How to remove the ring

Rings are everyone’s favorite jewelry, without which it is already impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. They may not symbolize anything. However, wedding rings on the hands are more than common. They symbolize the fortress of marriage, the family union of two lovers. And all the more offensive, when it is not possible to remove such a ring (for any reason). Very often, the fingers increase in volume due to edema. Such a problem can overtake anyone. But most often, pregnant women and just people prone to such physiological reactions, especially in the summer, suffer from it. How to remove the ring in this case, you need to decide not just because it interferes with any work, for example, but also because of a threat to human health. It squeezes the finger and brings significant discomfort to the wearer.

If at least once in your life you have encountered such a situation, then you probably know that stubborn attempts to remove the ring from the finger can lead to even more swelling. If the jewelry hits the skin badly, inflammation can even occur and, of course, pain will appear.

The problem for all people who don’t know how to remove the ring is that they are starting to panic. Stop. You need to calm down, especially if in the usual way you were not able to solve the problem in a minute.

So, let's figure out how to remove the ring?

1. It often happens that a person has worn jewelry for years, without feeling any discomfort. But one day in the morning he discovers that he cannot take it off. And if at the same time your fingers look swollen, then maybe yesterday you went too far with salty foods? Do not immediately nervously try to remove the ring, wait a couple of hours, drink water, which removes salt from the body. Most likely, puffiness will subside somewhere in the middle of the day, and you will easily get rid of the jewelry.

2. Do not remove the ring with sharp jerks. So you can injure the skin. It must be twisted carefully and slowly, while gradually moving in the right direction.

3. If your fingers are swollen due to excessive heat, you can try the following method. It is necessary to arrange them so that they are above the level of the heart. After a while, the swelling will subside, and you can easily solve the problem.

4. If you do not know how to remove the ring, try lowering your finger in cold water, then raise your hand up and hold it in this position for up to ten minutes. As a result, the swelling will disappear, and the decoration will be easy to eliminate.

5. Try to look at home for substances that are useful as a lubricant. You can use liquid soap, shampoo, lotion, petroleum jelly, spray based on vegetable oils, soap foam, antibacterial ointment. No matter what you choose, grease your finger with this substance under the ring and around it. Now take a piece of cloth so that your fingers do not slide off the metal, and try turning the ring to remove it.

6. Use plain salt. It helps relieve swelling from the fingers if you add it to cool water. Lower your hand there and hold for five minutes. Now you can resume attempts.

7. Please note that you do not need to try to remove the ring, so to speak, until the last breath. If your finger turns blue and has severe swelling, do not need arbitrariness. You must call an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room. If you are panicky afraid of doctors, you can ask for the help of any jeweler. For a small amount, he will cut the ring on you without any problems. And do not worry about the decoration. It’s easy to fix it, but no one will sew a new finger on you. Therefore, you should always ask for help in a timely manner. But cutting or sawing a ring at home is simply stupid. You should not be shy to tell the specialist about your trouble.


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