A little about what a noun is

What is a noun? If such a question was raised in a Russian lesson, and the student does not know the answer, then it is time to sit down for morphology. Morphology is that part of the science of language that studies the parts of speech and knows what a noun is. Rather, she knows everything about him.

What is a noun?

Morphology answers this question as follows: "A noun is all the names of objects!" Objects in grammar are called things and people, phenomena of nature, plants and animals, in general, everything that answers the question “who” or “what”. The question “what” is answered by inanimate objects, in grammar they are called inanimate nouns. The question “who” is asked about living things: people, animals, insects. They are animated nouns.

Nouns can be proper and common nouns. People, animals and birds have their own names, however, it is more correct to call them nicknames. There are proper names for planets, villages, cities and countries, rivers, seas and oceans. They have kindergartens, camps, books, magazines, films and performances. All of them are written with a capital letter, and the names of magazines, books, and films are also enclosed in quotation marks, apparently for importance.

For instance:

The name Lida really suits her.

The whole family watched the movie "Love and Pigeons" for the umpteenth time.

Actor Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin starred in a film about a heroic dog named Mukhtar.

Children are always enthusiastically watching the eclipse of the moon.

We traveled along the Volga on the large ship "Dawn".

All other nouns are called common nouns and are written with a lowercase letter.

Noun is

About some of them we say: "he." Or we can substitute the word "mine." These nouns are masculine. About others, we say: “she,” “mine.” They are female. What is a neuter noun? There are such names of objects that do not apply to either the female or male gender. About them we say: “it” or “mine”. They belong to the middle family.

For example, the nouns “uncle” and “man”, “child” and “boy”, “horse” and “bear”, “table” and “bowler” are masculine. The nouns “mother” and “grandmother”, “girl” and “neighbor”, “pan” and “lamp”, “dog” and “bear” are feminine. “Tree” and “wheel”, “sun” and “seaside”, “miracle” and “child”, “taxi” and “domino” - belong to the middle family.

But there are some among them whose gender depends on what gender they name at the moment.

For example: Our Julia is a big ignoramus! (J.R.). The teacher said that Dima is an ignoramus (m.r.). “Ignoramus” is a general noun; such nouns end in “a” or “I”.

For example: Yasha, Sonya, you overslept again! (m.). Marina is such a sleepyhead, she is often late for the first lesson! (J.R.).

Sometimes it is not easy to determine the gender, especially if the word is of foreign origin. For example, “jelly”, “relay”, “coat” are of the middle kind, while “coffee” and “penalty” are masculine. But “kohlrabi” and “avenue” are feminine. If you have difficulty in determining the genus, it is better to turn to the dictionary.

Generic Noun

In the scope of one article, one can only partially answer the question “what is a noun”.

This topic is for several articles, especially if you recall that they vary by gender, numbers and cases, are divided into declensions and are written according to the rules.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34975/

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