Closed and open heat supply system: features, disadvantages and advantages

For indoor heating, a closed and open heat supply system is used. The latter option additionally provides the consumer with hot water. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the constant replenishment of the system.

A closed system uses water only as a coolant. It constantly circulates in a closed cycle, where losses are minimal.

closed and open heat supply system

Any system consists of three main parts:

  • heat source: boiler room, thermal power station, etc .;
  • heating networks through which the coolant is transported;
  • heat consumers: heaters, radiators.

Open System Features

The advantage of an open system is its efficiency. Due to the length of the pipelines, the quality of the water is deteriorating: it becomes cloudy, acquires color, has an unpleasant odor. Attempts to clean it make the application expensive.

Heating pipes can be seen in big cities. They have a large diameter and are wrapped in a heat insulator. From them bends are made to individual houses through a thermal substation. Hot water is supplied for use to heating radiators from a common source. Its temperature ranges from 50-75 Β° C.

The heat supply is connected to the network in dependent and independent ways that implement a closed and open heat supply system. The first is to supply water directly - using pumps and elevator units, where it is brought to the required temperature by mixing with cold water. An independent method is to supply hot water through a heat exchanger. It is more expensive, but the water quality is higher for the consumer.

Closed System Features

The heat main is made in the form of a separate closed loop. Water in it is heated through heat exchangers from the CHP line. Additional pumps are required here. The temperature regime is more stable, and water is better. It remains in the system and is not picked up by the consumer. Minimal water losses are restored by automatic make-up.

A closed autonomous system receives energy from the coolant entering heat points. There, the water is brought to the necessary parameters. For heating and hot water systems, different temperature conditions are supported.

The disadvantage of the system is the complexity of the water treatment process. Also expensive is the delivery of water to heat points located far from each other.

Heat pipe

Currently, domestic heating networks are in disrepair. Due to the large deterioration of communications, it is cheaper to replace pipes for heating mains with new ones than to do regular repairs.

Immediately update all the old communications in the country is impossible. During the construction or overhaul of houses, new pipes are installed in polyurethane foam insulation (PPU), several times reducing heat loss. Pipes for heating mains are made by special technology, filling the gap between the steel pipe and the shell located inside with foam.

pipes for heating

The temperature of the transported fluid can reach 140 Β° C.

Using PPU as thermal insulation allows you to save heat much better than traditional protective materials.

Heat supply of apartment buildings

Unlike a cottage or a cottage, the heat supply of an apartment building contains a complex layout of pipes and heaters. In addition, the system includes controls and security.

For residential premises, there are heating standards, which indicate critical temperature levels and permissible errors, depending on the season, weather and time of day. If we compare the closed and open heating systems, the former better supports the necessary parameters.

Communal heat supply must ensure the maintenance of the main parameters in accordance with GOST 30494-96.

community heating

The greatest heat loss occurs in the stairwells of residential buildings.

The heat supply is mostly carried out according to old technologies. In essence, heating and cooling systems should be combined into a common complex.

The disadvantages of centralized heating of residential buildings lead to the need to create individual systems. This is difficult to do due to problems at the legislative level.

Autonomous heating of a residential building

In buildings of the old type, the project provides for a centralized system. Individual schemes allow you to choose the types of heat supply systems in terms of reducing energy costs. Here there is the possibility of their mobile disconnection in the absence of need.

types of heat supply systems

Design of autonomous systems is carried out taking into account heating standards. Without this, it is impossible to put the house into operation. Following the norms guarantees the comfort for the residents of the house.

The source of water heating is usually a gas or electric boiler. You must select a method for flushing the system. In centralized systems, the hydrodynamic method is used. For autonomous, you can use a chemical. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the safety effects of reagents on radiators and pipes.

Legal basis of relations in the field of heat supply

Relations between energy companies and consumers are regulated by the Federal Law on Heat Supply No. 190, which entered into force on 2010.

  1. Chapter 1 sets out the basic concepts and general provisions that determine the scope of the legal foundations of economic relations in heat supply. It also includes the provision of hot water. The general principles of heat supply organization are approved, which consist in creating reliable, efficient and developing systems, which is very important for living in a difficult Russian climate.
  2. Chapters 2 and 3 reflect the vast area of ​​authority of local authorities that manage pricing in the field of heat supply, approve the rules for its organization, accounting for heat energy consumption and standards for its transmission losses. The fullness of power in these matters allows us to control the heat supply organizations related to monopolists.
  3. Chapter 4 reflects the relationship between the heat supplier and the consumer on the basis of the contract. All legal aspects of connection to heating networks are considered.
  4. Chapter 5 reflects the rules for preparing for the season of heating and repair of heating networks and sources. It describes what to do with non-payments under the contract and unauthorized connections to heating networks.
  5. Chapter 6 defines the conditions for the organization to become self-regulatory in the field of heat supply, and to organize the transfer of rights to own and use a heat supply facility.

Users of thermal energy must know the provisions of the Federal Law on Heat Supply in order to assert their legal rights.

federal law on heat supply

Drawing up a heat supply scheme

The heat supply scheme is a pre-project document that reflects legal relations, the conditions for the functioning and development of the heat supply system of the urban district, settlement. In relation to it, certain rules are included in federal law.

  1. Heat supply schemes for settlements are approved by executive authorities or local self-government, depending on the population.
  2. There must be a single heat supply organization for the respective territory.
  3. The scheme indicates energy sources with an indication of their main parameters (load, work schedules, etc.) and radius of action.
  4. Measures are indicated for the development of a heat supply system, the preservation of excess capacity, and the creation of conditions for its uninterrupted operation.

heat supply scheme

Heat supply facilities are located within the boundaries of the settlement in accordance with the approved scheme.

Purpose of the heat supply scheme

  • definition of a unified heat supply organization;
  • determination of the possibility of connecting to the heating networks of capital construction facilities;
  • inclusion of measures for the development of heat supply systems in the investment program for the organization of heat supply.

heat supply organization


If we compare the closed and open heating systems, the introduction of the first is currently promising. Hot water can improve the quality of the supplied water to the level of drinking.

Despite the fact that new technologies are resource-saving and reduce emissions, they require significant investment. At the same time, there are not enough qualified specialists due to the lack of special personnel training and a low level of wages.

Methods of implementation are at the expense of commercial and budget financing, competitions for investment projects and other events.


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