal or laptop.

how to start windows diagnostic policy service

Without this, you don’t even have to try to change something, although some manual settings may work.

To begin with, after a message appears that the diagnostic policy service is not running, you can just try to reboot the system or restore it from a checkpoint (rollback) to its previous state (but only if there were no problems before, and it worked fine ) If this does not help, you have to, as they say, turn on the brain and apply cardinal methods.

Editing system registry keys

In principle, the problem of how to start the Windows 7 or 8 Diagnostic Policy Service is resolved using editing the registry keys or security policy. Both editors, in general, duplicate the settings. Only, having made changes in one of them, it will not be possible to undo their saving in the other.

So what do we need? To get started, call the editor using the regedit command from the Run menu (Win + R). Next, go to the HKLM branch, where through the tree of the System folder go down to the Diag section. In the Network Service group, you need to set full resolution by setting the corresponding "checkbox" and save the changes. In theory, after rebooting the system, the problem will disappear.

We use the services section to manually start

If the above option does not work, you can do otherwise. Use the same Run menu and enter the services.msc command.

how to start windows 7 diagnostic policy service

After entering the service editor, we check the IPSec security agent settings, the diagnostic service node, and the service itself. If the start value is set to other than automatic, you need to change it (for the first and third, set the second to “Manual”). Again, after that you need to reboot the system.

Reset network settings

Now we admit this option: a message appears again that the diagnostic policy service is not running. What to do in this case? Everything is simple. You will need to reset the network settings, if they are registered manually (IP and address of the DNS server).

diagnostic policy service is not running windows 8

For starters, you can set to automatically receive them.

If this does not help, you should use a command line call where the following is written:

pconfig / release

ipconfig / renew

ipconfig / flushdns

netsh int ip reset c: \ log1.txt

netsh winsock reset with: \ log2.txt

shutdown -r -t 0 (terminal reboot).

Editing access rights

But this may not be enough. How to start the Windows Diagnostics Policy Service in another way? Easy peasy. We use editing rights to change network settings.

diagnostic policy service is not running how to fix

In standard Explorer, right-click on the letter of the system drive to call up the context menu and select properties. On the security tab, use the section of user groups and go to additional settings. Then, after searching for registered users, we look for the LOCAL SERVICE service (the "Change" button, and then the "Add" button) and set the rights everywhere where the ban is.

The command line comes to the rescue

Finally, one of the fastest ways to get rid of the message that the security policy service is not running is to quickly enter several commands.

cannot start diagnostic policy service

For Russian-language systems, this is the sequence:

net localgroup Administrators / add networkservice

net localgroup administrators / add localservice


diagnostic policy service is not running what to do

For English-language versions, everything is the same, only the Russian-language word "Administrators" changes to Administrators.


That, in fact, is all that relates to fixing the error and starting the diagnostic service. Of course, for many users this may seem quite complicated. Nevertheless, in the end, I want to note that no other methods can correct the situation. So be patient and knowledgeable.

By the way, the choice of a way to solve this problem, although it depends on the user, nevertheless, you need to clearly understand that when duplicating the registry keys and starting the service, nothing good will come of the corresponding editor. Or a registry - or a service. What is most sad, the service editor takes precedence. That is, if changes are made precisely with its help, something cannot be changed in the system registry. So keep in mind for the future.

But that is not all. It is best, as it turns out, to use the command line. The fact is that Windows system services in the absence of admin rights may not always work. Moreover, you need to run the command line on behalf of the administrator, otherwise nothing will work. But, by and large, this is the most effective method. Although in some cases standard methods also help.

On the other hand, if the user has a “cracked” version of the operating system itself, no matter how you reinstall it, it will fail. The service can be blocked at the installation stage at the time of the introduction of the “left” license key. You understand that in this case it is better to establish an official modification, and if you have the appropriate hardware, go to the latest version in the form of a dozen. Of course, it also raises criticism among many, but it is still “buggy” by as much as the “eight” or its version in the form of version 8.1. And that is why it is recommended to make the transition. And, most interestingly, you can download the Top Ten absolutely free from the official Microsoft website. For versions 7 and 8 you will have to pay and lay out a substantial amount for this, which many of our users simply can not afford.

In general, think for yourself what to do in this case, and which of the above methods to apply. Each of them works well in its own way, and not one can be discounted. However, you can get rid of the message that the diagnostic policy service is not running, using other methods. Due to their complexity, they are not considered. Here are the simplest solutions that can be put into practice for any system. Actually it really works. These schemes have been tested by many users in practice, even when using versions of XP and Vista, not to mention updated designs. But they, despite all their advantages, are also able to produce such errors. As already clear, you can deal with them using the above methods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34965/

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