The best rain umbrellas for men and women

It would seem that an umbrella is a trifle, it is easy to choose the right one. However, in the store it turns out that he has a lot of characteristics. And to choose the best umbrellas among all the abundance is not so simple. So what should I look for when buying?

best umbrellas

A bit of history

Scientists do not have an exact answer to the question of when the first rain umbrella appeared and how it was invented. It is well known that the history of this accessory has at least 3000 years. The very first mention of it is associated with China. In Europe, an elegant accessory appeared only in the 18th century, while the United States set off to “conquer” even later.

What types of umbrellas are

Since its inception, manufacturing technology has been improved, umbrellas have been modernized, which made it possible to arrange the production of various models: canes that fold several times, children’s, adults, etc. The best umbrellas differ in folding mechanism, size, colors. They produce automatic and mechanical, "family" and small, bright and modest. To choose your own among such a variety is difficult, but quite real.

black umbrella

Folding mechanism

As already mentioned, the best umbrellas can have a different folding mechanism: automatic, double automatic and mechanics.

Full (double) machine

In this case, the opening and closing of the dome is carried out by pressing a button. The presence of this mechanism in those moments when the second hand is busy is especially pleasing - the button can also be pressed with one hand.

Caution! You must not try to close such an accessory manually; this may damage the mechanism.

Semiautomatic device

The umbrella is folding, but the automation only works towards the opening. Folding the dome must be done manually. This is a classic option, but today they are produced less and less, because they are less reliable, not always convenient, which leads to a decrease in their popularity.


This mechanism is currently used in the manufacture of classic canes or small models. Of course, completely manual opening / closing of the umbrella is not always convenient, but this type is very reliable, easy to use.

folding umbrella

It is difficult to advise which is better: automatic umbrella, semiautomatic device or mechanics. Depends on needs and preferences. For example, when going to the store, it is better to grab a machine so that you do not have to lower purchases to the ground until you close the umbrella.

Shape and size

One of the most significant characteristics is the size of the dome, since the functionality and convenience of the accessory depend on this indicator. Most manufacturers, including Three Elephants, produce umbrellas, which are divided into the following groups:

  • Mini Dome . These are the smallest umbrellas. When opened, the diameter of the dome does not exceed 85 cm. It is great for those who always carry this accessory with them. It fits in any bag or even pocket, since the length of the structure when folded is no more than 20 cm.
  • Small . Their diameter is 85-95 cm. Relatively mini - more functional. They can protect not only from drizzling rain, but also from more significant rainfall. Folded, they are compact, lightweight, easy to carry.
  • Classic Diameter - 96-102 cm. Such a dome can be both for female and male canes, for folding umbrellas.
  • Enlarged . 103-110 cm. The last two categories of umbrellas are the most popular among buyers. This is the most comfortable size, it can include an automatic umbrella, a mechanical cane and other types.
  • Big and huge . From 111 cm and more. Convenient for lovers, friends, sling-moms and all those who need reliable protection from the weather. Large umbrellas are often preferred by overweight people, since a smaller size does not always reliably cover them.

The shape of the dome can be completely different. Large umbrellas can be almost flat. But there are many with a deep dome. Mostly they are round, but sometimes you can find original shapes: square, triangles or dual umbrellas. Which one to choose depends on needs and likes.

large umbrellas

Fabric for dome

A folding umbrella, like a cane, is made of waterproof fabric. In this case, the dome should not fade, deteriorate in the sun and should be durable. Nowadays, several types of fabric are used in the manufacture of umbrellas:

  • Polyester is used most often. It does not fade in the sun, repels moisture and dirt. The unique dressing makes the fabric look like silk or satin, very often it shimmers in the light. Umbrellas made of polyester are durable and look very dignified. To improve performance, the fabric is sometimes coated with Teflon.
  • Nylon Almost no different from the previous fabric, only a little rougher to the touch.
  • Pongee . The best umbrellas today are covered with this fabric. It is a mixture of natural fiber and polyester. Its surface is rough. It is easiest to apply pictures and logos to this fabric.
  • Teflon has recently appeared in the manufacture of umbrellas. It is used only for exclusive models by world-famous manufacturers. This suggests that the price of such a little thing is also quite exclusive.

An umbrella made of any fabric can look elegant and modern.

Women's Umbrellas

The main characteristics of the female umbrella: convenience, compactness, low weight. For all that, he should approach clothes and shoes, reliably protect from rain.

This category includes cane umbrellas, folding, mini umbrellas. Most often, the colors of female models are very different: these are bright products with various patterns or original decor. Even if it is a black umbrella, it will be decorated with a flounce, lace, a bow or something like that.

The handles of female models also have differences: they are more elegant, thin, often decorated with pebbles, carvings, patterns or have an original shape.

Men's Umbrellas

First of all, the color is striking. These are often discreet colors: gray, blue, brown, raspberry, black. An umbrella can be in a modest strip or a classic cage, which will suit both a business suit and everyday outfit.

three elephants

Children's Umbrellas

All popular manufacturers, such as Three Elephants, produce a line of baby umbrellas. Often the choice is even greater than among adult products. Children's accessory should be reliable, high-quality, attractive.

Most often it is a cane with a mechanical folding system of various colors with patterns. It can be geometric shapes, flowers, animals, cartoon characters. There are transparent umbrellas for children.

The materials from which children’s products are made should be non-toxic, durable, lightweight. Accessories for girls are decorated with bows, flowers, lace, shuttlecocks, ruffles, laces. Umbrellas for boys are not so elegant, but have a very attractive, bright design.

umbrella machine


Like all other parts of this product, the frame can be different. The most practical is the umbrella cane with a steel frame. However, such an accessory is not very convenient when traveling in public transport. Folding umbrellas are more suitable here, but their reliability is lower. Most often, their skeleton is thin aluminum, breaking under strong winds. Experts recommend purchasing umbrellas with no more than two additions. They are still more reliable.

In addition, it is better to purchase more than one umbrella in order to be able to choose the necessary one depending on the situation. For example, for walks in the rain a large umbrella cane is suitable, while for shopping or work it is better to go with a light folding model.

Frameworks differ in the number of spokes. They can be from 8 to 16. Sometimes there are models with 24 knitting needles - they are made of fiberglass, characterized by high strength and low weight. A large number of knitting needles does not make the device heavier, allowing it to carry even strong gusts of wind. At the same time, the guides must also be flexible, the spokes must be coated with a special coating against corrosion. The groove, on which the knitting needles are attached, ensures the strength of the accessory, while it is responsible for the correct opening.

The fabric of the dome must be firmly fixed on the knitting needles in many places. The distance between the fasteners should be the same. The seams between the parts of the canvas should be durable, excluding transmission.

The dome is fixed on top with a well-fitting rivet.

rain umbrella

What to look for when buying

Choosing an umbrella in a store, it is necessary not only to choose the right color and size, but also to make sure the quality of the goods. To do this, you need to perform several simple exercises with it:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to open and close the umbrella several times, checking how well the mechanism works, whether it is convenient for the hand to perform these actions.
  2. After this, you should carefully examine the surface: an umbrella whose dome sags or puffs cannot be taken. It is good to inspect the places of attachment of the fabric to the needles, evaluating their reliability. On low-quality models, they are simply sewn, while the more expensive ones are equipped with caps made of plastic in the mountings.
  3. It is important to check the stability of the umbrella. To do this, you need to shake it - in a good model there will be no looseness that will lead to an early breakdown.
  4. High-quality umbrellas have a rounded apex; the rod must have a plastic retainer that fits snugly to prevent water from flowing under it. Among other things, this allows you to protect the design of the umbrella from rust.

When choosing, most girls are guided not only by quality, but also by fashion. This year, the trend is bright, stylish clothes with suitable accessories. Umbrellas with original floral prints are very popular. Double-sided models are gaining more and more popularity, with classic colors on top, but when opened, they please with a fun or romantic lining. Lace domes, canes with ruffles and bows are still fashionable. In addition, designers offer girls to use umbrellas not only for their usual purpose. You can use beautiful, stylish accessories for sun protection.


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